
Spark of the Enlightened

Thrust upon humanity, the Trials of Survival have arrived. A new era has descended upon human society, those capable of adapting will be given the right to live. Those who stay stagnant will be culled. Will Kai be able face these trials and live? Chapters released on Fridays

UncreativeSpoon · Action
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29 Chs

Ascent [ 3 ]

Would they be able to handle it if this was a high risk no reward situation? No, they wouldn't. They would not accept risking their lives for nothing in return.

Furthermore in the worst case scenario, how would they handle one of them dying? Can they overcome that trauma? Will they be able to move forward with their lives?

This was a heavy topic for teenagers to think about let alone having to decide right now.

Was Sia or Jack willing to join the Ascension Trial on the behest of their friend and place their lives in Kai's hands? Were they willing to risk everything just to see what kind of miracle Kai would create this time?

The answer was of course, NO! It was insanity to bet on just that. You would have to be crazy.

As such Sia looked at Kai and spoke up, "Okay, I'll trust you."


She was crazy.

What was going on? Had she actually gone out of her mind? Sia couldn't understand why she had agreed to Kai's plan. 

Why did she say that? Why? Just why?

Her mind was racing to find the answer. Yet all she could think about was Kai's face. That genuine earnesty and confidence, she couldn't say no to that face. She felt she could trust him, and rely on him.

That intense unwavering stare, the warmth of his hand, it was a deadly combo. Her face was heating up, her blood was pumping, all she could hear was her heart beat as it raced. Everything else seemed so muted, nothing else mattered except for her answer.

So on impulse she had agreed, disregarding the decision she had made after weighing the risks. Sia knew that her life was on the line, but she wanted to believe. Believe in Kai creating a miracle.

She clung onto that hope. Still she did not know where this desire had come from. It would only be later that she realized that this was the moment she started falling in love with Kai.

Although they had begun dating for a month, their budding romance could not be called love. It was true they had a degree of mutual attraction and shared interests, but their level of affection was still relatively low.

Well at least that was how she felt prior to this. Her shallow feelings were deepening. Thankfully her inner turmoil had not surfaced on her face.

Kai felt relieved hearing that from the girl he had fallen for. He had been sure that they would reject his plan, especially the overly logical Sia. Unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend had completely thrown away her logic. His confidence began to rise as well as his sense of urgency. Now Kai had all the more reason to succeed. He had to use all his knowledge to keep her safe.

Then he turned to face Jack for his decision.

Unlike Sia, Jack was a bit more hesitant. He was not willing to put his neck out on the line just because his friend had a gut feeling about something. This was his life they were talking about.

With a future to look forward to, the young man didn't want to make light of this decision, otherwise everything that he had worked hard for might end up slipping through his fingers.

But now that Sia had actually agreed to Kai's impulsive plan, he had to reevaluate his prior decision. She was one of the most intelligent and rational people that he knew, placing among the top of her class.

Not only that, she was an elite athlete that could take the pressure, the stress of competition. He had seen her shake off her nerves and put on a calm demeanor that led her team to success countless times over the years.

Jack knew that once she regained her cool, her decision making would be unrivaled. He knew he could not compare to her in that aspect, however this was still his decision to make.

Still he wasn't left with many options. In fact, as of this moment he only really had 2 to choose from. Should he risk staying in the city and be left defenseless against a horde of desperation?

'Hell, if I stay I might also become part of it.'

Thinking about it, he felt as though that option would essentially leave him helpless against the whims of the people in power. The people who will control the supply of food and water.

Even still, that would be safer than diving head first into the unknown. These trials held great untold dangers within them. It was beyond reckless to do as Kai had said. It was simply idiotic to hope that it wasn't dangerous.

But for some reason, Jack was compelled to join. Something within him was telling him that he must. The words "Your survival is in your own hands," kept repeating in his mind, resounding over and over again.

'My own hands, my own hands, my, my, my…. Am I gonna live under someone's control?'

Jack lowered his gaze to stare at his hands, studying them. What could they do? What were they…what could he be capable of?


After a moment of contemplation, he gripped his hands into fists. A determined light shone in his eyes.

'I'm not a mindless idiot willing to be taken advantage of, I will survive, I will live using my own hands and die on my own terms.'

He lifted his gaze once more and looked at Kai and Sia. Once their eyes met Kai knew.

'If joining the trials means I die, then I die.'

His mind was made up. Whether or not the trials would put him in grave dangers, Jack was willing to face it. If he died, then so be it.

"I'll join you too."

Kai's face lit up as he heard those words. He had actually convinced the two of them to agree to his, admittedly, insane plan. As such he could not contain his elation as his confidence soared.

Chapters will be released on Fridays 12:00 AM EST.

- Parts will be 1000 words

- Parts will be MASS released

Sharing my Novel will motivate me to keep releasing

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