
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.1 Awakened

Mike said to himself as he started to open his eyes to see some medical equipment next to him

'…where am I?'

Mike barely sat up on the bed and looked around and saw he was in a hospital and remembered that he had an accident when he was working in a construction yard where a steel beam fell on him

Just then a nurse with blonde hair came through the door and Mike said

"Umm excuse me, can I get some water?"

The nurse saw Mike and dropped her clipboard before running back out of the room screaming

"Doctor Joy! He's awake! It's a miracle!"

Mike was confused and was about to lie back down as his whole back started to ache when he heard something say while a transparent panel appeared in front of him

[Host Migration successful]

[Drawing Class….!!!]

[Host has gained Mythical Class Sovereign Of Magic]

[Host has started to form a Tier 1 Magic core

Time remaining 8 Hours]

[Host has received [Fire Ball]<common> spell book]

[Host has learned class skill [Magic Crafting]<Mythical>]

[Host has received Elvish language Tier 1]

[Host has received Dark elvish language Tier 1]

[Host has received Dwarfish language Tier 1]

[Host has received Magic shop token]

[Hello Host, I am your magical Assistant]

Mike rubbed his eyes and was curious about what was happening when a couple of doctors came flooding in through the door and saw Mike who was just staring at them before one of the doctors asked Mike

"Hello Mr.Grant, how are you feeling? Any pain or numbness?"

Mike laid back down slowly and said while rubbing his head

"My back is aching and I think I'm hearing voices or something and I'm seeing something hovering in front of me"

The doctors looked at each other before the same doctor said

"Are you perhaps talking about the system panel…. meaning you Awakened?"

Mike looked up at the doctor and stared at him before saying

"… what do you mean?"

One of the nurses showed Mike a video on a tablet she was carrying showing people using swords, bows and other weapons to kill some goblins causing Mike to say

"Is this a new video game or something?"

The nurse shook her head and said as she turned the tv on to show a group of people in the middle of a field wearing medieval armour and weapons before they saw a dark purple portal appear

However Mike saw it say on the broadcast that it said that it was the year 2044 and immediately said to one of the doctors

"How long was I asleep?"

The doctors kept quiet before the nurse said

"You were in a coma for 7 years"

Mike couldn't believe it and stayed silent as the doctors kept trying to get mikes attention until a man in a black suit came through the door and said as he saw Mike on the bed

"Are you Mr.Grant?"

Mike only nodded before he saw the man place a suitcase on the table next to him and a paper bag on the bed at mikes feet before bowing and handed Mike a letter before leaving

Mike looked at the letter and saw a wax seal of a lion on it that resembled the construction company he worked for before opening it and saw a pair of keys along with a note saying

~Hello Mr.Grant,

On behalf of the company we have set aside some assets for you should you awake from your coma.

On the back of this note will be an address to an apartment for these keys and a total of 80 thousand dollars in cash in this suitcase.

We thank you for Your service

Sincerely Chairman Robert Scold~

Mike look at the back of the letter before he asked the nurse

"Can I see what's in the bag?"

The nurse hastily brought the paper bag over and let Mike see it was a pair of clothes and a phone before the doctors said

"You'll still need to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks to make sure your fit to be discharged so please rest up Mr.Grant"

Once everyone left Mike put the bag on the floor and stared at the ceiling before saying to himself

'What kind of world have I woken up to'

7 hours later after Mike learned what he had miss in the 7 years he was asleep he heard the System panel appear and a message saying

[Good evening Host I am your Magical Assistant]

Mike stared at the message before saying out loud

"Umm hi…. Who or what are you?"

The system responded instantly and said

[I am your system assistant would you like an update on your Mana core formation]

Mike was confused and asked

"Mana core? What's that?"

The system opened a panel where it showed Mike his stats after saying

[A mana core will allow you to collect and control your mana for you to use your spells that you learn or make once it has been form]

[Mike Grant]{Sovereign Of Magic}

[Exp: 0%]


[Health] 89/100

[Mana] N/A






[Magic Crafting Tier 1]

[Elvish language Tier 1]

[Dark elvish language Tier 1]

[Dwarfish language Tier 1]



Mike was excited and asked

"When will this mana core be ready?"

The system replied as Mike felt his whole body was on fire

[It has already formed and I shall now implant it this will only take a moment]

Mike was about to pass out from the pain as he heard the system say

[Mana Core has been implanted successfully]

Just before Mike passed out he said as he flipped a bird

"Go to hell"