
Sovereign Sword Deity: Boundless Mana

Orion Solaria is a handsome and mischievous young man, yet highly intelligent and powerful. Despite his mischievous nature, Orion is neither purely evil nor entirely good; he is someone who deeply values freedom and enjoys being surrounded by women. Previously, he was summoned to another world. Several years later, he returned to Earth, only to find it strangely transformed—now filled with the threats of magical wars and mystical monsters. Orion must exert some effort to achieve his desires. Blessed with the talent of Aura control and possessing limitless mana, which ensures he never runs out of energy in any situation, Orion is set to live his life as he pleases. WARNING: This novel contains Yuri, Incest, and Gore. Please read responsibly. (This is my first novel, so please bear with any grammatical errors and other mistakes.) [Ai-Generated Cover]

VTS_Brahmana · Fantasy
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14 Chs

awakening of Gravity magic


At present, Orion is enjoying a hearty breakfast. He is devouring various main dishes and several desserts.

Half an hour later, Orion slouches in his chair, feeling overly full.

"Ah, my stomach feels so bloated!" Orion exclaims while rubbing his belly.

Soft footsteps approach from the side. "Master, please eat these to aid your digestion," Serafina says, placing a large plate of fruits in front of Orion.

"Hehe, thank you, Sera," Orion replies with a small laugh.

Serafina smiles gently and bows respectfully before asking to be excused.

"Master, are you interested in testing your magical talents?" Valeria inquires politely.

Valeria was one of the first women to greet Orion at the gate.

She is a very tall woman, with strong muscles covering her body. Despite this, she maintains a proportional figure.

Her hair is blonde, styled in a slightly wavy bob, with the left side of her bangs tucked behind her ear. Her eyes are emerald green, complemented by long, elegant eyelashes.

In appearance, Valeria can be categorized as a gentle and elegant woman of high class, but in reality, she is fierce and ruthless.

Although her chest is not as ample as Serafina's, Valeria has an exquisite figure and radiant skin.


Hearing Valeria's words, Orion stands up with enthusiasm. "Can I really awaken magic?" he asks, full of excitement.

Valeria smiles and nods lightly. "Absolutely, Master. The three princesses possess very rare talents. It is highly likely that you also have a significant potential to awaken a rare magical talent!" Valeria explains in detail, her expression brimming with enthusiasm.

"Great, I have always wanted to use magic. I'm quite tired of just using Aura," Orion says softly.

"Aura?..." Valeria murmurs, slightly puzzled upon hearing the term from Orion. However, she quickly dismisses the thought and leads Orion to a specific room.

After descending a set of underground stairs, they eventually arrive at a very ancient yet luxurious room.

Valeria guides Orion to a sophisticated device. "Here it is, Master, an apparatus designed to instantly awaken your magic talent without a lengthy process," Valeria explains.

"Master, please place your right palm here," Valeria requests, pointing to a scanner with a hand-shaped surface.

Without hesitation, Orion places his right palm on the scanner. Instantly, a purple energy envelops the surface of the testing device.

A large screen displays new information. It clearly states that Orion's magical talent is "Gravity Magic."

Additionally, there are several detailed pieces of information listed in a structured format.

Gravity Magic:

1. Localized Gravity Manipulation

The user of Gravity Magic can alter the intensity of gravity in a specific area. This allows them to:

- Increase Gravity: The user can amplify the gravitational force in an area, making objects heavier. This can be used to pin enemies to the ground, crush structures, or increase the physical challenge for opponents. In extreme cases, it can crush objects with immense gravitational pressure.

- Decrease Gravity: The user can reduce or even eliminate gravity, creating a weightless environment. This can make objects float or allow people to jump very high and far. Reducing gravity can also save objects or people from falling.

- Redirect Gravity: Change the direction or Vector of gravity so that objects or beings are pulled in a different direction than usual. This can be used to unbalance enemies or redirect attacks back at them. The user can also change the direction of gravity in a specific area, making objects or people "fall" sideways or upwards.

- Control Gravity Points: Create new gravity points in a desired location, either attracting or repelling objects or beings towards or away from those points. This can be used to control enemy movement or position objects.

- Control Trajectory: Direct projectiles or other moving objects to hit their targets with high precision.

- Gravitational Waves: Create gravitational waves that can disrupt or destroy surrounding structures. These waves can be used as weapons or tools of destruction.

2. Biological Effects

The user of Gravity Magic also has the ability to subtly influence their own body or others' bodies:

- Body Manipulation: Control the bodies of living creatures by altering the gravity around their organs or limbs. This can be used to paralyze enemies or control them in various ways.

- Healing: Use gravity to influence the bodies of living creatures, such as enhancing cell regeneration or affecting metabolism by reducing pressure on cells and tissues. This can be used for rapid healing or extending lifespan.

- Strength and Endurance: Strengthen their own bodies by reducing gravity on muscles and bones, allowing for extraordinary strength and speed.

- Environmental Adaptation: Adjust their bodies to survive in extreme gravity conditions, such as on high-gravity planets or in outer space.

- Blood Flow Control: With gravity manipulation within the body, control blood flow to accelerate wound healing or cause internal damage to opponents.

- Physical Enhancement: Temporarily reduce the effect of gravity on the body, allowing the user to jump higher, run faster, or lift heavier objects.

- Concentration Enhancement: Use gravity to increase blood flow to the brain, enhancing focus and cognitive abilities temporarily.

3. Object Control

By mastering gravity, the user can control the movement of objects:

- Gravitational Telekinesis: Use gravity to move, lift, manipulate, or control objects from a distance with precision and immense power.

- Formation and Destruction: Use gravity to shape materials or destroy solid objects. This can be used in construction or as a weapon.

4. Space and Time Distortion

Warping Space:

- Use gravity to bend space, enabling instant travel, deflecting energy-based attacks, becoming temporarily invisible, or creating portals between locations. This can be used for teleportation, either for escape or surprise attacks.

Time Dilation:

- Alter the flow of time in a specific area by manipulating gravity. The user can make time move faster or slower in that area, which has various strategic applications, such as slowing down enemies or speeding up healing processes, movements, etc.


- Highly skilled users may create wormholes, space-time tunnels connecting two distant points in the universe. This allows for instant travel between galaxies or even dimensions.

5. Gravitational Field Manipulation

The user can create gravitational fields around themselves or in distant locations. These fields can have various effects, such as:

- Gravitational Fields: Create fields that can attract or repel objects over a wide area. These fields can be used to control the movement of many objects or beings simultaneously.

- Protective Gravitational Fields: Create strong gravitational fields as shields that can block or deflect bullets, explosions, or even energy attacks. These can be used personally or to protect strategic buildings.

- Zero Gravity Zones: Areas where gravity does not exist, allowing objects to float unimpeded. These can be used for safe storage or creating unique environments for scientific experiments.

- Gravitational Distortion: Use gravitational fields to bend light or create optical illusions, such as making the user or objects invisible. These distortions can also make it difficult for enemies to target the user.

- Gravitational Anomalies: Areas where the laws of gravity do not function normally, creating strange and unpredictable effects. These can be used to trap enemies or create obstacles.

6. Mass and Energy Control

Alter the mass of an object or convert gravitational energy into other forms of energy:

- Mass Alteration: Change the mass of an object for specific effects. For example, making an object very heavy to immobilize enemies or very light for easy transport.

- Compression and Expansion: Use gravity to compress or expand objects or materials. This can be used to change the size and shape of objects, such as shrinking a building for easy transport.

- Energy Conversion: Convert gravitational potential energy into other forms of energy, such as electricity, kinetic, or heat, for various applications.

7. Large-Scale Manipulation:

- Orbit Manipulation: Change and influence the orbits of planets, moons, asteroids, or other celestial bodies by altering their gravitational fields. This can be used to avoid disasters by altering the paths of celestial bodies or creating large-scale attacks.

- Weather Manipulation:

By altering the gravitational fields in the atmosphere or controlling the mass distribution of air through gravity, the user can create or stop storms, control rainfall, or influence other weather phenomena.

Disaster Control:

Use gravity to reduce or eliminate the impact of earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions by redistributing gravitational pressure.

- Terraforming: Use gravity to alter the topography or structure of a planet, making the environment more habitable or destroying certain areas.

- Matter and Energy Distribution:

Large-scale gravitational manipulation can be used to direct the distribution of matter and energy in the universe, possibly to create new stars or prevent the formation of destructive black holes.

- Star and Planet Formation: Use gravity to manipulate cosmic gas and dust, creating new stars or planets.

Black Hole Creation:

- By manipulating gravity on an extreme scale, the user can create singularities or mini black holes that can suck in surrounding matter. This is a powerful weapon that can be used to destroy enemies or even entire cities.


After reading this information, Orion suddenly experiences a severe headache for a moment. Waves of advanced gravitational knowledge fill his mind.

"So that's how it is, I can instantly know everything. How to use and apply each of my abilities precisely," Orion murmurs softly, examining the device before him.

"Exactly, Master. The device provides you with the complete spectrum of knowledge regarding your magical talent. Using conventional methods, it would take you years to master just one ability," Valeria explains informatively.

Orion smiles contentedly and asks, "By the way, is there a training area or something similar in this mansion?"

"The Solaria Mansion has a very spacious open training area. I will take you there. Please follow me, Master," Valeria requests politely.

"Oh yes, I left my sword in my room... wait a moment..." Utilizing his soul bond directly linked with his sword, Orion can summon his sword instantly using willpower communication.

In an instant, the sword appears in his hand. "Here it is, let's go," Orion says, glancing at Valeria on his right side.

Valeria is slightly puzzled by the ability her Master just displayed. However, she tries to stay focused and continues to guide Orion to the training area.


In the training area,

"Oh, such a vast open space. I like this!" Orion speaks softly, looking around.

Feeling it's time to experiment, Orion begins to draw his sword from its sheath. Slowly, he channels gravitational energy throughout his sword, instantly creating a concentrated gravitational field that emits a dark purple light.

'So that's how it is, the energy light produced remains the same as my Aura. But I can feel it, the power generated is vastly different from the Aura of Demolition!' Orion comprehends internally.

Orion then positions his sword horizontally in front of him and, with a light slash, releases a high-intensity focused gravitational wave.

The gravitational wave deforms and destroys solid objects within its wide range. It doesn't stop there; the wave continues to move at high speed, slicing through all obstacles in its path, such as trees and structures.

After several meters, the wave disperses and creates a high-pressure gravitational explosion, devastating the affected area.

A high-diameter crater with a depth of several meters forms after the explosion.

"Wow..." Valeria exclaims in awe.

In this world, there are two ways to activate magical abilities: Imagination and verbal spell casting.

For surprise attacks, using imagination is the best choice. However, this method tends to be more difficult and complex due to various intricate factors and components.

In contrast, for verbal spell casting, the user only needs to understand the framework of the technique they wish to use. However, the control provided varies greatly depending on the user's skill level.

For a genius like Orion, he can freely use imagination and efficiently employ verbal spell casting.

The concept is the same as the Aura he has already mastered, requiring only minor optimizations.