
Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

When I died I didn't expect to wake up with dark beings of immeasurable power looming over me. I didn't expect to be given new life in a brand new world. Now, armed with a powerful system that makes me stronger after every fight, I might be the last thing standing between the multiverse and absolute annihilation. As I complete quests, defeat foes and become stronger, I still don't know if I'll be able to save this world, my old world and all the worlds in between. "And below... the MAW beckoned..." Come check out the discord to speak to the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/BEJgcRVVev

MattHarris · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
176 Chs


The cockpit of the ship was still filling up with acrid black smoke, and to make matters worse we couldn't see out of the front because of all of the dirt that had suddenly been scraped up onto the viewscreens. 

"We need… To get out of here," I said, making a move to get up from the seat that Yr'Arl had levitated me into. 

But as I put my hand down onto the armrest to give myself some leverage I ended up crushing it right underneath my palm. It crumpled up like a can of soda underneath a heavy boot, completely flattened. 

Submersing myself in my own manna stream seemed to have made my struggles with power control even worse. 

<What did you expect was going to happen, idiot,> BB snapped, his voice was weak and wobbly. Honestly, he sounded like he had some kind of a hangover.