
Containment Cell 411B Level 57

I awoke with a start my last memory running to the escape pod on my old light freighter as the pirates bombarded my ship. I quickly realized that I was somewhere else my cell was maybe 4m by 4m and octagonal where each corner would be on a square were dim lights a shade of magenta (purple for those like me) and every side but one was the same each had a large clear and thick window installed the other had a split door made from glass and edged in metal. My pod was secure the floor and roof were a thick fine mesh and as far as I could tell there were no openings for me to try to exploit to escape.

As I became more aware of my surroundings I realized that outside of my pod I could see flashing emergency lights and not a single living thing. As I looked outside of my pod I started realizing I was trapped in a lab an operating table not 3m from the outside of my pod this led to me freaking out and trying to see or feel every inch of me. I couldn't find a single solitary mark on me that could indicate a surgery or implant yet I still had a headache so severe that it was hard to think but for the most part I was perfectly fine heck I felt like I was in the best shape of my life granted I was stuck in a pod inside some kind of lab and there was some kind of alarm going off but otherwise it was good right.

Oh how wrong I was maybe 25 minutes after waking up something started violently pounding on a door in the lab somewhere and it was loud even through my pod I could hear it and feel the vibrations of whatever it was assault. I huddled in the bottom of my pod staying as motionless as I could and silently prayed that it wouldn't see me in a fit of inspiration I lept up and smashed all of the lights in my pod. I was just in time as right after I'd finished with the lights and resumed my position on the floor it broke into the lab. the hulking creature might have once been human maybe it was easily 2m tall and almost as wide.

The creature looked like a linebackers worst nightmare with bulging muscles the likes of which even the most roided out pro weight lifters couldn't compare this thing was enormous and utterly terrifying its hands were bigger than serving platters each finger big as summer sausage. This creature might have once been human but now they only way I could tell it had eyes were the tiny black pits all over its head it had no recognizable ears or anything else but it did have a shark toothed mouth that looked like it could have chewed through the door on its own.

I was absolutely terrified by whatever this creature was and it got worse the creature walked right up to my pod and punched it. I could feel the glass spiderweb from that titanic impact and then another and another the glass reluctantly giving ground to the creature meanwhile I lay utterly frozen not even twitching once while this creature beat on the pod. My fear was so strong that I didn't dare move but then my body betrayed me and out came the single nastiest farther I'd ever had in my life it was utterly toxic I swear the air turned green and as suddenly as the creature started it stopped the glass had shattered through but the creature still couldn't fit its hands inside and then suddenly I heard sniffing and the the creature started gaging and fled the room meanwhile my eyes were watering and burning and I was barely breathing.

At some point I had passed out but I woke quickly and realized that I might be able to escape the pod now and there likely wouldn't be a second chance so in spite of the sharp jagged glass I attempted to crawl my way out of the pod and I took so many cut but I knew if I stopped that would be it so I crawled for all I was worth and finally body bleeding from hundreds of cuts I escaped the pod. After escaping the pod I took a moment to a moment to gather my thoughts my head still hurt almost enough to drown out the pain in my body but I had to keep going and so I quickly looked around the lab looking for anything I might use.

My efforts were rewarded I found a couple packages of med gell and quickly put them on smearing as much of my injuries as I could with the stuff honestly the stuff was fantastic but cost enough that a single crate would buy a small starship. After dealing with the majority of my injuries I found a set of surgical scrubs and a few boxes of gloves and a few interesting injectors one known as regenerator it was something rumored to exist but supposedly it could regenerate a limb or grow new teeth and make the user 5 years younger with each shot but I'd only heard rumors about the stuff and the only listing I'd ever seen for it was for a single crate of 5 for the cost of a midline starship wherever I was they had some truly expensive toys. Knowing kind of what regenerator could accomplish I decided to save it for now I'd probably need it if I had another run in with the hulk creature. After checking out the entire lab I was in I collected my finds into single pile and the list was 2 Regenerator injectors 1 remaining med gell packet 2 artificial adrenaline injectors 1 laser scalpel and 1 ionizer type dermal regenerator spray.

As far as clothes I found a couple sets of lab coats and 3 sets of scrubs honestly I put on the scrubs and both lab coats then used the remaining 2 sets of scrubs to make a makeshift carry bag for the remainder of my loot. After looting the lab I decided to attempt to access any of the computers that were in the room any of the 4 terminals I could see and the first was still logged in and a quick perusal of the files and lists of experiments gave me a good idea of what kind of experiments they were conducting. The lab was researching the effects of physical and neural enhancements I luckily or unluckily was in the neural science lab and had already received a series of injections that they had been studying for side effects luckily the alarm had gone off before stage 4 had begun which was the part where they dissected me to look for abnormalities etc.

Despite my splitting headache I was in good shape though I certainly looked odd with my scrub carry bad and two lab coats I figured the second lab coat would help stop mister hulk from getting a good hold on me hopefully though it was a little restrictive. Leaving the lab was easy just walk through the massive hole the creature had ripped through the wall from there I looked around and realized that I had no idea where to go. I had stepped into a hallway to the left was the clear destruction of the hulk creature to the right looked fine but there were only two more doors that way so I checked them out. The first door proved to be a supply closet though I did remember my school classes in chemistry and they had everything that you would need to make some nasty stuff indeed.

I made a couple of easy to activate weapons from two bottles of floor polish and a couple chemicals I even added a little boost to the explosive mixture by adding a small portion of an oxide cleaner in it theoretically making a small fire bomb the other bottle was a gas based and a quick hard shake and a toss would cause it to explode into a cloud of very deadly gas that would linger for a few minutes even with good ventilation. After exploring the supply closet and arming myself sort of I checked the other room and found another lab though half of it was filled with sample storage and it was nearly full of injectors of assorted colors and styles though there were also a few devices that were in various stages of assembly with one looking like it was finished.

The assembled device looked like one of those handy wrist computers I'd seen before but it definitely not thin and it seemed to have a number of gadgets attached to it so I slapped it on my wrist and strapped it on before activating it. As the wrist computer booted up I tried to figure out what it was called through the various terminals that were up and logged in and honestly I found a number of things interesting they had created a number of things including 3 more versions of the Regenerators I had in my pack the first version the mk 2 improved the firsts effects by 5% but the second revision greatly increased the duration at the cost of the effects strength and the last technically the 4th Regenerator made the effects permanent but it was a quarter as effective as the other 3 versions. once I knew there was a mk 4 version of the Regenerator injector I made the decision to find and take some it was the closest thing you could get to immortality after all.

Getting into a secured sample storage moved to the top of my list granted the glass was seriously thick and the lock only opened for a key card specifically for the storage and ots nor something likely to just be easy to find so I started tinkering with my handy new wrist com to figure out just exactly what it could do and boy was I surprised. The wrist com was loaded with equipment honestly how they fit it all and still had it actually functioning was a mystery to me here is a short list of functions it could do anything a pc could do,monitor vitals of the wearer including relative physical conditions and any temporary or permanent states the person might be in, monitor a person's physical and mental status, emit a beam of em energy, be a flashlight, detect radiation, automatically inject a preloaded injector, detect any nearby wireless devices regardless of what connection technology it used, and record and emit audio and visual emissions in a range both above and below human detection last but not least it could scan anything and enter it into an internal database or of it was in the database would offer the relevant information if it was available it would also allow you to add notes into its internal database for anything you wanted.

After a half hour of tinkering with the wrist com I managed to write a little encryption cracking program that would essentially scan a device detect what frequency it ran in and then in that range it would then run a variety of frequencies in that range until it detected a suitable solution finding each frequency and locking it in as it continues on to the next. After creating a door cracking program I set it loose on the secret storage room and waited patiently for over an hour as it did its magic and finally the door clicked open and I could explore the room.

in all I found 6 injectors of the mk4 Regenerator injectors and I took them all yeah that was a mistake pain like no other assaulted my entire body. After some unknown time my pain vanished and I felt fantastic but hungry as heck I could have probably made a few hundred burritos dissappear but I'd managed to find a couple protein bars and two 24 hour survival gell rations fruit flavored yeah they are disgusting but offer every calorie and nutrient and vitamin you need for 24 hours while also having most if not all of the water you could need for 24 hours of survival granted they were notorious for being a last resort food and for tasting absolutely horrible but they had saved thousands of lives.

After devouring both survival packs and the protein bars I started feeling full but that didn't last very long honestly though I was not nearly as hungry as I was before. I checked my wrist com and looked at my status and found that I was in low grade nutrient deficiencies for almost everything and my "Calorie stores" had been utterly depleted probably why I suddenly felt 15kg lighter which actually showed up on my wrist com as I was 14.73kg lighter than before. Once I'd recovered from my near fatal idiocy I explored the shelves of samples and took anything that my wrist com said was worth it well It didn't so much say that but anything that caught my eye as either useful or something that could give me an edge against whatever creature was in this place.