
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
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26 Chs

I'm dedicated to you 1

This week, past by really quickly, suddenly it was Friday and before they knew it, it was Saturday - the day they both looked forward to.

Adrienne woke up at nine in the morning and got started with her day. She came back home, at noon, changed her clothes to get ready to meet up with Zachary, later.

Zachary who was up late last night woke up at 11 the following day.

* * * *

I met Zachary in our usual meeting spot - near the gate to my place. We went to the park together, from there.

He wore sport shoes, and had bought an Adidas backpack with him. I'm guessing he had his pencil case with a sketching pad, in there. At least that's what he'd usually bring when sketching outdoors.

I myself had my phone and keys in my pocked, and held a bag that contained bananas and food to the kittens, I was quite hungry after going out so I bought tree bananas with me; one for each one for us while the third on is extra.

I'm wondering about how this will go. What I mean is that, the kittens won't stand still for Zachary until he finishes his drawing. I can only imagine him struggling to get one to sit still though, that would be too hilarious to see. I'm starting to look forward to it even more now.

I heard Mira inviting him on Saturday - today now, but he declined. Of what I understood it would have been just the two of them and then they'd joined by some others. Thankfully he declined that. But, she also asked about Sunday, if he was free on that day, he said he had something to do though.

He didn't tell her about why he couldn't, I wondered if it was an excuse to not go, or not. I'll ask him about what he's up to on Sunday, instead. I can know if he's avoiding her or not. If he asks why then I'll simply tell him the truth, I was curious about the reason, "why you avoided her". That'd be a way to find about about some more.

I asked him later on and he answered, "I'm doing something that day, you need anything?" and I said, "No, I don't." - It seems that my prediction was wrong.

I wanna ask him about Mira and him some other time. She is obviously interested in him, including being interested in getting together with him. It even looks like she is chasing him around at some point.

Maybe, he rejected her and she is trying even harder now. If that was the case, it would be integrating. But I might be overthinking again.

* * * *

They arrived at the park. As soon as we did, Zachary went up to Grey and stroke the kitten on the head gently. He started to prepare everything he needed for drawing while Adrienne played with Bright and Snack. He took out his drawing pad and two pencil cases.

"Zachary! I just thought if something..." She looked worried to an instinct. He thought maybe, she remember something she had to do and couldn't stay with him for any longer.

"What is it?" He asked her instantly.

She then said; "Cats, they catch mice and birds to eat them. Their mouths are stained with blood then. Now she is licking-" but he didn't let her continue.

"These kittens are too young for that. They'd learn such from their mother to be able to survive later on but you're feeding them now, right? So, don't overthink." He told her that and she thought what he said made sense.

She looked at him with admiring eyes, "mhm you are right." He's always the one to calm her down when her mind goes of track.

She came and sat on the Stone, next to him. The kittens were done eating and were playing around with each other.

* * * *

I couldn't stop laughing. He kept standing up, fixing the position and poses he wanted of them and went back to his sketch. It was too funny. They would not listen to him and he wouldn't let them be.

I had to meddle in and help him, "Zoz" I even cackled while talking, it was too much. "Let me take a picture of them or you could draw them as is. No need to make a certain position, how about you let it be natural?"

He thought for a bit but I couldn't completely convince him. He told me to take a picture but instead of leaving them he kept correcting their positions as he wished to when they moved around.

The temperature wasn't bad, pretty nice I must say, but the mosquitoes were the real pain. I could barely sit in one place for two minutes before standing up and making random movements so they would go - I seriously hate them. They would always ruin the fun no matter how good the atmospheres is. They seem to have gotten to Zachary too.

But seeing him struggle makes me chuckle. The mosquitoes keep flocking around him nevertheless, they seem to be attracted to his sketch - I don't blame them, because so am I. But they went overboard later on.

Zachary decided to start with the background a little instead of the kittens, to give them and himself a break. He's making some leaves on the ground and adding some other details. I think it looks good, everything he does looks good, to be honest. He's so talented, I might fall for him even deeper, even he looks good.

After a while, the mosquito gathering became worse and worse, it was impossible to sit down. The buzzing sound would become really loud as you stopped for a second and breathing itself became spine-chilling. I had stopped laughing by that time, it seemed to become quite annoying altogether.

I'm pretty sure drawing takes stillness and focus, which was impossible to get in this situation, I bet it was no fun for him too. I know how much he enjoys is, but this time, there was no sparkle.

"Adrienne" he called me. "How are you hanging up?" I was the one, who's supposed to ask him that. It seems that he's worried about me though.

"I'm doing just fine, but what about you?" I asked him instead. I bet it was a real pain in the ass. But he didn't answer me. "I'll be right back" he says instead.

To be continued...

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