
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Call to Battle

Chapter 5: The Call to Battle

As the sun began to set, signaling the end of another day of training, I, Alex Cariel, wiped the sweat from my brow. My father, Duke Angor, approached me with a warm smile.

"Congratulations, my son," he praised. "You have grown into a remarkable Elite Swordmaster. Your swordsmanship rivals that of seasoned warriors."

I beamed with pride, my heart swelling at my father's words. "Thank you, Father. Your guidance and training have been invaluable."

Duchess Alexia joined us, her eyes gleaming with pride. "And you, my dear, have achieved remarkable progress as a Magus," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Your control over your element is truly impressive."

I bowed respectfully to my mother, feeling a sense of accomplishment that only her approval could grant. "Thank you, Mother. Your teachings have opened new doors for me in the world of magic."

After bidding my parents goodnight, I went to my private quarters to rest. As I lay down, I felt a strange sensation, a pull in my mind, drawing me into a trance-like state. In my mind space, a vision of a massive book appeared before me, glowing with crimson letters that read "Emperor of Magic."

Curious and intrigued, I cautiously reached out to touch the book. As my fingers made contact, a jolt of energy surged through me, and the book opened to a chapter titled "Awakening." Words of ancient wisdom filled my mind, revealing the existence of Elemental Conduits who could wield multiple elements.

The revelations were awe-inspiring, and I felt a profound connection to the ancient knowledge within the book. I sensed that mastering this power would not be easy, but I was determined to explore its potential.

As the vision faded, I returned to reality, my mind buzzing with excitement and curiosity. I knew that I had to keep this newfound knowledge a secret, at least for now. The power of the book was immense, and I needed to understand it fully before revealing it to anyone.

The next morning, Duke Angor called me to his study. There, he presented me with a map, outlining the territories of Valeria's noble households.

"These territories, my son, are an integral part of Valeria's strength and stability," Duke Angor explained, pointing to various regions on the map. "Each noble household is responsible for protecting and overseeing its respective territory, and together, they form the backbone of our kingdom."

I studied the map carefully, absorbing the intricate details of each territory. I learned about the noble households, their members, and their roles in the kingdom's governance. My father's wisdom and knowledge were invaluable, and I listened intently, eager to understand every aspect of Valeria's inner workings.

After our conversation, I spent time with my family members and the household staff. I engaged in conversations with the butlers, maids, and guards, appreciating the dedication they showed in serving the Valeria family.

As the days passed, I immersed myself in my training and studies, honing my skills in both swordsmanship and magic. I sparred with seasoned warriors to test my abilities, and I sought out the guidance of experienced mages to further refine my control over my element.

In the midst of my intense training, I received a summons from my father. I entered the Duke's study to find my parents waiting for me, their expressions grave.

"Alex, there is a matter of great importance that requires your attention," Duke Angor began. "A bandit group led by a dangerous man named Liuvin Gadirben has been causing havoc in the southern region of Valeria."

Duchess Alexia continued, "The bandits have been stealing from innocent people, selling slaves, and causing unrest. It is our duty as nobles to protect our people and maintain peace in our kingdom."

"We have decided to send you on a mission to deal with this bandit group," Duke Angor said. "It will be a test of your abilities and a chance to gain real-world experience."

My heart swelled with determination. "I will do whatever it takes to protect our kingdom and its people, Father," I declared.

My parents nodded in approval, and they revealed that a team of skilled individuals would accompany me on this mission. They introduced me to my bodyguards, Lars and Seraphina, who were seasoned warriors known for their loyalty and skill in combat.

Additionally, they assigned me a maid named Elara, who was not only skilled in her duties but also trained in the art of archery. Together, we would form a formidable team, ready to face the bandits and restore peace to the southern region of Valeria.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, my thoughts were consumed with the upcoming mission to confront the bandits in the southern region. Before setting out, I knew I needed a weapon that would match my growing skills as an Elite Swordmaster. With determination in my heart, I made my way to the renowned blacksmith shop in Valeria's capital city.

The blacksmith shop was a sight to behold, bustling with activity. The air was filled with the rhythmic clang of hammers striking metal and the scent of burning coal. I marveled at the sheer number of people working diligently to forge weapons and armor. I couldn't help but admire their dedication and craftsmanship.

At the heart of the workshop stood the chief blacksmith, Garnel. A giant of a man, his muscular arms bore the marks of countless hours spent at the anvil. His eyes sparkled with pride and skill as he surveyed his domain.

Approaching Garnel with respect, I explained my purpose. "I seek a weapon befitting of an Elite Swordmaster," I said. "One that can match the power of my swordsmanship."

Garnel nodded approvingly. "A Elite Swordmaster's weapon must be a masterpiece, young sir," he replied. "Tell me, what kind of weapon do you have in mind?"

"I desire a longsword, strong and swift, with a blade that can cut through anything," I replied.

Garnel smiled, appreciating my ambition. "Such a weapon requires special materials," he said. "I will need dragonsteel for the blade, rare and tough to come by. And for the hilt, I'll need moonwood, known for its resilience and beauty."

"I understand," I replied. "I will gather the materials and return."

With a sense of purpose, I sought out my father, Duke Angor, and informed him of the materials needed for the blade. Duke Angor listened carefully and nodded. "Very well, my son. These materials are precious and will require careful handling," he said, handing me a small chest filled with dragonsteel and a bundle of moonwood.

"These are valuable resources, Alex. Ensure they are used wisely," Duke Angor advised.

With the materials in hand, I returned to the blacksmith shop, where Garnel welcomed me warmly. "Ah, you have returned, young sir," Garnel said. "These materials are of the highest quality. Your weapon will be exceptional."

As the days passed, Garnel worked tirelessly on the blade. With masterful skill, he fused the dragonsteel and moonwood together, creating a stunning longsword. The blade gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, and the hilt bore intricate carvings that spoke of ancient craftsmanship.

When the day of completion finally arrived, Garnel presented the sword to me with a deep bow. "May this blade serve you well, young master," he said.

I took the sword in my hands, feeling its weight and power. "Thank you, Garnel. This is truly a masterpiece," I said, gratitude evident in my eyes.

With my new weapon in hand, I felt a surge of confidence as I set out to prepare for the mission. In my home library, I searched for a map of the city where the bandits were rumored to be hiding. The dusty shelves were lined with volumes of history, strategy, and geography, and I carefully selected the appropriate map.

Studying the map, I plotted my journey, devising multiple routes and strategies to deal with the bandits. I called upon Lars and Seraphina, my trusted bodyguards, and Elara, the skilled archer maid, to discuss our plan of action.

"The bandits are rumored to be hiding in the abandoned mining town of Drakor," I explained. "We will need to approach stealthily and assess the situation before launching an attack."

Lars nodded, his eyes ablaze with determination. "We shall be your shadows, ready to strike when the time is right," he declared.

Elara readied her bow, her gaze sharp. "And I will provide support from afar," she said, her voice resolute.

Seraphina cracked her knuckles, a confident grin spreading across her face. "No bandit will escape our grasp," she said.

Together, we set out, united by a common purpose and bound by a sense of duty. My heart pounded with anticipation, knowing that this mission would be a true test of my abilities and my resolve. But I was ready. Armed with my new blade, the knowledge of the "Emperor of Magic" within me, and the unwavering support of my family, I was determined to face whatever challenges awaited me on this perilous journey.

The journey to the abandoned mining town of Drakor was treacherous, and we faced numerous hardships along the way. We traversed dense forests, climbed rugged mountains, and endured harsh weather conditions. My body ached, and fatigue weighed heavily on me, but I refused to show weakness to my companions.

Instead, I pushed forward, leading my team with determination and resolve. We had a mission to accomplish, and I was determined to see it through to the end. The fate of the southern region of Valeria depended on our success, and I would not let my kingdom down.

As we approached the abandoned town of Drakor, we moved with utmost caution. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the desolate buildings. Shadows danced on the walls, and the air was thick with an unsettling silence.