
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.10 Auction House Pt2

Once Mike had returned to the VIP area he went to sit down and wait for the auction to start as he heard scarlet say once she sat down next to Mike

"Sorry about my grandfather"

Mike shook his head and said as he and scarlet saw Cindy approaching the stage

"It's nothing"

Once Cindy had reached the microphone nearly a dozen Masked Staff members came out all pulling a cart with a drape over it to cover the items that were underneath it and then everyone heard Cindy say as she gave a small bow to the crowd

"I want to thank everyone for coming today, now these last few items are quite special and I will continue this auction and now for the first item"

Just then a drape was pulled off of the far right cart to reveal a katana that had an aqua blue handle and guard on it before Cindy showed its stats on the big screen and said

"This sword called the Tsunami was donated from the Foji Guild to be apart of our auction bidding will start at $400,00"

Mike didn't have to need of a sword since he was a wizard and kept watching till the auction till something else came along that Mike would want till there was only one last item when Cindy said over the mic

"These last item's are the most valuable items of the day, found in an S-Rank Thunder Sea's Dungeon"

Mike got up from his seat as he felt the mana in the air act as if it was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night before Cindy pulled down the drapes to reveal three black Scaled Eggs with each of the radiating an intense wave on mana before Cindy said as the big screen popped up showing the eggs

"I present to you all three Storm basilisk Eggs provided by the Howling Moon guild, bidding starts at 1 million"

Mike turned to scarlet and said while giving an embarrassed look

"Are you able to get me one of those eggs?"

Scarlet scoffed and said with a proud look on her face as she held a wallet in her hand

"I'll just use my grandpa's wallet to get it for you"

Mike was utterly shocked before scarlet stood up and heard the current bid go to 20 million and yelled

"50 Million!"

Mike quickly ducked as a spotlight shined on scarlet while the whole crowd looked at her in shock before a young man in one of the VIP rooms yelled before a spotlight shined on him as well

"60 million!"

Scarlet folded her arms and scoffed before she yelled as she saw her grandfather looking at her in horror after noticing his wallet was missing

"100 million!"

Cindy counted down as she saw her father's reaction and saw that to previous young man in the vip booth had given up on this bid

"Going once…. Going twice..... sold! You may collect your item after the auction"

After the two other eggs were auctioned off Mike gave Scarlet a tight hug as he said like he was a kid getting a free piece of cake from a store

"Thank you scarlet, thank you!"

Scarlet started blushing before she realized that Mike had already left to go get his egg

Once Mike had left the VIP room he saw Cindy and calmly made his way over and asked

"Hello Miss Goldren, where can I pick up the Storm Basilisk egg"

Cindy smiled and said before she opened the door next to her to reveal the egg on a stand in the middle of the room

"I knew my daughter would give it to you as she is utterly terrified of snakes, here it is"

As mike picked up the egg he heard the system say as a timer appeared

[This Storm Basilisk Egg will hatch in 3 days, would you like to transport this basilisk egg to the Mediating room to promote its hatching process and growth?]

Mike felt like he was holding a raging thunderstorm in his hands before he nodded and the egg disappeared before he left the room and bowed to Cindy and said

"Thank you for your hospitality Miss Goldren and as a gift I will have items for you to auction off in the future"

Cindy smiled and said before Mike left to go back home

"Please do not worry, and should my youngest daughter Violet be any trouble let me know and I'll sort her out"

Once Mike had returned home he heard scarlet say

"Please remember the Dungeon Crawl in 3 days if you still wish to attend"

Mike smiled and said before waving goodbye to Scarlet as she drove away

"I will and thank you for the egg"