

"Oxygen running low. Switch to low energy mode?" A HUD menu popped up.

"No. I don't need to live past this life."

"Very well, continuing operations. Be weary of your oxygen; you have three hours remaining." The

HUD powered off, as to stave off any unnecessary energy consumption.

Hmmm, it seems like I don't have much longer in this life. Hopefully my armor will come in handy for anyone that finds my body. Too bad I don't have my wallet on me!

Ah, a beautiful landscape of planets enraptured my vision; I can't help but let out admiration. These stellar scenes left me breathless. Unfortunately, that meant less air but that didn't matter. Heck, I didn't matter; for Pete's sake I was abandoned!

Might as well get some shut-eye while I'm here. All part of my big vacation! To enjoy myself to the fullest! I can only hope for an eventful tomorrow!

The day is the 24th of July, and the time is 07:00

We have just reached the foothold of the mountain opposite the side where we came from. From here I can spot a village that stood between the Orbital drop ship and me. Yoshio said if we got close to it; he would scout for any vehicles that could carry us faster. Of course, there would be reimbursements for their vehicle. But that was if we needed to get close to the village, for now the path that Joshua-Marks drew up led us directly to the Orbital drop ship. And in that path the village was not relatively close to the path Joshua-Marks drew up.

The reason for this was that if we could spot a flimsy village from where the relay was the Covenant could as well.

Of course, that map was edited by Falk and then further edited by Yoshio; but the map fit perfectly into the ideal course.

We could arrive at the Orbital drop ship in no less than three to three and a half hours if we continued pace

"Have you ever wondered if Spartans need to take shits?" Hemmings said, speaking as if I weren't there; although I indeed acted like I didn't hear this.

"I dunno, why do you care?" Andrew-Marks replied with a smirk.

"Its just that Spartans can't really take off their armor and hit a deuce like we can, so where does it go?" Hemmings was really prying into this conversation.

Jeez did my shits really contain the secrets of the universe?

Yoshio did have an inquiring look about him, although I couldn't see his face; he was wearing a helmet like we all were, but I could guess that he too wondered where my feces went.

Falk looked down in disappointment.

Joshua-Marks just looked awkward.

We continued this silent pace for another hour before we found an easy ride, literally.

As we were waiting for Yoshio to come back after scouting out an area; he came back to inform us that there was a vehicle near the village. It was a four-wheeler, two seats in the front, and it would be able to hold the rest of us on the back. But from what we heard from Yoshio, getting the car was not an easy task. Stealing it from villagers would have been easy; the villagers were dead however, and all that occupied the village were Covenant.

I decided against this operation there was too much at stake just for convenience.

Yoshio and Andrew-Marks tried to argue with me; but Falk spared me of any talking.

"You heard the Chief, if you die; you won't be buried where you want to be."

Finally! Someone is talking sense. Though, no one really talks at all.

Andrew-Marks shrugged it off and continued pace. But I could feel that Yoshio hadn't forgot about the car, he was simply waiting for the moment to slip by us and obtain it.

This I could feel as much. But what I didn't expect, was Joshua-Marks to be the one to go on this odyssey alone; because while we were waiting for Falk to return from scouting, Joshua-Marks had given us the slip.

The village was about half an hour away from where we were currently.

A conundrum had presented itself, do we wait? Or do we chase after Joshua-Marks

Of course, Andrew-Marks had plenty to say about this matter.

"We have to go now. We can still catch up to him. I know my brother; he was the slowest at bootcamp we can catch up if we go now."

I wanted to interject, but before I could reject this proposal Hemmings butted in.

"Absolutely not. If we follow him now and there is an ambush lying in wait for us. We all die, then what? Its game over!" Hemmings was getting frustrated with Andrew-Marks

Falk interrupted the two and gave an idea of waiting half an hour, before deciding to chase him or continue forward and believe the worst had come upon Joshua-Marks.

Yoshio had nothing to speak about, he only nodded his head.

Goddamn it.

Fucking green horn.


I must acquire this vehicle; my brother will admire me then!

The spartan as well!

I tried convincing Kurokawa as well, but he seemed uninterested in it and I absolutely could not ask Alric for help. There was no reason to worry however since boot camp was a breeze walk for me!

Currently I have 3 magazines for my BR; this was about 108 rounds, I could kill plenty with this amount. That wasn't all as well! I had 2 plasma grenades and a back-up pistol.

The journey to the village from my trajectory would take about 15 minutes; getting back from the village with the car would take 5 minutes -top speed.

The others would notice that I was gone, and they would wait. I know it.

When I come back with the vehicle, they're going to be so surprised, I can't wait to see their faces!

Just wait until I get back. Then I'll show them!

The Village approached fast; I saw it, my trophy and the Covenant.

There weren't many; in fact, it might have been only one squad!

There was only 1 Elite, 2 Jackals and 2 Grunts.

I would do best to focus on the Elite first, but he was superseded by the 2 Jackals guarding him. Sneak would be a vital friend and a lovely asset this time around. One of the Grunts was close to me; close enough for me to get my arms around it and bleed it. So, I did just that; grabbing the Grunt and puncturing it in it's jugular, allowing its body to squirm in my arms as it succeeded death.

And there was the other Grunt that I had to deal with. I tried sneaking up on it, but it spotted me!

The sound of a shot from its plasma pistol rang in the air, and charred skin flavored the air.

I tackled and stabbed it in the same place as the last Grunt. But this was no time to dawdle, I needed to hide immediately!

"Gaah…" I softly moaned as red blood from my fresh wound on my abdomen. The armor took the brunt of the blast, but it still reached my skin, and it hurt like hell.

I ran behind a wall closest to me and prayed that they would not find me.

The Elite found the bodies and shouted something in their alien tongue, and the Jackals nodded and separated.

It seemed that they split up to become easy pickings for me.

The shot I took to the abdomen was nothing serious, just a little burn; but it inhibited my speed. I would have to waddle around to devalue the pain.

The 2 Jackals stuck together, and they separated from the Elite; this was my que to sneak towards the Elite.

I took every precaution before reaching the Elite. Sneakily killing the Elite did not matter. Once I got in the Vehicle the Jackals could not follow me then. And although the Vehicle did not have doors or an inclosed cabin like most cars back at home; this type of car was fast, they were more like

Warthogs in the UNSC for comparison.

Now's to hoping that the keys would be in the car; since I did see a body in the car beforehand.

Hopefully that's the owner.

The Elite had its back to me, but I could smell something fishy about this. The Elite knew there was intruders sneaking around. However, I went with it and proceeded to attempt backstabbing the Elite.

My knife went into its back however the Elite wasn't dead, more so it was pissed. It ignited its energy sword.

It turned around and stabbed me in the chest throwing me on the ground, but I filled its face and back with lead when it did so, still not killing it. The Elite pulled out the energy sword within my chest and went in for another swing before I invited some lead to its face and kicked it back.

I crawled backwards with my face towards the Elite that stalked towards me.

In my time of need my Br jammed. But I had a backup.

The Elite cocked its arm back to run me through, and my pistol joyfully welcomed the Elite's face with its bullets; killing it.

I stood up and spewed up some blood that got caught on my visor. I took off my helmet. I carried it and myself towards the car. I moved the body out of the car before finding the keys in the ignition. I jerked the keys and the car started. I laid my helmet down in the passenger seat and rode off towards where I left off.


The likelihood that my brother would return was dim, but I held high with hopes. My brother held high in many other worse scenarios; he was the one who beat up the bullies back when we were in school together, since then I strived to become strong enough to protect myself and him, especially after dad died. After our father died, he hasn't been the same since.

Our dad was hard on us; especially Josh since he was the eldest and made more mistakes, but past that was a parental love that connected us three to the grave.

I sometimes miss his jokes and dimpled similes.

But now all I see is a helmet and armor he uses to protect himself from the truth. For now, I can only wait for him to return on riding a vehicle.

By this time the spartan man is already preparing to leave, Frankie is distracting him to stall for more time. Thank you, Frankie. I can tell as well that Aldric is worried as he is pacing back and forth. Yoshio; is a guy I can't understand, and I won't try to understand him, but it seemed that he had something else on his mind.

The sound of an engine roar was bliss to my soul.

Seeing my brother's face was a joyful pleasure.

However, the blood on my brother's face was frightening, his face seemed so dirty.

When he reached here, we saw a plasma burn and a stab wound from an energy sword. We held Josh down and applied first aid to him, he grunted and roared in pain. Josh lost a bit of blood and had one of his lungs punctured, I held him up on my arm and we talked.

"Why did you do it?"

"To make you happy, so that you wouldn't see me as a burden." Josh said slightly staggering.

"You didn't have to do it to make me proud. I'm already proud of you." I said not looking at Josh.

He stayed silent.

We walked towards the Vehicle.

Josh finally said, "Since dad died; I felt it to be my life's diction to become something I'm not for you; A hero."

I laughed

"You silly sack of air; you already are my hero!"

He laughed too.

The spartan started the car and told us to get ready.

For now we were going to go to the Orbital ship.

Sorry for all the random posts, i post infrequently since i have school and what not along with no actual schedule. Thank you for sticking around. Stay tuned for more!

Diivine_soupcreators' thoughts