
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.39 Meeting the Grames Family Pt3

Just as Mike entered the mansion behind the chairmen and his father he noticed a spiralling staircase the led to the second floor and looked up the staircase to see 5 more levels to the mansion and wondered in awe as he knew it wasn't possible for the outer size of the mansion using normal means before he heard the chairmen say next to him

"It's space distortion magic, makes you able to build a castle inside of a worn down shack so to speak"

Mike kept looking in awe as he asked the chairmen

"Who managed to make this? I've seen it before at a restaurant yesterday at a pub called 'The Single Ladies' and I was curious about it too"

Just then Calvin walked over and said with a slight smile on his face

"This is the works of my granddaughter Kaitlin who is a very talented hunter"

Just then Mike heard a loud bang upstairs and a woman yell out saying

"Hey gramps! Are our guests here?"

Mike looked at the chairmen and then at as Calvin said

"Kaitlin, There are already here so get ready for dinner"

Just then the same woman leaned over the railing and said as Mike looked up to see Kaitlin with blond hair with some makeup on wearing some sweatpants and a sports bra

"I'll be right down! Just gotta get dressed!"

Calvin sighed and said as he walked over to a pair of red doors before opening them to reveal a mini bar next to a lounge area with a giant flatscreen on the wall while they could see mikes father chatting with an elderly lady who Mike assumed to be Calvin's wife

"She is always a little troublemaker, we will wait here for dinner to be prepared"

Mike politely said Calvin before they entered the room

"I'm sorry sir but I did not come to socialize for the day"

Calvin nodded and said as the chairmen passed Calvin and immediately went to the mini bar for a drink

"I know why you're here and I plan to resolve this conflict that has happened with my grandson Gideon so please make yourself comfortable"

Mike didn't see the old man budging one bit and reluctantly entered the room where he felt an overwhelming sense of fear from everyone around as if he was going to be killed and forgotten in an instant except his father and the chairmen were very relaxed before Mike walked to the mini bar and sat as far as possible from his father and told the bartender when he came over

"Whiskey please"

The bartender nodded and began to make his Mike while Mike took out his wallet and took out his photo of himself and his mom and said to himself as he stared at the picture

'Mom, I wish you were here to help me right now'

Just then Mike noticed his father staring at him holding the picture before Mike got his drink and put the photo in his pocket and said before the bartender left


Just as Mike just a sip of his drink he saw a man wearing a black and blue Komodo with flowers on it with a small yet noticeable scar on his forehead in the shape of a cross staring at him a few seats away before he ignored him and went back to his thoughts before the man got up and sat down next to Mike and said

"So I'm guessing your the one who's making all the noise around town"

Mike didn't looked at the man but said as he continued having his drink

"That depends on what you've heard I'm Mike"

The man laughed a little bit and said as the bartender brought of a pint of beer for the man

"John, but I heard your the hunter who made it to A-Rank if a few weeks since he became a hunter and managed to have some powerful hunter allies like the phantom arrow, blue phoenix and even that scarlet woman who was as guild of people like her"

Mike did his best to hide his surprise from John but john laughed and said before drinking the whole pint in seconds

"Don't be so surprised since Justin has been interested in you since he saw the Chairmen's speech but I must ask, is that really your father? The Harold of fate?"

Mike looked at john in anger for a moment before he took a deep breath and said before finishing his drink and stood up

"I don't call him that and I don't care who calls him whatever and if I could then I wouldn't have come here at all with him"

This flagged the johns curiosity as he watched Mike sit in a chair over in the lounge area by himself before The man got up and went out the door with Kaitlin passing him when she saw Mike holding his head in one of the chairs and picked up two beers from the mini bar and said as she sat down next on a chair beside Mike and placed a beer on the table in between them next to Mike

"You alright?"

Mike slid the beer back to Kaitlin and said

"Can I be left alone with my thoughts please?"

Kaitlin leaned back and said as she held mikes photo in her hand

"Cute family but a corner is missing"

Mike was shocked and searched his pocket for the photo to find out that she had took it somehow before Mike held his hand out and said as he looked at Kaitlin holding the photo

"P-Please give it back, it's one of the last things I have of my mom….p-please"

Kaitlin saw the worry in mikes face before she handed him the photo back and a piece of paper that had a phone number on it and said before she got up and left for the mini bar

"Here and even though we just met, you can always talk with me over the phone"

Mike sighed in relief as the one photo he had of his mom was returned to him and soon after heard the doors open with Calvin and a few other family members of his entering the room that made mikes skin crawl and everything else in his body say out loud that everyone was dangerous before Mike saw Gideon staring at him but to mikes surprise he seemed to be in amazing shape as all his wounds have healed completely from when Mike saw him last

As soon as Calvin saw Mike in the corner by himself he was curious and walked over as the other family members were busy at the bar or on the opposite end of the lounge area and said as he sat down

"What's the matter young lad?"

Mike looked the other way and didn't answer Calvin before he asked Mike

"Why are you so distant from everyone even though you have yet to know us?"

Mike pulled out his photo of Mike and said as he placed it on the table for Calvin to see

"This should say why I'm over here"

Calvin noticed the torn out piece of the photo before he realized that the missing piece was his fathers part of the picture and said before Mike put it back in his pocket

"I see… you should know it isn't healthy to be so distant from those who cared for you as a child"

Mike chuckled and said as his fists began to tremble as he started to remember some old memories of his mother on her deathbed

"That's it though… he wasn't there, not for me or my mom and when I see him three years later he says..."

Calvin held mikes hand and said

"I may not know your pain but what I do know is that the more you close yourself off the more pain you will feel"

Mike felt warmth from the old man's hand that reminded him of his mother saying before she died on the hospital bed

'Even if the world is against you, you have to be brave and fight for your life no matter what'

Mike wiped away a tear and said as he moved his hand from Calvin's grasp

"Do you have a training room? I find working out relieves my stress and anger"

Calvin said as he tapped his cane on the ground three times before a maid came over

"Please guide Mr.grant to the training room and bring him to the dining room once dinner is prepared"

The maid bowed and said before Mike got up and followed her out the doors

"Certainly master, this way please Mr.Grant"

Once Mike had left with the maid Calvin pulled out a tablet from under his kimono robe and opened up a surveillance system and clicked on (Training room) before John came over and said as he sat down where Mike sat earlier next to Calvin

"Grandfather, was my assessment of Mike right?"

Calvin shrugged and placed the tablet on the table before a 3D hologram of the training room Mike just enter appeared before saying

"He was a little bit interesting, but we shall see"

John looked at the hologram of Mike taking off his jacket and shoes before Mike took off his shirt to reveal mikes back held hundreds of scars and while some were big and some were small john focused on the tattoo running down mikes spine sideways with a yin and Yang symbol at the end that read 'I shall not seek war but prepare for war if necessary'

John after seeing mikes scarred and tattooed back looked at Calvin and said

"I've seen this tattoo before"

Calvin rotated the hologram and zoomed in on the tattoo and said as he zoomed out and said with a smile on his face

"I know that tattoo as well, and it seems we have nothing to worry about"