
Spatial Peasant Girl: These Mad Darlings Are Delicate and Gullible

# SPATIAL # FOOD # FIGUREHEAD # AGRICULTURE The only daughter of General Dingguo was lost the year she was born, and everyone thought she had very bad luck. Who would have thought that more than ten years later, they would find her? The young master and ladies of various families in the capital gossiped a lot about it, saying this young lady from the General’s house must be stupid, poor, ugly, and unwanted. Hearing this, the new champion sneered, “They call her stupid?” The richest man in Jiangnan mocked, “They call her poor?” The jade-face divine doctor scoffed, “They call her ugly?”The Imperial Army’s commander was puzzled. “They say she’s unwanted?”These men captivated all women everywhere, but when they saw that mountain girl, they were all smitten and had eyes for no other. The blood-stained, cold, and aloof prince held his sword and gave a chilling smile. “Who will you choose, my fiancee?”

Sweet and Sour Bone · General
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480 Chs

Heroine General Xiao

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yun San threw the sword in his hand to strike at the enemy's neck without thinking. As blood spewed out, countless city guards waved their swords at him. He wanted to block, but without his weapon, he could only raise his arm to block.

When he saw the weapons fall, the only thought in his mind was: How good. He finally blocked their footsteps for His Highness.

At the critical moment, a dark red arrow with a red tassel on its tail flashed across the air and pierced through the neck of the injured person. The dangerous blade pierced into Yun San's flesh and was stuck half an inch away from Yun San's left arm. It was not fatal.

Han Qing realized that Rong Yan had stopped. He was staring at the man and horse quickly approaching on the street.