
Sovereign of the End

In a world where strength is the one true law. A place where magic fills the air and mythical creatures only talked about in fairy tales roam the land. A place where one’s potential is decided from the moment they’re born. An anomaly happens. Deep inside the ancient Arcata Jungles where kingdoms rise and fall like the tide and monsters of unimaginable strength prowl the deeper reaches of the forest, a flash of light appears for a brief moment on the outer edge of the territory. With a thunderous crash an unknown entity not from this world falls through the trees slamming into the ground. Any entities powerful enough to sense the tear in space and time quickly lost interest and looked elsewhere upon sensing the weak power similar to a newborn emanating from the new being that just arrived. If only just one of them paid closer attention to this new being. If only they actually investigated and truly looked upon this person they would’ve noticed it. The presence of the foreign entity was like that of a newborn hatchling that had an endless hunger to grow, and soon it would be too late for any of them to stop it. This is the story of that foreign being, of Eclipse, and his rise to power. A story of building up a nation and a family. A story of unraveling the secrets of the universe and their many mysteries. This is a story of a second chance.

TheFabledWriter · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Skill Points


Pulling a wooden makeshift spear out of the head of a 2 foot big caterpillar covered in spikes, Eclipse smiled as he heard another notification

"1* Poisonous Horned Caterpillar Slain, 4,000 Xp Gained!" The system said. "Level up to level 23 has been acquired! 1,500/12,000 Xp to reach the next level!"

After hunting for the last few hours and conversing with the system, Eclipse came to realize that the amount of Xp he got from killing a creature varied based on its level and race. There would also be a massive drop off in Xp if a person that killed a creature that was one letter rank higher, this prevents the stronger creatures from mass slaughtering creatures a rank below them.

"So system, if you were to compare my leveling speed to that of a normal person how would it compare?" Eclipse asked.

"The Xp boost you receive from your title is an amazing thing. To reach the level you got from killing mere caterpillar monsters over the last few hours, a normal adventurer would have to spend days to weeks hunting monsters to reach your level from level 1." The system said.

"Sweet!" Eclipse thought, scanning his surroundings for his next victim.

"Keep in mind that a person with natural talent would be able to level up at a fast speed also. But they still wouldn't be as fast as you." The system reminded Eclipse.

"Yeah I know. There's always a bigger fish out there in the sea, or something along those lines." Eclipse said.

After surveying his surroundings and deciding nothing was around them, Eclipse took a momentary break. Looking up into the sky he noticed that the suns were starting to get close to the horizon. Soon night would be upon them.

"Wow, time sure did fly by. Hey Coco, how about we hunt for a little bit longer and then call it a day and head back?" Eclipse asked, looking over at Coco.

"I'm fine with whatever you want to do." She replied without ever even looking back at him. Her gaze fixed in a certain direction off to the side.

"Is she upset at me?" Eclipse thought to himself. He had noticed a while back that Coco not only hadn't joined him in hunting any of the monsters, but she also had barely paid any attention to him at all. Her gaze seemed to be glued in a specific direction the entire time for some unknown reason.

Lost in his own thoughts, Eclipse almost didn't hear the slight rustle of leaves coming from the bushes behind him as he stared at Coco's back. Whirling around, Eclipse fixed his gaze on the shaking bush that now lay in front of him with his purple blood drenched spear at the ready.

Slowly a forked red tongue flicked out from the bushes as if tasting the air around it. Following after it was a giant green reptilian head with piercing yellow eyes. Taking in the surroundings and spotting the dead caterpillar's corpse and its killers, the creature decided to reveal itself in full.

Slithering out from the bush was a giant green snake similar to that of a python from back on Earth. The only difference between a normal python and this monster was its size. Its head wielded massive jaws capable of biting a man in half, its body so thick with muscle that a grown man would barely be able to wrap their arms around it.

"System, what am I looking at here?" Eclipse said in a slightly panicked tone


Species- Man-Eater Jungle Anaconda

Level/Rank- 38 {G-}

Description- A G- ranked creature that is famous for being a nocturnal predator. They often like to hang from jungle branches acting as vines for the giant trees and wait for prey. They were given the title 'Man-Eater' due to them consuming unsuspecting new adventurers whole, their digestive system strong enough to melt lower tier armor and equipment of their victims entirely. Beware of their strong scales that act as armor.


Getting in a stance with the spear aimed at the monster in front of Eclipse, he prepared for battle. Neither of the two combatants moved nor did they break eye contact.

"System, how many skill points have I hoarded so far from today's crusade?" Eclipse mentally asked, never letting his eyes wander away from his opponent.

"A normal person gets 5 skill points per level, but thanks to your title you get 10 skill points per level. Going from level 1 to 23 you leveled up 22 times, this means you have 220 skill points to assign to your stats.

"Open my status window." Eclipse said. Quickly scanning his status window for a second Eclipse dispersed his skill points among his stats. "Put 100 points into Magic, 40 into Agility, 50 into Strength, and the last 30 into Endurance."

After distributing his skill points, Eclipse's new status window now appeared like so.


Name- {Eclipse}

Title- {#%>@$&'s Emissary}

Species- {%$d&Q@< Hatchling}

Level/Rank- {23, G-}

Potential- unknown

Health- {305/305}

Mana- {645/645}

Endurance- {61}

Magic- {129}

Strength- {78}

Intelligence- {32}

Agility- {61}

Defense- {30}

Skills- Abyssal Magic (Primordial), Abyssal Creation (Primordial), Fragmented Lottery (Primordial), Abyssal Summoning (Primordial), Gravity Magic (Legendary), Flight (Rare), Water Magic (Common)


After distributing the skill points, a surge of energy started to flow into Eclipse's body. It felt like he took a dip in a cool river to relax after a long hard day of work.

When the surge of energy finished, the difference in stats points could clearly be felt. Eclipse felt stronger, faster, more sturdy, and overall just better. This feeling that Eclipse felt was so intoxicating to the point where he could only describe it as addicting.

Off to the side of what would soon be a battlefield, Coco smiled as she sensed Eclipse's growth in strength. She originally turned back around and was debating whether or not to step in and kill the snake for Eclipse, but after the sudden growth in strength she had confidence in him now. Turning back around, she continued staring off into the distance in a specific direction behind them.

The giant snake seemed to also sense the change in the presence around what it once considered to be prey. Originally the snake was thinking about how to approach it's target without scaring it away, but now it felt a slight sense of danger from the creature in front of it. It was as if this fight could go either way.

"So system, correct me if I'm wrong but I should be equivalent to that of a normal level 44 since I gain double the skill points correct?" Eclipse asked, now glaring back at the snake with a confident smile.

"Correct, so long as this creature isn't anything special or has a pure hidden bloodline you should be slightly stronger then it in terms of stat points." The system replied, a hint of excitement in its voice.

"Well I don't know about you, but I don't want to have a staring contest all day. Especially not against a creature that doesn't have eyelids, I mean come on, that's just cheating!" Eclipse shouted over at the snake.

As if understanding the general meaning of what Eclipse said to it, the creature gave low and threatening hiss in response.

"Glad we both agree then." Eclipse said, running at the giant python with his makeshift spear raised. In return the python slithered forwards at a pace not that much slower than Eclipse, fangs bared and ready to bite.

I will be publishing two more chapters later today as a bonus because I missed uploading one yesterday due to personal reasons.

TheFabledWritercreators' thoughts