
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

What Are You!?

Tak... Tak... Tak.

A certain man's footsteps resonated through the hallway, it was slow but every step had malice embedded in them.


"Please stop... I have to take care of my sick mum."

"N-No Noo!!!."

His path was littered with the bodies of elf guards, and maids alike, no one was sparred. The wall was painted with the blood of his enemies.

The footsteps came to a complete halt, and standing in front of a considerably large door was Aaron drenched in blood from head to toe.

Aaron knew where the massive door would take him for it has been where he was headed since he left the dungeon.

The massive door connected to the Aeravansel's main apartment and nothing was going to stop him from opening it, the dozens of dead guards were proof of his drive.

'Whrrrrr!!!' the giant door creaked as it departed.

Behind the door was a well-decorated dining hall with candles and candlesticks, ribbons, frames, and one averagely long dining table with all types of cuisines displayed from left to right.

"So this is what you guys do with the monthly tribute. Stuff your tummies full like the pigs you are." Aaron pulled the attention of the Aeravansels who were seated beside the table.

"Huh?.. What's the meaning of this?" Eleanor's father Chaalmyth inquired.

"Where are the guards?... Guards!!? Guards!!!" Elénaril, Eleanor's mom tried to summon the guards but no one responded to her call.

"Don't bother my lady, if they were still alive you wouldn't need to scream at the top of your delicate lungs to get them in here," Aaron suggested as he took careful steps to the center of the dining hall.

At this point, Chaalmyth had risen from his chair to confront Aaron.

"How dare you... A mere human speaks to its masters in such a manner." Ignoring the amount of blood Aaron was bathed in, Chaalmyth still approached him with nothing but unwavering confidence.

Chaalmyth is a young-looking blond elf married to an attractive elf of another domain, Eleanor's dad and the lord of Bryxlyn town.

As Chaalmyth approached, Aaron knew better than to let him get any closer to him so he took a few steps backward and activated one of his skills.

[Mythical skill: Ancient dominion has been activated]

Immediately Chaalmyth felt as if a huge boulder was placed on his shoulders and instantly dropped down on one knee.

'Thank the stars I leveled up during the mansion massacre. I had doubts ancient dominion skill was even going to work, that was a hefty gamble.' Aaron thought to himself.

[Ancient dominion - Mythic: level 2]

[Using the skill of ancient dominion the user can manipulate any physical body within 7 meters whose mana falls below 350.

consumes 10 mana per use]


"Father?." The two ladies in the room called out.

'How is this possible? What is this skill? How does a slave have the mana to cast such a complex skill?' questions kept going through Chaalmyth's head as he was pinned to the floor.

"Don't worry pig princess, daddy pig is okay he's just kneeling before his master," Aaron assured Eleanor, but it only made matters worse.

"Ohh goddess of grace, grant me thy grace and lessen my burden I beseech thee." Chaalmyth cast a spell that reduced the weight he had on him.

'This should be enough, for now, the weight isn't completely gone but at least I can move.'

"Flames of the fourth emperor come forth and extinguish this insolent fool, show him the wrath of thy heat." Chaalmyth conjured.

"Flame burst!" he finalized and immediately a huge ball of fire was sent flying toward Aaron.

The after-smoke died down and Aaron could be seen standing exactly where he was. He took the full blast of the flame without even the thought of evading.

'Damn, this trait does come in handy.'

[Traits: Flame origin: Fire attacks deal 50% less damage.]

Chaalmyth couldn't hide the pure shock and confusion he had on his face when Aaron walked out of that attack barely grazed.

"what... What are you!?"

"That was my strongest fire spell, it's sure to leave even a goblin in ashes." Chaalmyth declared in frustration.

"I'd rather seat at a fireplace 'cause that barely warmed me up," Aaron said with a smile on his face.

"Now allow me to show you what the wrath of fire feels like." Aaron stretched forth his hand towards chaalmyth.

[Unique Skill: Dark flames have been activated]

A magic circle formed in front of Aaron's outstretched arm, and no sooner did dark flames came rushing out of the magic circle.

Within moments, Chaalmyth was on the floor rolling in anguish.

"Turn it off... It burns please turn it off." Chaalmyth pleaded.

[Dark flames - Unique: Level 1]

[Using the Unique skill of majestic dark flames your target will be engulfed in dark anguishing flames for 15 seconds]

[Cool Down: 30 seconds]

"Stop whimpering your family's watching, it'll be over shortly." And just as he promised the flames gradually dwindled till it was fully extinguished.

**HUFF... **HUFF... **HUFF...

Just as the flames doused Elénaril and her daughter came running to check up on Chaalmyth.

"Are you okay dear?" she asked her husband who was trying to grasp for air.

"Dad are you alright?"

"Good, now that the whole family's within my range I can activate my skill." Aaron let out.

[Mythic skill: Ancient Dominion has been activated.]

Instantly the whole family laid down head first on the floor due to the pressure of ancient dominion.

"I'll let you catch up whiles I go take a shower." Aaron spoke out "I've got the blood of your disgusting race all over me," he continued as he walked in the direction of the general bathroom.


'Swishhhh!.' The flowing shower could be heard as every droplet of water rocked the wet bathroom tiles.

Aaron stroked his hair as the shampoo washed down his face to the blood-stained floors.

Aaron stepped out of the bathroom and immediately stopped as he passed by a really elegant mirror.

"Wait who's this?" He asked staring at the slightly unfamiliar young man who relentlessly stared right back.

"was I ever this good-looking?"

"Let's not even talk about this physic... Wasn't I lanky and noodle-ly like fine hours ago?" Aaron worded as he flexed his well-developed muscles in front of the mirror.

"And this... So this is what six packs feel like, wow." He continued as he caressed his abdomen. "This should all be due to this system somehow."

"Okay, I better round this up, those elves are still laying on the floor. I wonder how I should take care of them." Aaron spoke to himself as he put on the white trousers he had seen in the bathroom.

Aaron opened the bathroom door and stepped headed back towards the dining room with a sky blue towel around his neck.

As Aaron got closer to the dining hall he could see the candles, portraits, dishes, and the Aeravansels still laying on the floor due to his <Ancient Dominion> skill.

'What a beautiful sight to behold,' Aaron thought, "the great elves bowing to the lowest of the lows."

He smiled as he drew nearer to the family of three who was subjected to his dominion.

As Aaron reached the center of the hall a green glowing magic circle became visible under his feet, it only took him a few seconds to understand what sort of quagmire he was caught up in.

Seeing as Aaron couldn't move anymore, Chaalmyth, his daughter and his wife stood up from the floor with prideful smiles plastered across their faces.

It was a nature-binding spell that Elénaril had conjured during the period Aaron spent in the bathroom.

"I don't know what you sold your soul to, to acquire such a level of mana command but I hope you didn't think you could win tho, right?" Chaalmyth interrogated as he moved toward Aaron who was on lockdown.

**BAM!!... **BAM!!!... **BAM!!!!...

Aaron tried hitting the barrier in an attempt to scatter it but instead, vines sprung from the ground and whipped him consecutively which then proceeded to bind his wrist and feet forcing him to bend a knee.

"Do you think it's easy to break out of a C- spell that easily?

My [Oak vines] is a C rank spell for a reason." Elénaril let out with her shoulders held high.

Regardless of the reaction Chaalmyth and his wife were expecting to get Aaron remained calm and level-headed.

"System open up my skill tab" Aaron spoke in a really low tone.


< Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 1)

<Dark flames (Unique - Level 1)>

<Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

Extra stat point: 103

"What's he doing? Is he talking to himself?" Elénaril questioned.

"Hahaha... Maybe he has run mad with fear" Eleanor declared while bursting into laughter.

"System please invest all my acquired skill points into the Legendary skill <Sovereignty>"

[Are you sure? Yes/No]

"Yes proceed."

"That man isn't scared or mad with fear, he's rather overcome with rage," Chaalmyth informed Eleanor.

[Ding! You've leveled up your legendary skill <Sovereignty>]

[Ding! Legendary Skill: Sovereignty has been activated.]


[Sovereignty - Legendary: Level 2]

[When Sovereignty is used a primal urge for blood is released which affects everyone within your presence, causing extreme fear and subjecting them to total obedience.]


<[Opponent's] willpower: Below 300>

<[Your] Intelligence: Above 200>


<Mana: 121/175>

<Strength: 112>

<Agility: 98>

<Intelligence: 203>

< Stamina: 110>

<Durability: 100


< Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 2)>

<Dark flames (Unique - Level 1)>

<Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

Extra Skill point: 0

Extra stat point: 103


I've got work and school but I'll try my best to upload once a day... Goodbye social life. ┏⁠(⁠^⁠0⁠^⁠)⁠┛

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