
Spacecraft 45

[Adult Content - Please Choose Your Reading Wisely] In the future, the population surge will reach its limit. The competition for life destroys the Earth itself. One by one the elites left Mother Earth, they were looking for life on other planets. And those who are unlucky, are forced to live lives no better than street dogs. Aldi is one of them. However, with all his efforts, Aldi tries to survive, even hijacking the spaceship of one of the rulers. Of course, he did that with the help of others. Thus, begins Aldi's adventures on Earth and also in outer space.

Ando_Ajo · Sci-fi
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247 Chs

New Life New Job

Captain Dharma and his men finally reached the rear of the big station. Two large vehicles were waiting for them.

The vehicles were prismatic, the bottom wider than the top. The two sides have the same slanted shape and height. The vehicle looks like a large block of glass ten meters long, without wheels.

"In a year and a half," said Captain Dharma as if to himself. "They were able to build all of this? Wow!"

"No," said Ryan who was standing to the left, behind the captain. "If they had known the state of the planet for a long time, they would have probably started building all of this from the beginning."

Captain Dharma nodded. "Yeah, that makes more sense."

"Hey, why do I feel my footsteps are so, so heavy?" said Ujang, the man looked breathless as if he had just finished running a marathon. "Even to breathe feels a bit heavy."

"That's only natural," said Guntur. "The planet's gravity is at G3, stronger than Earth's gravity."