
Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

The Spear of Longinus most would say it’s the most powerful sacred gear in this universe . It holds the dying will of the Biblical God yet why am the guy stuck with it! And why am I in the land of oppai and OP Gods! *Sigh* Well then let’s see how this goes… (Any and all recognizable characters and settings belong to their original authors, and I am in no way, claiming them as my own.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

News Of A Spear Boy

( Cao Cao POV)

After walking through the portal back into the temple, I saw the throne atop the stairs and began to climb them slowly as the exhaustion from what just happened was catching up to me. Summoning an army from this place and creating and restructuring a dimension left me utterly drained.

And the fact that I was gaining my first Authority was taking its toll as my body demanded rest, and so my eyes began to dim. Before I even made it halfway up there, I began to tumble, and when I made it three-quarters of the way, I fell, but I felt two arms catch me before I hit the ground.

"Must you be so reckless, my disciple? Truly, I cannot leave you alone for more than a couple of minutes before you do something ridiculous." 

Her tone was sarcastic as her face lined with concern, and her posture showed as much tiredness as mine, so we carried each other to the throne before we passed out with her due to needing rest after being separated from this place and myself for obvious reasons. 

We both then collapsed on the throne, but as I closed my eyes, I heard an emotional and slow "Thank you."

Nodding my head, my eyes then closed, and I found myself lying on my back as a woman who looked no older than 13 staring at me with a mixture of confusion and surprise as we started at one another in silence. I said, "So how does this work you talk first or I talk first? The silence is kind of off-putting, you know?" 

Her eyebrow rose in a questioning manner as she said, "You are not of this world, yet you are still my descendant. How?" Her green eyes stared holes into my head as I simply sighed and lay back, which caused her to seem somewhat surprised.

"There are many questions that even I don't know the answer to, but introductions should come first, right? I am Cao Cao a traveler and apparent god slayer." Looking at her, I could see the deadpan at my introduction.

"Right a completely normal traveler that managed to kill a God of War riiiiight. And I am Pandora, wielder of the Circle Of Usurpation and mother to humanity. So feel free to call me mom." She says the last part with a smug smile on her face, to which I chuckle as she pouts.

Reaching for her pink hair, I say in response, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Mom." My blunt answer seemed to leave her surprised again, most likely due to my willingness to call her mom.

"You seem really easygoing to call me mother so easily. Is one of my children finally learning to respect their elders?" She says the last part with a faux gasp, to which I responded, "Well, my last parents tried to sell me to Devil's for money, so I believe that this is a very decent upgrade and elders? You don't look a day over 18."

This causes her to frown and smile in equal measure as she says, "Well, it's nice for one of my children to have a small amount of decorum and respect, but are you really willing to call me mom?" The lack of confidence makes me want to go to Campione and slap their shit, but that's for later as I simply smile and say, "Technically, you are my mother, so why would I not?"

The question makes her assume a thinker pose as she nods her head and accepts my infallible logic as the fact. She then says, "Well, while you may not be of the world I reside in, I shall grant you the same boons as my other children, and I hope they may serve you well. Although the fact that you won't remember this puts a damper on this."

Shaking my head, I say to her, "And what if I am the one that never forgets? And besides, what filial son would forget their mother?" 

My comment makes her chuckle as she says, "Well, if you do, I hope to see you again, but I must ask, why do you keep touching my hair?" As she said this, I stopped, to which she seemed disappointed.

"Well, your hair looked very fluffy, so I wanted to touch it. Is there a problem with that, Mother?" She seems to take my question too seriously as she begins to panic, to which I start laughing, feeling the weight of what I had just done lessen to an extent as I continue, "But in all seriousness, I hope we do meet again. This was nice."

Pandora then sighs as she mutters about all her children being bullies, to which she then turns her eyes to me and says, "Then may you take up the mantle of a Demon King and may the boons of Authority wash over the lawyer of gods. May you find peace and victory in the waking world in equal measure."

The fog we are in then begins to thicken as my eyes begin to dim once more, and she smiles at me, and I smile at her and return, and I fade away, leaving Pandora to stare at where I once lay with a smile on her face as she says "I hope you can find your happiness, my child."

And with that, my eyes reopen as I see two red eyes staring very intently at me.

(Third Person POV)

-DXD World-

For the past week, the world was in turmoil as storms and hurricanes continued to occur at a faster rate, leaving many towns flooded and homes destroyed. The sky seemed to be at war with itself as lightning flashed at a faster and more powerful flow.

After breaking through the storms, one can find Zeus, the King of Olympus, throwing lightning bolts that sheared mountains and forests with bloodshot eyes. His rage is so great that his form flickers between his mortal and immortal state as he feels the death of his son. 

His screams of rage fuel the winds of storms, and his lightning bombards the East Coast of the U.S. His wife was inconsolable as while Ares was a brat, he was her child with Zeus, the only evidence of his love and their marriage.


His screams show anger and grief as, in a cruel way, he loved his son as while he believed him irresponsible and a coward, he was loyal to Zeus and Olympus. And now his wife had not spoken in a week as the other gods were scouting the planet for the new god slayer but had found nothing. The lack of knowledge made his anger rise ever further, as this was an insult to Olympus and himself. What god could not protect their pantheon's members?!

Artemis had found nothing along with Apollo and Poseidon. As much as he hated relying on his brothers, this was another matter. His pride did not matter; the pride of Olympus was at stake.

Looking down at his home with Hera, Zeus saw his wife lying in bed with dried tears endlessly flowing as she threw everything she could get her hands on. In most cases, whoever harmed her son would have suffered the greatest of agony, yet she could not find him.

But in his rage, Zeus did not notice a certain god behind him, and as Zeus went to throw another bolt, his arm was grabbed, and he was forced to look behind him before he could even throw his bolt, the being crushed in his hands.

As Zeus saw the being, he grimaced as he said, "Indra… What are you doing here?" The god in question simply smirked as he reveled in Zeus's embarrassment and pain but then began to speak.

"Well Sparky, I heard what happened to your little murder hobo and decided out of the goodness of my heart to lend you some aid. Specifically dealing with a certain spear brat." The comment caught Zeus's attention as he lowered his bolts.

"What do you want, Indra? I know you have not come here out of the goodness of your black heart." Indra shamelessly seemed to fake injury as if he had been punched in the gut.

"You see, Sparky, this kid running around has now learned how to kill gods. But do you know what's worse? He defies fate entirely. His mere existence could throw the entirety of the world into the shitter, and I, for one, like having the world as it is, so I am here to offer you a deal." Zeus contemplates his response but nods, allowing Indra to continue.

"Where's this new organization forming called the Khaos Brigade? While they may seem like a bag of idiots, and most of them are, we could use them to our advantage and bring the spear user to his knees and once we have him on his you may do what you wish with him. All I ask is access to Tartarus to gather some things from there." It seemed too good to be true, yet Zeus looked to the Hindu deity and said.

"Give me a few days to formulate a response. I need to blow off some steam, but Indra, what do you desire from that pit?" But instead of answering, the god simply flared his power, nearly crushing Zeus under the weight of it.

"Do not presume to question me, sparky, as I am being nice here, but I am a merciful god, so I will forgive you and allow you three days to answer me regardless of your choice; I have my ways. Now have fun looking for that little brat." 

Indra then disappears in a flash of lightning as Zeus gets back up and glares in Indra's former place. He grips his lightning bolts so hard his hands bleed golden ichor.

Lightning courses through the chief god as he goes back to tossing lighting bolts to quell his shame as small flecks of water dot his face.

(Azazel POV)

He actually did it.

The little bastard killed a god.

I had not seen a God die since his own father fell on that day.

As I sat in his office with a spy sent to monitor the battle, all he saw was the army. Ares had disappeared along with him and the kid and then reappeared minutes later with Ares on the ground, and then the boy seemed to say something to Ares before stabbing him and the god of war turning into damn pixie dust!

I could feel the Underworld vibrate in rage and power as Hades felt the death of an Olympian because if it had been a normal death, he would have simply reappeared in the Underworld and would have had to regain his godhood, but Hades never received a soul, as the kid ate it somehow!

For now, though he reinforces the building using the wards I put in place with Shemazai and Penemue, and as the tremors stopped. I sat back down with some of his energy expended to maintain the barriers and wards. But unlike what most would expect, I want this kid badly.

The things I could learn from him would be nearly infinite, as if he's able to kill a god to do so many other things. My lust begins to grow as I imagine learning all of his secrets, but for now, they have to find him. I called Penemue and simply said, "Create a bounty. I want this kid in my office alive within a month!"

I then canceled the call and my meetings for the next week and rewatched the video over and over again to see if I could learn anything as the Underworld began to shake again.