
God of War (4)

"Hey Neos..."

Berkah, or rather, his clone, was waiting just outside of Neos's room.

As soon as the little girl walked out, he smiled bitterly and waved his hand.


Neos pouted her cheeks and furrowed her little eyebrows as she stomped past Berkah.

[Haha... She's been acting weird ever since we left that restaurant. I guess she really does know that I am a clone...]

Berkah smiled bitterly and scratched his curly scalp.

"Don't worry about it too much... She gets like that sometimes."

Hidero patted Berkah's shoulder and smiled, reassuring him that Neos's attitude did not come from a bad place.

"If you say so..."

Berkah shrugged and followed Neos.

[I thought Neos had taken a liking to him. Which is actually rare...]

[Did they have a fight?]

Hidero pondered, his eyes narrowed at Berkah's feathered back.

[This guy... Why did he suddenly fetch me from my room?]