
Spark with Professor and Mafia (Romance)

Loveta school professor is obsessed with her he always gives her special extra classes after school but this extra classes is only for her. But wait now who is this person who blocks her way and kiss her forcefully. No she can't be with two person she will definitely say no to them tomorrow but will they agree. 1 daily chapter.-- ----------------- 100 Powerstones = 1 bonus chapter, 200 Powerstones = 2 bonus chapters, 300 Powerstones = 3 bonus chapters, 400 Powerstones = 4 bonus chapters, 500 Powerstones = 5 bonus chapters, =============================

KissKriya · Fantasy
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23 Chs

On My Lap Princess II

Loveta's eyes again widened because of shock she really couldn't believe her ears. What did Professor say just now, he told me to lay on his lap and on my stomach. She looks at Professor with wide eyes exactly like a panda. then again something clicked in her mind Professor Alexander had been calling her Princess from the moment she came into this room about what was going on. She was in a mess now.

"Professor Alexander you are not serious right?" She wants to confirm again may she heard it wrong.

"You heard it right princess, now get in your position to receive your punishment don't worry I know it is your first time so I will only slap your butt five times and I will also control my strength so now get in your position fast."

"Professor Alexander I am not going to lie on your lap and why are you calling me Princess from the moment I came," Loveta questions Alexander with a fierce expression which was not dangerous in Alexander's eyes at all. In his eyes, she was like a sheep who was trying to protect herself from a wolf with zero confidence.

"If you are not going to lie on my lap then are you going to bend on the table to receive your punishment," Alexander asks her again but with an angry expression and in a more serious tone.

Loveta is finding very helpless herself this time and doesn't know how to protect herself. She starts crying and was ready to lie on Professor Alexander's lap. When she was pulled into a warm embrace.

When Alexander saw her crying he also felt distress and pulled her on his lap. "Okay okay don't cry I am not going to punish you my princess now don't cry."

He was now busy comforting the little girl who was crying in his embrace like a child, but Loveta this apprentice is very seductive in others' eyes which is really him to bully her more. But he knows it's enough for today.

"Okay, it's okay I was only joking with you now don't cry princess you will look bad with shallow eyes now don't cry be a good girl" No matter how he consoles her Loveta is still crying.

He goes near to Loveta's ears and whispers "Princess if you don't stop crying I will kiss you right now and on your lips."

Hearing his warning Loveta thought that he would really kiss her if she didn't stop crying. She tries to stop crying but she can't stop her hiccups. Alexander takes a glass of water to her mouth "Here princess now drink this I will hold it for you" Only then she did realize that she was so busy crying that she didn't notice that she is sitting on Professor Alexander's lap. She tries to stand up but a firm grip again pulls her back to his lap.

"Princess drink the water after that I will help you with the question," Alexander said to Loveta while placing the glass of water in front of her face again but he didn't lose his grip on her waist.

"Professor this is not right and why are you calling me Princess again and again" She really wanted to know the answer to why is professor calling her Princess.

"Because you are my princess baby, now like I good girl drink the water then I will help you with this question after that I will drop you at your house.