
Spear Emperor Regressor

After becoming the Spear Emperor and the Vice Leader of the Underground Association known as number 1. Leo Reinhardt who got betrayed by the King of the Serus Kingdom along with Zero the leader of the Underground Association. After being killed by the hands of Haydn and Aaron, he woke up and realize himself being small like a 10 years old, looking at the mirror with a shock face, he realize that he comeback 20 years before his death. Feeling regret of being use by the King and Zero, and now coming back time wanting revenge.

Kim_Syun · Action
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 A sudden scream coming to the room of Leo.

Leo's thought still can't process because of returning back time, but suddenly someone open the door.

Leo who shocked seeing his family, start crying while seeing his family and his sister.

[ Simon Reinhardt 39 year old ] father of Leo

[ Claudia Reindhart 37 years old ] mother of Leo

[Rose Reinhardt 16 years old ] Sister of Leo

Leo who got into a coma after almost dying at the hands of a trolls when his 8 years old. That's why seeing Leo wake up who got into a coma for atleast 2 years, they start crying, while Leo who cried seeing his family together. All of them cried

and have a big hug with his family.

Making Leo unconscious after having a big hug, because of all the sudden event.

Dying, returning back time, seeing his family.

Leo who doesn't know how he fell if it's regret, shock, happiness and sadness. Making him unconscious.

After a week, Leo who still don't know the reason that he come back time come to a conclusion that it's the Spear Of Lightning is the one that make him come back time.

"But who was the voice i heard?"

"Is it the Spear" 

I need to confirm it. Suddenly a knock on door at Leo's room

"Who is there?"

"It's me Leo" 

Hearing Rose voice, make Leo sad because he didn't even see his sister again after the incident that happen when his 15 years old at his previous life. 

"I well become stronger to protect my family and surpass my previous self" at Leo's thought

When the door open Leo see his sister beautiful face, making him almost cry again.

"Are your body ok now?"


"Don't worry the doctor said your body well come back to normal if you eat".

"ah yess, thankyou sister"

"Ahmmmm... Can i hug you?"

"whaaat? Ah... Yess"

Rose suddenly hug Leo with joyful smile. Rose and Leo has the same energy when his previous life. Who always playing around and the one that take them is none other than their father who love cute things and the same energy of Leo and Rose, and Claudia is always the one that scolded them. A joyful family but the disaster that happen when September 5 1688, when the birthday of Rose Reinardt at the middle of the night.

There was dragon attack who anniliated Phyrus Land. Killing almost all of the human. Simon Reinhradt who is a 6 star swordman and Claudia Reinhardt who is a 5 star mage can't even do anything of the attack of the dragon, killing both of them.

Leo Reinhardt woke up at morning, seeing himself full of bandage, he suddenly run outside the camp. Some guard stop him Leo asked 

"What happened here?"

The guard reply

"All of the human at Phyrus Land died last night, except for you"

Leo start crying nonstop

"But there are still no traces of Rose Reinhardt so there are no conformation if she died"

Leo shocked on what the guard said that's why he obtain hope and reason to live. So that was the start of the adventure of Leo Reinhardt and died without even seeing his sister. That's why right now Leo Reinhardt still filled with regret and wantig revenge on Haydn de Pierce and Aaron Ashford.

1 week later

Leo Reinhardt now can walk but still have a pale and weak body so he start training himself while still at his room.

2 week later

Leo Reinhardt can now walk normally while still training isolated in his room.

1 month later

Leo Reinhardt obtained a perfect body and now want to start his spear training. That's why he came out of the room and now can have a meal with his family.

"Huh?? Leo why are you here, go back to your room, wait you can walk now?. Mom!!, Leo can walk now!!"

Simon and Claudia rush downstairs seeing Leo walk again and hug him filled with joy.

"So you can walk now huh?"

"Now that you can walk normally whe can eat together and play outside now"

Leo is happy to, seeing his family with a smile.

Thankyouu.... Mom.. Dad and sister..