
Sovereign of the End

In a world where strength is the one true law. A place where magic fills the air and mythical creatures only talked about in fairy tales roam the land. A place where one’s potential is decided from the moment they’re born. An anomaly happens. Deep inside the ancient Arcata Jungles where kingdoms rise and fall like the tide and monsters of unimaginable strength prowl the deeper reaches of the forest, a flash of light appears for a brief moment on the outer edge of the territory. With a thunderous crash an unknown entity not from this world falls through the trees slamming into the ground. Any entities powerful enough to sense the tear in space and time quickly lost interest and looked elsewhere upon sensing the weak power similar to a newborn emanating from the new being that just arrived. If only just one of them paid closer attention to this new being. If only they actually investigated and truly looked upon this person they would’ve noticed it. The presence of the foreign entity was like that of a newborn hatchling that had an endless hunger to grow, and soon it would be too late for any of them to stop it. This is the story of that foreign being, of Eclipse, and his rise to power. A story of building up a nation and a family. A story of unraveling the secrets of the universe and their many mysteries. This is a story of a second chance.

TheFabledWriter · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Beautiful Soul

Walking a little bit away from Eclipse, Coco observed her surroundings. The tropical palm trees and vegetation that surrounded the portal were dyed a shade darker as the sun had set inside the first floor.

Taking in a deep breath, Coco could smell various floral scents with a tinge of salt water in the distance. The sounds of waves washing up against a beach barely breaking through the natural sound barrier created by the vegetation.

While watching Coco take in her surroundings, Eclipse started at her roaming around the small clearing. A ray of moonlight had broken through the clouds lighting up only a small area around Coco reflecting off her Snow White skin and metallic colored hair that almost seemed to glow.

"Sorry to interrupt your daydreaming, but if you don't mind me asking why did you bring a mysterious and strong foreign entity into the dungeon? The core of the Abyss that is made from your soul will need to be made in the next few minutes if you don't want the Abyss to collapse in on itself forming a black hole." The system said in a questioning and mechanical tone, rudely interrupting Eclipse's daydream.

"I don't recommend showing your core or revealing my existence to someone who isn't under your command and bound by your skills. Otherwise they could use this against you as leverage or even outright shatter your core, killing you in the process." The system told Eclipse as if it was explaining it to a three year old.

"Wait system, what do you mean Coco is a foreign entity? Are you saying that she isn't registered as a summonable subordinate?" Eclipse asked, confused.

"Correct, I don't know what you did while summoning subordinates but the entity in front of you that you call 'Coco' is not under your command and could betray you whenever she pleases. To make matters worse, I'm unable to register her and see her status or even create a quest to turn her into a subordinate." The system said in a cautious voice.

"There isn't even a single entity that I can't see the status of in this whole jungle if given enough time and if you grow strong enough as I grow along with you in strength." The system said. "But no matter how much I try, no matter how many simulations I run, I don't think I'll ever be able to register this 'Coco' you've brought."

"To put it in the most simple and blatant way possible for your puny brain to understand, this Coco is a… ANOMALY." The system said, it's voice glitching out and breaking apart as it said the last word.

"Well you can rest easy because I can't imagine Coco would ever harm me in a million years." Eclipse said with confidence.

"You forget that people change with time. Not only that, you also forget that its been longer than a measly million years since you two were last together. All I will say on this matter is for the host to be cautious around the entity known as Coco, lest you may come to regret it later." The system said, going silent.

"Whatcha doing?" A voice whispered from behind Eclipse into his ear. A scent of orange slices and honey drifted along with each word.

Jumping while turning around, Eclipse then realized that Coco had snuck up behind him while he was having a conversation with the system in his mind.

"Don't sneak up behind people like that or you'll give them a heart attack!" Eclipse said, avoiding the question.

"I didn't sneak up behind you. I just walked up to you but you were ignoring me while lost in thought. You were like that for such a long time that I was starting to worry." Coco replied. She was holding her hands behind her back with a curious and concerned look on her face.

Before Eclipse could say anything else to her, the system's voice rang through his head once again. "Allotted time period has passed, formation of Abyss's core will now be initiated automatically for host's safety."

All of a sudden Eclipse felt as if an invisible hand had reached into his chest. The pain was excruciating but it was nothing compared to what happened next. The hand after delving further inside him appeared to have found its target as it closed its hand around something. The result was instantaneous as Eclipse started to shiver and convulse.

The invisible force then started to slowly come out, tearing whatever it had taken ahold of inside Eclipse out along with it. Moments later it had extracted something that looked like a misty cloud of glowing golden and white particles from the center of Eclipse's chest.

Instantly Eclipse's knees buckled as he fell forward toward the ground. But instead of hitting the cold hard ground, he felt the warm and cushiony embrace of something unknown to him.

Coco held Eclipse's cold and limp body, his head leaning against her ample chest. She looked down at him with a caring and concerned look as he lost consciousness.

After seeing that he was safe, Coco then looked over at the golden and white mist that appeared to be slowly condensing. The look in her eyes was cold and devoid of any emotion, it was a look that would scare even the most horrendous and powerful of monsters.

She set Eclipse gently down on the ground and walked over to the condensing golden and white mist. Slowly she raised up a single hand towards the clouds. The hand was beautiful and elegant like a work of art, but at this moment if anyone saw this hand those would be the last words they would use to describe it.

As she raised her hand towards the mist, an empty and unrelenting coldness emanated from it. The very air itself didn't even dare to touch the hand creating a thin film of emptiness where not even the building blocks of creation existed. The space where the hand slowly went by cracked creating a spider web like image as if glass had been fractured.

Right before her hand reached the cloud, Coco's silver and gold eyes glowed as if analyzing the mist. Instantly her hand stopped inches before reaching the cloud.

"I see, so it's like that." Coco said as her hand turned back to normal. She gently caressed the cloud with a warm and loving hand, her eyes still glowing as she observed the mist that grew smaller by the second as it condensed.

"What a beautiful soul you have, master." She said as she walked back over to the sleeping Eclipse and stood guard over his body.



Stirring from his slumber with a yawn, Eclipse began to slowly wake up. As he opened his eyes the bright light of a morning sun blinded him temporarily as his eyes adjusted.

"Did I sleep through the whole night?" He asked out loud to no one in particular.

"Yep, you slept for almost 11 hours straight." Coco responded from right next to him. "So what did you think of your makeshift pillow?"

"Makeshift pillow?" Eclipse thought to himself confused as his eyes finally adjusted. The moment he could see his surroundings his face went red as he realized that he had been resting his head on Coco's lap the entire time.

"Thanks. It was um… very comfortable." Eclipse said, stumbling over his words. He quickly stood up while pretending to stretch and looking away from her.

"Smooth." The system said in a sarcastic voice.

"Shut up will you!" Eclipse shouted out loud in annoyance.

"I'm terribly sorry, I'll be quiet and won't rest your head on my lap next time." Coco said with a dejected voice, her tails visibly dropping as if expressing their sadness.

"I WILL END YOU." Eclipse mentally told the system before going over to Coco.

"Ignore my earlier comment, I was just talking to myself for being so weird when I woke up." Eclipse said trying to mend the situation.

"Now that was actually smooth." The system said in a somewhat impressed tone.

Ignoring the system, Eclipse walked towards the jungle that encompassed the portal while waving for Coco to follow him. Together the two of them walked through the small and dense patch of palm trees for only a few moments before coming up to a small beach.

Out in front of them was a vast expanse of ocean, sparkling blue like sapphire. Waves crashed against the beach creating a relaxing sound as the scent of salt filled the air.

The weather was hot and sunny with an occasional cloud or gust of wind to cool a person off. Beyond the occasional small cloud, the sky was completely clear.

"Welcome to the first floor of the Abyss otherwise known as Aquarius!" The system happily announced. "Now shall we begin the tour?!"

Imagine if Coco didn't check and just attacked... At least his death would've been quick.

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