
Sovereign ?

Human civilization reached its peak . Top Human scientist JK Shen is researching on life's biggest mystry . If he can solve this problem he will get the highest fame in the world ever achieved in human history . At civilization peak Talent and fame and knowledge is the only currency ..

Mad_Trex · Fantasy
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Dream world

'Hell man, it's Hell, 50 thousand years I'm imprisoned in this dream world .... Damn Dragon God, hehe I just wanted to marry your daughter and you punished me seriously, without the help of the outside world I can't even leave this dream world. ' A golden emperor true dragon was thinking about how it can escape from the dream there There's only one in a trillion chance a summoner steps into a dream world for binding a summon pet, Summoner's realm is a lot easier than a dream world .... in a dream world even anagen ki l l l almighty human.

'Hmm for my terrifying aura and look no one approached me before, I should shapeshift to a lower dragonkin... it's almost 10 thousand years since I haven't seen any outsider, I expected a lot but nothing happened so I should stop expecting anything.' while the dragon was pondering, a small gate opened in a dream world, and a young boy entered, with a lot of curiosity he was looking here and there ... The dragon was grinning inside its mind ' hahaha.... hahaha thank God at least I can see an outsider, maybe he the key to this prison, I can finally break out and conquer the whole world '

'Oi brat come here ... are you a summoner ?' Shen was shocked after hearing that voice ... It was the first time he entered the summoning realm, he was unaware that this was a dream world, a peak world much more dangerous than the summoning realm.

one hour ago when she entered imperial school, the Principal appraised Shen personally because he was recommended by the elder council ... the elders doubted that Shen is a disciple of the thunder God but after appraising him, they principally found out that Shen had a major talent for summoning and he is no a disciple of thunder god just he got a deep scar from lightning... The admission rule of the imperial school states that you have to show at least one talent to take admission, so the summoning class teacher decided to teach Shen how to summon a creature from the summoning realm ... after a few practices, Shen grabbed the rule and unknowingly summoned the dream world... Shen teleported to a more vibrant and pleasant world than the earth, everything was like dream. A voice came out behind a hill. It was shocking that a little dragonkin was talking to him ' oi brat come here, are you a summoner? ' ..... with this unexpected event, Shen was so shocked that he forgot to close his jaws because it was his first time to see a dragonkin ... He heard that dragons are descendent of true dragons after billions of years the true dragon blood has thinned out so much that the ferociousness of dragon reduced but even one dragonkin is like an army with robust defence and attack, even strong people avoided them.