
Space Of Powers

Sometimes, life falls to the bottom, let oneself become bad is the only motivation to go on. Yang Luchen's face is always smiling, because his tears have flowed into his heart, and every tear will become a killing knife. If you want to understand me, then you take a closer look and crush me. The bone is violence, the pores are greed, the blood is hypocrisy, the flesh is hatred, and the indisposition and possessiveness of the viscera, every inch and every minute is rotten, but you put them together, synthesize a me, you see, this is the love you.

RutilantCanoe11 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Awesome

Wu Wei!" I was a little angry, "you don't fucking care where I hide, how late I have to find you sooner or later!"

'Oh! Wu Wei laughed again, "I think you still don't understand the situation, you really think your cousin has how much face ah?" You're beating someone up here with your cousin. Why are you holding it up? Want to hit someone? Why don't you try it?"

Fuck me, thought Mo Xu here I will shrug, this is too small of me Yang Luchen?

At that time I did not hesitate to slap Wu Wei a slap, yes, not to slap Zhou Qi, but to slap Wu Wei!

When that crisp voice spread across the classroom, Wu Wei looked at me angrily, with an expression of disbelief on his face. And just at this moment, Zhou Qi and Zhang Jian and a few of their men all stood up, it seemed that they were ready to attack me at any time.

And Mo Xu's face also changed, according to my experience, I can see that he was angry with me. But when Wu Wei clenched his fist, my cousin blocked me and shouted at everyone: "If anyone dares to move my cousin today, I will kill his whole family!"

There was no pompous taste in my cousin's words, her tone was unmistakable, and her eyes were full of murder. Although the words of killing other people's whole family are mostly meant to frighten others, but looking at my cousin like this, no one dared to doubt the authenticity of her words.

Even Mo Xu was a little afraid, he moted everyone to sit down first, and then said to my cousin: "Huang Ying, I probably heard of your background, but I think you must not understand me, today I advise you to take a step back, let Wu for a hand, let your cousin apologize, this thing is so past, what do you think?"

Mo Xu finished saying this, all the class looked at my cousin, to see how she would answer, I myself also have some guilt, cousin is a poor family child, where there is any background ah, if really angry Mo Xu, maybe I really had to be crippled by him.

And now once my cousin does not agree to Mo Xu's request just now, then both of us will not be able to get off the stage, and then we can only start.

I thought that in this case, my cousin would probably agree, in fact, even if she did not agree to me, I would also agree, because the good man does not eat the loss of sight, and now I am weak and cannot fight with Mo Xu and them.


Just when I was wondering, a crisp voice sounded, cousin actually directly dumped Mo Xu a slap in the face!

Everyone was shocked, it was Mo Xu ah, two of the carry son, the average person even looked at him scared all over the body, it is said that from primary school he is the school carry son, after junior high school is the carry son, now in high school, is still the carry son, such a strong person, was my cousin in front of dozens of classmates directly slapped, unbelievable, It's unbelievable.

But the more bizarre thing is still behind, after the cousin slapped Mo Xu, immediately stared at Mo Xu, and said coldly: "I warn you, from now on, don't bother my cousin, otherwise, I will surely forgive you!"

I don't know why, Mo Xu scared cold sweat down, and then I saw him breathing faster, and then shouted, turned and ran out of the classroom door. Wu Wei hurriedly followed also ran out, Zhou Qi hurriedly shouted his life, but Wu Wei did not even head back, self-care will disappear in everyone's sight.

After Mo Xu and Wu Wei left, my cousin asked me if I still want to beat Zhou Qi they, I looked at Zhou Qi and Zhang Jian that scared look, thinking that in fact from the beginning I have not been beaten by them, I hurt my forehead and knee that is also my own fall, think of here I think as long as they no longer find me trouble, then this matter can come to an end.

I said forget it, no more, let's leave it at that. I guess Zhou Qi and they won't dare touch me anymore.

My cousin said OK, she went back to class.

After my cousin left our classroom, I returned to my place to sit down, Liu Li immediately came up, kindly said to me: "Husband, your cousin just really cool, simply too handsome!"

I said it was, and I didn't see who her cousin was. Liu Li smiled and said, "Ha ha, that's right, and I don't want to see who her cousin's wife is."

"Wife?" I turned to Liu Li and said, "I haven't had sex with you yet, how can I be considered a wife?"

Liu Li seemed shy, so she hit me and then didn't speak. I suddenly understood something and leaned into her ear and said, "Why don't we go out and get a room after school on Friday?"

"What are you saying? Hate it." Liu Li pushed me a bit, and then did her homework on her stomach, grumbling: "Ignore you."

But to be honest, she doesn't look cute at all. Last night she was still indifferent to me, and now she is selling cute to me, I just want to send her two words: ha ha.

But Liu Li's body is good, I don't need to be serious with such a beautiful woman, the point is that I still want to fuck her.

I pulled her clothes and asked her, "Is it OK?" We've been dating for so long, isn't it time you gave yourself over to me?"

Liu Li bit her lips and pretended to hesitate for a while, and finally seemed to nod shyly and gently said, HMM.

I was immediately happy ah, Liu Li, you have been playing me, hang my appetite, this time I will not let you go, and you can go out of school on Friday, I must fuck you.

And Liu Li said that my mobile phone shook up, took out the mobile phone to see, just know that it is my cousin to my QQ trumpet message came over, she seemed to be a little angry, I pretended to ask her what happened, she said nothing, is today hit a few bitches only.

I pretend to be surprised, say you a girl still dare to hit people, you are not a little sister?

My cousin said: "Little sister you Jiaduobao, I don't want to talk nonsense to you about this, it is all caused by my cousin." I am feeling a little angry now, do you have a picture, give me one to relieve the fire!"

I flirted, "What kind of pictures do you want?"

Cousin replied: "Of course, it is a fruit photo, in a word, do you give it?"

I thought that now I have no fruit to give her ah, just go to the Internet to find, certainly can not deceive her. The point is, I don't have anywhere to shoot it, because if I shoot it at home, she'll recognize me. I thought that I would go to the hotel with Liu Li on Friday anyway, and then I would take a photo without showing my face to my cousin, and I estimated that I could fool it.

I said to my cousin: "How about this, you give me one first, and then I give it to you?"

My cousin replied decisively: "OK, you give it to me first, and I will send it to you immediately after you give it to me."

Seeing my cousin's reply, I was excited and wanted to immediately take a picture of myself naked and send it to her, but unfortunately it was impossible. I had to tell her that I don't have a photo now, and it is not convenient to take that kind of photo in the next few days, I said that I can give her the photo on Friday, my cousin said that OK, if you give the photo to me on Friday, I will give it to you.

So I had one more reason to look forward to Friday.

It was already Thursday night, it is now eleven o 'clock at night, my cousin and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV with a mobile phone, our mobile phones were switched to silent, I reached out to grab my cousin's mobile phone, asked her what she was playing, my cousin pat my hand, quickly to the side to hide, frowning: "What?" Watch your TV."

I smiled at her and said no, I just wanted to see who you were talking to. In fact, I know who my cousin is talking to, and she is talking to me about sending photos tomorrow.

My cousin told me to mind my own business, and then my head suddenly came over and wanted to see my mobile phone, I quickly covered my mobile phone, he sneered: "You don't show me, don't want to see my mobile phone."

"If you don't look, who wants to look at your stupid phone?" My cousin said and held the mobile phone kept pressing.

We two people sit and chat like this, cousin has been concentrating on looking at the mobile phone is not willing to deal with me, in fact, where she knows, that she can not do without the person is actually me ah.