
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.21 The Grand Opening And A New Quest System

Once Mike had woken up he opened his phone to see it was quite early and got dressed before he went to his store with Raiu to prepare for the grand opening and when Mike entered the store he piled all his spell books and started stocking them up on the shelves before he did the same with the Skill books

Before Mike heard some motorcycles reviving their engines outside and looked out the window to see nearly a dozen guys wearing identical clothes hop off their bikes and sit down at a table outside the cafe that was across the street and went back to stocking up his books on the shelves when he heard a woman screaming and yelling

"Stop it! Your hurting me!"

Mike opened his door to see one of the bikers groping the waitress and said

"Hey! She doesn't want that so stop it"

The biker who was groping the waitress looked at Mike and said with a smile

"Relax man, this here is our turf so go back into your shop or we'll have to teach you some manners"

Mike looked at the waitress and said

"Please head inside and call the police"

The biker grabbed the waitress's arm and said

"No your not going to call the cops, boys! Teach him a lesson"

Mike took a deep breath and said as he closed his eyes

"Last chance to back away"

The bikers just laughed before one of them swung at Mike with a crowbar however Mike dodged it at the last second and returned with a jab to the gut causing the biker to have the wind knocked out of him before Mike said as he held his eyes shut

You guys want to continue? Or you can just leave"

The biker who was holding the waitress let go of her and charged at Mike and went for a tackle but Mike effortlessly jumped over the man and grabbed his leg before Mike slammed the biker into the ground and kneed him in the chest and said as he took the keys to his bike

"Don't cause trouble here again and thanks for letting me borrow your bike"

The bikers were shocked at what happened just now and got back on bikes and drove off just in time when the police arrived and looked around and said as they found Mike standing over the biker

"What happened here sir?"

Mike proceeded to explain what had happened without leaving out any details before the officer said as his partner cuffed the biker and put in the back seat to their car

"Thank you for helping this woman but next time leave it to the police to get involved okay?"

Mike nodded and waved as they left and turned to the waitress and said

"Are you okay?"

The waitress didn't say anything and just nodded while covering her face with her serving board

Mike smiled and said as he stuck his hand out

"My name is Mike and if those guys bother you again then just pop in my shop over there"

The waitress kept hiding her face and said as she shook mikes hand before running into the cafe

"T-Thank Y-You, I'm Cecil"

Mike scratched the back of his head as he saw the mess from the little brawl and casted [speed boost] and piled up all the rubble on the sidewalk in a bag before he entered the shop and flicked on a switch were a sign lighted up saying 'We're open'

And said as he sat down behind the counter and said to himself as he put on his mask and closed his eyes to meditate

'Let's hope we don't have anymore problems today'

However suddenly a system message appeared saying

[Daily quest has begun, please sell 50 spell books and skill books for the daily rewards]

Mike smiled and said to himself as he was curious as to what the rewards would be

'I wonder what I'll get'

After a few hours of waiting silently behind the front desk the door opened and Mike heard violet say

"Hey little mikey!"

Mike opened his eyes to see scarlet and violet walking through the front door with some of the members of her guild and waved and said

"Hello and welcome"

Scarlet hit the back of Violets head and said as she started browsing the shelves

"Are these the ones that you are selling?"

Mike nodded and said while scarlet and violet started looking at the books on the shelves

"All of the books on the shelves I am selling so take your time to look at them before you make a purchase"

Just then one of the mages from scarlets guild picked up a book and said to scarlet

"Guild master, why did you bring us to a book store?"

Scarlet tossed a [Speed Boost]<Common> at her and said with a smile on her face

"This isn't a normal book store"

The mage looked at the [Speed Boost] in her hand with shock before she looked at the one she was holding to realize she was holding a [FireBall] skill as well and turned to Mike who was just sitting there behind the desk and turned back to scarlet and said

"Are these real?"

Scarlet started stacking some [Self-Heal]<Common> book in violets hands and said

"Yep now go see if there's something you guys want"

All the guild members looked at each other before they walked off in other directions and shortly after Mike heard the same mage say as she held a [paralyze cure] and a [blindness cure] in each of her hands

"These are status cure spell books?! How do you have so many?! And there all exactly the same as the others! How?!"

Mike smiled from behind the mask and said

"That's my little secret"

Nick popped his head out holding a [Lesser Strength Boost] in his hand and say in shock

"You even have a strength boosting skill book?! And this sheer number of them!"

Mike saw scarlet walking to the front desk with Violet holding a stack of book that were as tall as her and said

"This stock you have is quite large"

Mike leaned in and said

"This is just the beginning"

Just then the door opened again causing everyone to turn for them to see Sam walking through with two of her guild members

And caused Mike to say in a polite voice

"Hello and welcome, please have a look around"

Sam looked at scarlet and said as she started walking down one of the aisles

"Shopkeeper, what are you selling out of curiosity?"

Mike saw Sam's guild members looking at scarlets members with death glares as if a fight was about to break out and said

"Skill books and Spell books however there only common ones"

Sam looked surprised as she held a [Thunder bolt] spell book and a [FireBall spell book in her hands and said

"You assembled quite the collection of books here"

Scarlet turned to Mike and said politely even though a vine was bulging on her forehead

"Shopkeeper, I would like to buy these books"

Mike nodded and said after doing the Calculations of the purchase

"For 10 [Self-Heals] 15 [Speed Boosts] and 15 [Lesser Strength Boosts] your total comes to $3,677.98"

Everyone including Sam and her members looked at Mike in confusion causing Mike to say

"Is there a problem?"

Scarlet looked at the stack of books next to her and said

"Shopkeeper, the normal rate for a single spell book even if it's a common is over 5 thousand dollars"

Mike shook his head and said

"Well, this isn't a normal shop so I guess it's fine"

Scarlet saw no doubt in mikes eyes and smiled And said as she paid for the books

"Very well, thank you"

Mike heard a system message saying he had just gained a thousand points from the purchase and nodded to scarlet before scarlet turned and said to her members

"We still have to prepare for the next dungeon raid so pick and buy the books you want"

Sam looked at her members and said

"Hurry up, we still have our own practice to go to"

Sam's and scarlets members both grabbed their own books after looking around and left after they paid for them and gave Mike a few hundred more points before a system message appeared saying

[You have completed the daily quest your rewards will be handed out when you close your store]

Mike felt somewhat disappointed that he couldn't find out what his rewards were when he heard the door open to see Cecil walking through holding a paper bag in her hands

Mike lifted up the mask and said

"Hi Cecil, those bikers come back?"

Cecil shook her head and said as she placed the paper bag on the counter in front of Mike

"N-No, T-This is from my family as thanks please enjoy"

Mike opened the bag to find a cup of hot chocolate with a chocolate chip muffin and said with a smile

"Thank you Cecil and you can visit me anytime if you need someone to talk to"

Cecil blushed bright red and ran out of the store to her shop while Mike started to enjoy his little treat