
Space Scoundrel

Ever since I was young I always wanted to be like those heroes traveling throughout space gaining fame and helping People. It would have been dangerous but I was ready for it I wasn’t afraid of getting hurt, most heroes get hurt then make a great comeback! I want to be one of them, I want to be a hero leading a large army of men soaring throughout the universe freeing alien races, protecting humans against deadly space pirates , just imagine all the people out there who need help. Everyone has to start somewhere so now this is my new start never mind my past It doesn’t matter anymore. This is my new beginning heroes are here to save others and that’s what I’m going to be I’m ready for anything.

Thorny_Gecko · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


General, wait for me!

No, please help me!

General Please don't leave us!

I don't want to die!

Did the creed mean nothing to you?


The screams of soldiers were heard as five groups of men fled down the stairs, escaping the incoming attack.


A loud and booming explosion was heard throughout the fortress, along with a massive dome of red light appearing and disappearing within a second.


The different groups of men continued to run down the stairs, keeping the screams behind them out of mind.


Suddenly, after the loud boom, a giant force of air pushed down the stairs, sending the soldiers cascading down the stairs.



The colonel and lieutenant were momentarily stunned; they hadn't expected the attack to be so quick.

The lieutenant tapped his crown nervously.

The Colonel spoke, breaking the Lieutenant out of his nervous trance.

Give me suppression fire, said the Colonel.

Yeah.. Yeah.. Anything you need, said the lieutenant.


Hearing that, the shining yellow beacon, who was the Colonel, started to run across the muddy grounds, trying to get close to the monster.


The lieutenant placed his hand on the dirt and concentrated. As the nearby dirt flew into the air quickly, making ten poles.


The lieutenant reached into a few of his pockets and threw out ten metal spearheads. The metal spearheads flew into the air and stuck themselves to the tip of each pole.


He got up, pointed his hand towards the monster, and let the spears fly.


The spears levitated into the sky and flew towards the monster.

The metal-tipped spears landed in a circle around the monster as currents of red lightning began to streak toward the spears, disrupting the dome.


The Colonel was getting closer and closer, noticing that the Lieutenant had disrupted the dome. He pointed the long mace toward the still-standing horse-like monster.

Quickly, a ball of yellow energy coalesced on the tip of the

Colonel's long mace


The yellow ball of energy quickly formed and flew towards the monster.


The horse-hybrid monster stood still as if not even looking toward the oncoming Colonel as the yellow ball of energy hit it.


The horse-hybrid didn't even flinch as the yellow ball hit its small head. Its pink skin began to bubble as the yellow circle quickly formed a small circle on its head.


The skin of the hybrid horse started to crack, and its body began to shrivel up.


Keep on attacking! The Colonel yelled


Hearing that, the Lieutenant raised his hands as small spears came out of the ground near the hybrid monster, impaling it.


The Colonel was now only a few feet away from the hybrid monster, so he jabbed the long mace downwards toward the monster's small legs, trying to rig it down to the ground.


The hybrid horse ruggedly moved back with a weak oink, barely dodging the strike.


The ground underneath the hybrid horse began to bulge as five spears pointed out from the ground, impaling the horse in place.


Taking advantage, a glowing, long mace swung down towards the monster's head, cracking its skull open.


The long mace pulsed for a second as yellow energy seeped into the monster's skull.


The Colonel shot backward and dashed to the side as a column of dirt was propelled from where he once stood. The column struck the monster's abdomen and easily flew through it, leaving a gaping hole from side to side.


The Colonel charged forward with his long mace and yelled,



The Colonel's head turned pure white as he struck horizontally toward the monster's abdomen.


The mace crackled as it cleaved the monster in half.


The top half of the monster fell to the ground while the lower half stood still.


The Colonel raised his left leg and kicked the lower half down to the ground.


He heard a soft whine near the ground where the top half of the monster fell.


The Colonel looked down upon the top half of the monster to see it barely breathing. The cracked skull was sizzling as bright yellow blotches shone through it.


The Colonel spoke in a righteous tone. You shall now be purified!


He raised the mace to the sky and grasped it with both hands.


The mace quickly fell as the monster's brains flew into the air.


The Colonel looked to the now clear sky; his face was painted red with blood, and bits of brain stuck to his face.


A mad smile appeared on his face as he yelled,

Justice Has Been served!