
Sovereign Of The Overpowered Ring

My view about life seriously has always sucked, as my opinion about rings, it was nothing special. Everyone has always had that time when something happened and it influenced their point of view on many things. And Everyone has always had that point of extraordinary where a single variable begins to defy all your point of view and make you rethink it all. For some it could be love, some may be the new launching that defies all their past judgment about games, for some it could be phones but for me, it was a ring. A ring that transmigrated me and gave me another chance to relive my until now, pathetic life. The world of CERIA was beyond what I had expected, beasts, vassal weapons, magic, martial arts, endless exploration and still improving concepts. It was a world that made me look forward to every day I woke up. However, with this new chance came responsibility, come along with me and my ring companion as we take a big step into the world of Ceria and discover unquestioned answers. The story Pace is neither too fast nor too slow, all are in a perfect rhythmic format with the story itself. Note: This book is written in first person omniscient and the information power the narrator has over other characters is limited. Because the narrator is the MC, he won't reveal much information about other characters until they are actually revealed in the story progression, but he explains himself freely, hence it is possible to feel a slight voice change when narrating other scenes where MC is not present. But if you pay attention from the beginning nothing will change, since there won't be frequent POV changes. :::::;:; Cover is not mine, credit goes to whoever owns it....and I will still change it::::::::: :::: To enjoy the ecstasy of this book, it shouldn't be read absentmindedly because one of its unique traits is the narration voice:::: Follow sage_m8de on Instagram to see updates about characters and stories. The pictures are not mine however they are exactly how the characters are and are nearer to the description given. Spoiler alerts: there are pieces of information about characters that are yet to be introduced in the story.

RighteousFilth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
226 Chs

Meeting The Imperial Family II

"My name is Gilland, Gilland Deux Lignilart Maxnor and I'm thirteen." I stopped there not knowing what else to say.

"Oh oh, but I hear you have made a pact with the Household Vassal weapon and that your core has ripened even though you are this young..."

I didn't know what to respond to that, besides how did he even know, did he plant a spy in our dukedom or something?

"Father?! That's impossible, it must've been just baseless rumour!" Prince Evan yelled, his interference at that moment saved me from responding.

"Then do you want to have a spar with him? Let's see if it's a baseless rumour." The Emperor said.

"I'm with father, I'm curious to see what it'll be like, your core has ripened too so it shouldn't be a problem, the only problem is that he'll be using a vassal weapon."

"It's okay, I won't use one." My voice caused a graveyard silence to dominate the table.

That minute, beside me, I could feel copious energy seeping out, my eyeballs naturally dived to get a better view, his hand was wrapped in white and almost colourless ether energy and the spoon he was holding was bending.

A wide smile covered the Emperor's face.

"Now now, how do you feel about that my little brat." He said, his words sounded as though he was mocking the young Prince.

"Looks like Evan got a piece of himself..." The third Prince said.

"Yea, I can tell it's going to be a tedious journey for him, the princess who was sitting after the third Prince added.

Immediately a tall and broad-shouldered old man entered the dining, he bowed, walked towards the Emperor and whispered something in his ear. Immediately there was an obvious change in the Emperor's expression, but he quickly garnered himself.

"Is something wrong your majesty?" The Empress asked as the man walked out.

"I will talk to you about it later, I have to leave right now." He said and stood up. He looked at me, "I like you young man, and the first Prince will conduct the match between you two. I might not be there to watch but I will hear of it." He said and walked out.

Beside me, even more, suffocating pressure exuded, melting the silver spoon in his hands. 'Even he is no joke, but he still has a long way to go before he reaches me.'

"Everyone silent now, let's introduce ourselves to the young man." The Empress said.

"My name is Nicholous Regalius El Binneniel, I prefer being referred to as Regal." He said not glancing in my direction but his tone was pleasant and honourable.

"Modestus Martinus El Binneniel, second Prince, he said, he had a jovial face and unlike the first Prince who has a rough beard that seems to just be sprouting, his was quite full but just the chin level.

"I'm Lemniselenis Arlo El Binneniel, as you can see I'm the third Prince, three years younger than my second brother, seven years younger than my first brother and one year older than this rogue Princess."

"Hey!" The princess yelled at him immediately.

"Lemmy?" The Empress's voice also warned him.

"My apologies mother..." He said carelessly.

"I am princess Acilia Ceionia Floronia El Binneniel. You can call me princess Acilia, or princess Ceionia, or just princess Cei."

"Isn't that like... enough?" Prince Lemniselenis(the third prince) said.

She ignored and smiled at me causing mosquitoes in my stomach. But undoubtedly that smile of hers was cute but I was way over kids, by her looks alone I could tell she was not even as old as Avery.

"I'm Prince Acil Ceion Houghton El Binneniel, the fourth Prince." He said, his white hair was wavy and reaching his shoulder, having a clear look at his face made me realise the striking resemblance he had with the princess."

"Yes, they are twins." Prince Lemniselenis answered.

"Waaaahhh...." I was awed, imperial twins, it was something I always imagined to be cool. The Empress let out an elegant smile as she saw me express my admiration towards the twin.

"Evan?" She said, immediately switching to a serious face as she looked at the youngest Prince.

"Evandior Hegio El Binneniel," He said grumpily and quoted down.

But wait, 'Did I just...' I had to quench my thought so as not to warrant unnecessary laughter and get beheaded on my first day.

"You have known the entire imperial family, one thing I want you to know is you are now one of us, you can ask the other nobles that came before you when the princes came of age. You have nothing to be scared of." She concluded and the serving of the food commenced.

Not long into breakfast, a messenger came to get the other princes except Evan, as their attention was needed in the throne room.




The Imperial Throne room.

"Matters have gotten out of hand, the movement of THE BASTARD DRAGON is not something we anticipated, that wall was built to push back whatever was on the southern end of our continent."

"The attack of the bastard dragon is suspicious, how about we start from there? The bastard dragon's lair is far away from where the Fort is, shouldn't we be asking ourselves why a dragon that has not moved in over a hundred years decided to suddenly attack Iredale Fort."

"I support Marquiss Erbeens, the attack of dragons is not rare, but one on the level of an elderwyrm such as the bastard dragon rarely moves. Your majesty, I think this should be investigated. I dare to suggest that this is someone's scheme, perhaps a part." The man concluded, bowing his head.

"What do you think Prince Regalius?" The Emperor asked.

"I do not think it is a bad idea to investigate, however, we must also rule out what the person stands to gain by destroying the fort, perhaps that would also push us further." He answered.

"Haha, as expected of the First Prince." A foghorn voice blared.

Silence covered the entire throne room immediately.

"Viscount Putward, I have warned about praising the princes during court meetings. Are you ignoring my warning? Should I slaughter your family for treason and reduce you to the status of a commoner?"


The short and robust man immediately kowtowed slamming his head on the ground, "Forgive me, your majesty, forgive me, I was carried away. It will never happen again."

The Emperor sighed, "Keep slamming your head till the meeting is over." He looked around, "Does anyone has an objection to his punishment? At least it is better than having to lose one's family and be a commoner."

The room was as silent as a graveyard.

"I have said over and over again, I know there are factions that follow one Prince and not the other but as far as I am on this throne none of you should dare bare your fangs. I might have given all the princes equal chances to fight for the throne but I don't intend to turn my sons against each other and even your lots will not facilitate that, at least not when I am alive."

"Yes, your majesty." A chorus response rang throughout the room.

"The head investigator should personally be in charge of this case. Just a piece of advice from this old monarch with experience, relay to him to look more into the activities of the giant clan. If any of you have matters to add or anything that I should know of. I am listening."

"Yes, your majesty." A man in green medieval-tux attire, with a blonde-coloured high and tight hair cut, spoke.

"You may speak Count Vernille." The Emperor replied.

"About Qualis's request to send their youngest Prince to the empire till his coming of age."

"Ah, yes, we discussed that the other time. What was their reason again?"

"They want him to gain insight into other cultures and be knowledgeable even though he's far in line to the throne. However, it benefits us in no way."

"Ah, right." The Emperor replied, rubbing his clean shaved chin.

"And also your mages—"

"You can stop there Count Vernille, just let them bring him. Sometimes it's good to let some things flow even though they are out of line. Besides one can never tell the future."

Count Vernille bowed in response and once again the entire hall was in awe.

"Alright, if there's nothing more, can I go? This old man needs his rest." He said, standing up and cracking his back. He gallantly walked outsides, accompanied by the guards and chief guard.

The nobles afterwards walked out of the throne room, murmuring to each other as usual.

"Does father's charisma and way of ruling not amaze you?" Prince Lemniselenis said to the second Prince(Modestus).

"Of course. But should you be discussing these sort of things with me, we are competitors." Prince Modestus responded.

"Come on, don't be so thorough, you heard what father said."

"I don't intend to turn my sons against each other... ieeeshhh, I got goosebumps at that part." Prince Acil butted in aggressively, jumping in excitement at the end of his statement.

The three of them stopped as they happen to witness their elder brother helping Viscount Putward who had been punished earlier by the Emperor. They paused at the sight of the blood that ran down from the man's forehead.

"But I must say, father, can also be very ruthless sometimes." Prince Lemniselenis said, pitying the man with his gaze.

"I know right." Prince Modestus added, looking at Prince Regalius help the noble into his chariot.

"Do you think brother hates father?" Prince Acil asked, the question caught all of them by surprise. However, Prince Modestus was quick to recover,

"He'll be stupid to do so." He responded and left the crew.