
Spatial Luck

A fairly standard "isekai", but with somewhat unusual opportunities to become stronger... how else, because now the hero is in the world of flying aliens who shoot red lasers from their eyes and existing gods with huge capabilities. How else to forget about the space cops... in general, it will be hard without strength in such a world. So it 's time to rely upon luck in Gacha and... is this a Spatial Chat? So needs to chat more. AU! That is, consider that these are parallel worlds to the original! What to expect: OP hero (not like God killer OP from 1 chapter but still strong), Fantasy, Harem, Incest, Multiverse Chat, Gacha Worlds: DC Comics. RWBY, Owari no Seraph, Shokugeki no Souma, DxD, HP. For now the cover of the book is not mine and does not belong to me! So if anything, write and I'll clean it up. My Pat_reon where more chapters: pat_reon.com/user?u=73007903 (delete "_" between Pat and reon)

LarchOut · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapter 30 - Family

"Yang's room is here." the little reaper stopped in front of the door and knocked quickly, immediately opening it. "Yang! Yang! Here we have come to help you with your hand!" the girl disappeared, leaving rose petals behind her and appeared near the bed of a sunny blonde with a lilac shade of eyes, who was clearly in prostration, looking through the window towards the forest. (Picture, if not there... well someone deleted it)

"Ruby..." the blonde's voice was emotionless and somehow empty. "I asked you not to disturb me…"

"I'm sorry ..." the younger sister smiled shyly. "This is Tony, remember I told you about him? How we fell off the ship and-and h-how he h-held me..." she began to stumble in these phrases and embarrassedly crumple her fingers.

"Hi, beautiful." I have already decided to say.

"Heh, beauty?" lilac eyes with a hint of self-pity looked at me. "Beautiful?" she asked again and pulled out from under the blanket her arm, which was cut off almost to the elbow.

"It doesn't make you ugly, but what does is the expression on the face of a surrendered person." I walked forward and stopped by the girl's bed. "I understand that to hear such a thing from a stranger... in general, okay. I'm here to help you." my gaze fell on her hand.

"In what way, oh, Mr. Smartass?" a wry smile appeared on her face.

"Yang..." her sister just frowned, which looked very cute.

"Ruby, why are you so sweet and nice, and your sister is so... so..." I grumbled just for form's sake, and the tops of Blake and Weiss were already visible at the door. Ruby's father may have been there, but he was somehow taken away.

"Yang, did you really decide to give up here?" The snow princess spoke, looking at her friend.

" Heh, 'Snow Angel'… What else can I do? But I'm glad that everything is fine with you... yes..." she said and her gaze fell on Blake whose ears were pressed to her head. "I don't blame you, we've already talked about this... I attacked myself head-on…"

"But he came for me. the cat-girl said softly. "So how exactly are you going to help?" Her intense cat-like gaze stared at me.

"Well... I'll just grow a new arm." I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the blonde's bed and before she had time to be indignant, I removed the blanket and touched her leg.

"Hey... oh, w-what..." out of her mouth, when her hand began to glow a little and recover before her eyes. In the room, all the girls were quiet and looked at what was happening with fascination

"I think I'm done.." I finished, still in silence. Yang herself, as if afraid of spoiling something, began to move the fingers of this hand, and then touch it with her other hand.

"Will you thank me for being so kind?" I grinned a little, opening my hands and ... the girl, without thinking twice, rushed at me with a squeal, then knocked me down and fell right on top of me, and then hugged and started talking:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh, well, when you're hugged by a stunningly beautiful blonde, it's a sin to complain." I said out loud.

"Yang!" the blonde was "attacked" by the reaper and also hugged. "The hand is as good as new!"

"Amazing... " Blake muttered, her eyes glittering suspiciously.

"Of course, I'm glad that dear Ruby decided to hug me, but we haven't known each other for such a long time ..." I decided to contribute to the play anyway. Then they left me alone... on the floor, and the four girls themselves started hugging and crying... well, only Ruby was crying... the others tried to hide it. However, Yang was the happiest of all and even kissed me on the cheek at the end.

"You deserved it." said the cheerful sunny blonde.

"I thought I deserved more," I confessed, running my palm over the place where she kissed me.

"You said yourself that we don't know each other very well yet. "She smiled slyly. "We need to show the old man a hand!"

"You have a good relationship. " I smiled a little when Young and Ruby, holding her hand, disappeared into the turn. " You can immediately see that they are sisters."

"Thank you, Tony, it's important for us... our whole team." The snow princess smiled.

"Huh." I came up and put my hand on the head of snowflake, who was stunned by such brazen actions, and ruffled her hair. "Smile more often, snowflake." I chuckled and walked past her.

I'm starting to notice that because of Stark's experience, I started behaving more... not like me usually, or like Anthony usually. No, Tony Stark himself and his experience did not directly affect me, but the way I remember and perceive it... maybe I could pick up some. It's like a child, hearing that his brother or someone else in the family often jokes, also begins to repeat after him, at least partially.

The house was more than restless. Yang showed her hand to her father with a bright smile, he opened his mouth and did not know what to say, although it was obvious that he was very happy.

Shinoa was talking about something with Blake, who jumped out after her sunny friend. Hermione helped Erina... the latter was standing at the stove with an important look and was looking at some vegetable with a strange look... or is it a fruit? However, it does not matter. Rias, on the other hand, has her face buried in a scroll and, judging by her face, is reading something interesting.

" Thanks, kid. " I heard the slightly hoarse voice of that unshaven... that is, Crowe. "It means a lot to us, to everyone."

"Come on, it wasn't difficult for me." I said, looking at their family brawl and it was... wonderful.

Not in the sense of the brawl itself, but sincerely joyful faces, shining eyes, subtle and, not really trying to hurt, jokes. How Taiyang hugs his daughters and how they blush and try to escape so as not to be embarrassed in front of friends and us. It reminds me of what the original Anthony and Lena were deprived of during growing up - family.

"... he's a very strong Hunter!" I heard Ruby's words when I stopped soaring in the clouds.

- "Yes? Lilac's eyes squinted at me as if assessing me. "To-o-ni!" Yang said with a smile, slightly arching her back, which undoubtedly put her ample breasts forward. "Don't you want to spar? I need to check my arm."

"Yang, I will be the best sparring partner!" her father spoke out.

"Old man, I want to go with Tony." she said, measuring the man with her eyes.

"But I…"

" Dad! She fights with you so often... why not?" Ruby said softly and it was the final blow to the man's heart. "And I want to too! I saw how cool he moves!"

"The administrator-kun you are in demand." Shinoa remarked, and after that phrase, Taiyang gave me a "scary" look.

"I also don't mind beating... sparring with such an impudent... ahem, a nice young man" he coughed into his hand and looked at me so aggressively.

"And no one is interested in my opinion?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you want to?" Ruby was upset, and upset Ruby is... it's something too powerful.

"I didn't say I didn't want to... Ruby is a crime to be so adorable." I gasped, giving up.

"A-d-orable... wai-i". the girl quickly ran around the corner so that I could not see her.

"Not bad, but to get to my little sister, you need to go through me, Mr. Ladies' man." she said with fire in her eyes... literally. Her eyes flashed red for a moment with fiery sparks around the edges.

"Yang! D-don't say such things!" a young hunter appeared next to her with tears in her eyes.

"Which ones? Did my little sister like the boy?" She asked playfully.

Ruby shouted.

"What, seriously?" the older one was obviously surprised and looked at me with a kind of fighting look, and then at my team. "Who else wants to fight... sparring"

"I actually almost beat the one who wiped the floor with you." Shinoa pointed at her hand and Yang's eyes widened slightly, and the girl involuntarily swallowed.

"Yang, you just returned... ahem, back to normal, and you immediately want to go swing your fists? It's irresponsible and stupid. And you're even more irresponsible to let her do that." now the snow angel's gaze fell on their father.

"Don't worry, Princess, I feel that everything is fine." said this... sunny little dragon, so you can translate her name.

"I don't think it's a good idea either." Blake decided to speak out.

"And you're there too?!" she pointed an accusatory finger at her friend.

"I'm just saying that it might be better for you to rest... in case of side effects." Neko added.

"There will be no side effects. Magic." I decided to clarify what earned skeptical views.

"Magic? Really?! Show me!" Ruby immediately appeared next to me.

"Oh, clumsy ..." the snow princess put her palm to her face.

While I was demonstrating some "tricks", Erina tried various unfamiliar ingredients, which, by the way, are not that huge. She had already rejected Taiyang from the kitchen, who wanted to cook a meal, and it was done so professionally that the man really got sad and left there. However, when it came to sparring, he cheered up and looked at me with a look promising pain for the "attempt" on his daughters.

"Do you need anything from your world? Ingredients?" I asked our best cook in the group.

"Hmm, I need pasta Di Argosta and freshwater shrimp." after a little thought, she told me in a tone that does not tolerate objections, and the atmosphere around her changed dramatically.

Now we are not just a girl of fifteen years old, but one of the best chefs in the world, the one on whom the fate of so many chefs who want to get out of the gray mass depends.

"Wait a minute ..." I flew into the Store and looked for these products in her world, they were inexpensive, only one point each, so I immediately took them.

"Here." I put things in front of her. The girl took them and examined them closely, especially the shrimp.

"Excellent quality." she nodded her head. "Hermione, look if you want to learn how to cook."

"Understood." the brown-haired woman nodded confidently ... with a notebook in her hands. Erina had already put on an apron and started cooking, which Qrow was looking at ... and from the movements of the girl, his mouth slightly opened.

"Tony, let's go!" Ruby shouted, hinting that we should go fight them... ehh. Going out into the backyard of a rather big house, where Yang was already impatient to test her hand in business.

"Are you ready? However, try not to fall with one blow". that's all the sunny blonde said and tore at me. And... I just took her hit on the block.

"I actually sent that Grimm Wyvern down with one blow... do you think I'll even feel your blows?" with a slightly insolent smile, he said.

"We'll see now". the girl smiled wider and wanted to jerk at me head-on, but I quickly went to her and dodged a direct blow to the face, which she managed to inflict, gently grabbed the girl by the waist and turned away from her so that she could not hit me with her elbow.

"Don't you think that... oh, apparently not yet." she tried to kick me in a very sensitive place, so I pushed her away from me.

Yang did not lose her head and quickly turned over in the air and landed on her feet looking at me with reddened eyes. The girl again tore at me head-on, without any prior plan.

"Your anger is your main tool, but it is he who leads you to fall." I said without any problems dodging her punches, and after grabbing her hand, I made her a cut because of which she began to fall, but I did not let this happen and pulled her by the hand towards me.

"If we were really enemies you would lose something again." I said seriously, looking into her eyes.

"Yang, he's right." Her father added in the same tone of voice. "Your Semblance gets energy from anger, but it also blinds you."

" Hr." the girl moved away a little and hit a nearby tree, thus releasing "steam". She looked at the newly grown arm and sighed heavily. "Yes, I know... I already understood."

"Okay, then it's my turn to show how it should be." Taiyang said, and three times faster than what Yang was capable of, he attacked me.

This is the first time where I can fight with someone with such an excellent fighting technique because all his blows are delivered and experience is felt.

I also started responding and blocking his punches... also without any problems. But it's not Taiyang's fault, but rather my physique. In general, after a couple of seconds of such a fight, the man went flying.

"Wow, you showed this old man well." Yang said with obvious satisfaction.

"It's our turn." Shinoa said and walked a little further away from the group of people... along with Blake.

"What are you doing?" the dragon looked at them.

"I saw her fight Adam... I need that experience." that's all Neko said, getting ready for battle.

When they started fighting, a disgruntled Taiyang came out of the forest, but Ruby took care of him, that is, she hugged and dragged him in the other direction.

After about forty minutes, the "fights" ended and even Yang fought with Shinoa, and this time she tried not to rush head-on. As soon as we opened the door to the house as…

'Gulp'. everyone swallowed.

"It's... it's a wonderful smell... mmm... to eat." Yang said, blinking slightly.

"Apparently, Erina has prepared something to eat." I squeezed inside... and there was Qrow already sitting on a chair, and he was constantly watching Erina's magic.

Blake almost immediately came running here, as soon as she felt the aroma of food... and shrimp.

"Your friend cooks divinely." Yang said, looking at me.

"And don't tell me... we haven't even tried yet ..." Ruby blushed a little. " Ready?" She asked Erina. "Is it ready?!"

"Hm." the girl measured her with a look of complete superiority and ... abruptly opened the lid and an even more pleasant aroma rushed out.

"Everyone at the table, finally a normal meal, otherwise I'm hungry." she said.

There wasn't enough room for everyone at the table, so I just used Alchemy and made this table a little bigger. If they paid attention to this, they did not attach much importance to it.

Rias, too, was sitting nearby and was trying hard to restrain her impulses to "attack" the food. As soon as Erina laid out the dishes, Ruby couldn't resist and tried…

" Mmm." she moaned, which instantly made all the ladies present blush.

"Ah-m-m." Rias moaned even harder.

"Ohh." Yang stretched out and a fire broke out around her, which slightly singed her clothes, but she didn't even pay attention to it.

"Mrr." Blake arched her back after tasting the dish and barely restrained a groan, although she blushed ... very erotic.

... Weiss could resist, but she was also very red.

"Ravioli Di Argosta." Erina said confidently and also sat down at the table.

"You're a goddess," Yang said, as soon as she moved a little away from the taste explosion. Qrow and Taiyang... well, they liked it too... to put it mildly.