
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
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26 Chs

Babysitting 1

On Monday when I woke up, everything felt boring. I did not feel like going to school, working, talking or doing anything at all. There was something that made me feel sad but the cause of that feeling remained unknown.

Days like that, come but there also good days waiting. I tried to think the positive way and not to bother too much about it. I also told myself that it doesn't always mean that something bad is about to happen, but I wasn't completely convinced.

As I was getting ready to go to school, I kept spacing out; I imagined fake scenarios but then, forced myself to focus and finish getting ready to go to school. Thankfully it eased down and I managed to get out of the house.

* * * *

Second period has started but nothing has happened yet. The teacher asked us to come up with a poem, we can choose to write about ether despair or romance. I don't want to work, it might sound like I might be able to come up with something for the first topic but the truth is, no: nothing is coming to mind, no matter how hard I try.

The teacher said that she will choose some random people to read aloud the poems they've written - I just hope it's not going to be me.

First person up was Seena; "Seena, please read the first paragraph of your poem."

After that it was Jonathan, "Next up we have Jonathan. But Jonathan, I want you to tell us about your poem before you start."

"We will have to three more people to read, any volunteers?" But no one raised there hands. "Adeline?"she said.

"Yes, miss."

Adeline, thank you, thank you, thank you... But I need to think of one line at the very least, after that I can say that I didn't find a word the rhymes or some kind of excuse.

"Dorothea, you'are up after."

"Since we've got a little more time before class ends, let's take one more before the very last one, Danny, please go ahead."

I felt my panic increasing bit by bit - I don't have a single line to read, what should I say?

"Lastly we will have.... let's see" she started walking around the classroom - I didn't dare to look up, I don't want any eye contact with her. She walked past me but then she turned around, "Alexander. You're the last one today."

I was so revealed; I was happy but my nervousness still remained. Five minutes until class end, what could possibly happen. Until the clock showed half past, I was already done with taking my stuff, And couldn't wait to leave the classroom.

"Class - dismissed" - thank goddess. I thought she would choose me the very last minute, but no. I guess my mood has brightened up a bit.

I got out of the classroom and was on my way to Zachary's to have lunch with him. Then, I remembered my phone was still in my bag that's placed in the locker, so I went to upstairs to get it first before going down to the second floor to meet up with him. Our homeroom teacher is pretty wicked, therefore I'd prefer leaving my phone in the locker sometimes.

I went to my locker on the forth floor. I got my phone then, noticed a message from my mother; "call me" I locked my lock to the locker and went downstairs as I phoned her.

The phone kept ringing but with no response. I ended the call, and turned up the volume instead to hear it in case she'd call me back. To my surprise, she called me back quickly afterward, when I had just arrived at the second floor. I looked at Zachary and he looked back at me - he was with Mira outside the class. Bad timing indeed, I wasn't really surprised - today is surely not my day.

There were quite a lot of people and out of all of he people standing there she had to look at Zachary while talking.

"Yes, mom" I said, talking on the phone. Zachary kept looking at me though, so I waved at him that I'm going ahead downstairs and continued my call. "What?" I was shocked. My mother wished something outrageous that I did not see coming.

Zachary was focused on looking my way, instead of being focused on what Mira was saying, since she was especially looking at him. Although I don't mind it, but it made her look bad.

When I walked past him, he said; "Should we go for lunch?" I nodded my head and pointed at the phone, trying to tell him to hang on one second, but yes, sure, let's go. He left Mira and walked beside me. She was nearly done talking to him but yet it seemed that he still let her down.

"Okay, I get it... Yes, you don't have to repeat it over..." The call wasn't very long, I checked it before saying goodbye, 5 minutes - but more than enough to annoy me.

"Was it fine of you to leave that hurriedly?" I asked him when I hang up. He said it was. "Let's get something to eat then" I said.

We sat at the lunch table and he asked me, "was it something important?" he meant the call - I said: "no, she only told me that they won't be home until late today, and that I had to wash the dished and do some cleaning too." It might not sound very bad, but by late I meant nearly midnight and the worse was asking me to clean while they have fun.

As we had lunch, Zachary told me about what had happened in his class, it was pretty fun hearing about the story, "Wahhh, I wish I was there to see it at that time" I said. It truly sounded funny.

The guy who was involved and who made the joke is a very funny and an interesting one. He would always joke but still, he ain't a high-key person, therefore he is well-liked. Most teachers doesn't dislike him for that reason - he once helped me look for my key, but I don't think he remembers me. Anyway, that was how he left a good impression of himself to me.

"Break is almost over" I said, when it was about time we go, "but I'm still tired..." We are done eating and I'll have to go back to class soon, so troublesome.

"We have a 15 minute break after the third period, so hang in there a little more."

* * * *

When I found myself in third period, my mother tried to call me again. Luckily I muted the alarm before entering class. After I had gotten out of class, I saw Zachary waiting for me outside, "I need to call my mom back" I said.

"Okay, let's go outside" he suggested, "there are no people there around this time."

"Hello, yes mom. What!? I don't want to! This... That too? Okay, okay... Anything else?" It seems that my guts weren't wrong this time, it truly warned me from something. "Yeah, I get it. Bye."

"I'll have to go home early today... it seems. There is something that they asked me to do." I really don't want to, my stomach wasn't feeling well, I was not in the mood for such and the whole situation wasn't to my liking.

"When do you have to leave?" He asked - I said that I had to leave immediately, now.


She said something very unreasonable, "I've to babysit a kid" I said.

I'll make up for the days I've missed - there will be some longer chapter that is connected, stay tuned.

Sorry for taking long but something came up.

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