
source of trouble

He Sang and Liang Ji Shen's relationship was a scandalous entanglement, a fateful bond marked by tragedy. It began by chance and was entangled in desire. "You are the source of calamity," she thought. What was Mr. Liang? He was the fire. Deep waters and scorching flames. She was to be irresistibly enchanting, destined to ruin his sterling reputation. Their love and hate, an all-consuming sin, carved deep into their hearts, leaving them both tormented.

Jiaxian_Tang · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Love and Desire (Page 2 of 2)

He Sang, feeling uneasy, returned to her West District residence with her luggage. This duplex was her father He Jinping's inheritance. Her mother had sold the house six years ago to remarry her first love. It wasn't until this year that Liang Jishen repurchased it. Her stepfather, upon learning that He Sang was with a wealthy boss, encouraged her mother to ask for money. Initially, she had softened and given some, but eventually, she cut off contact.

In the afternoon, Li Zhen came to see her, covering her face and crying, "My husband wants a divorce. He caught me at a hot spring with my ex."

Li Zhen's ex was a widowed professor, cultured with gold-rimmed glasses. She said that kind of mature man with a story was very attractive.

He Sang thought that in terms of demeanor, no man could surpass Liang Jishen.

He could effortlessly evoke desire in women just by standing there.

After crying, Li Zhen asked He Sang, "How much compensation did Liang Jishen give you?"

He Sang opened the fridge to get some fruit. "He bought this house. I didn't ask for anything else."

"Giving up material things in exchange for a man's guilt." Li Zhen hit the nail on the head. "When he starts to miss you and regrets losing such a pure and low-maintenance woman, this tactic of advancing by retreating is smarter than those women who demand a lot."

It's true.

These days, breakups and divorces can't escape financial losses.

Everyone has their reasons, whether for money, love, or companionship.

Except for the one time she got carried away and didn't take precautions, He Sang loved him honestly and openly.

She didn't want to ruin this relationship.

For the next few days, He Sang felt disoriented. No matter what she did, Liang Jishen's image kept appearing before her eyes.

Whether smiling or not, stern or tender.

In her hurried packing, she accidentally took his razor. Every morning, the scent of his aftershave, the sticky and moist kisses, Liang Jishen loved to hold her on the sink, kissing her passionately while caressing the birthmark on her hip.

He was addicted to her body. Their chemistry was like well-oiled gears.

While He Sang was feeling down, Manli was in her prime, flaunting her success and treating He Sang with disdain, acting like a big sister.

The original male lead for "Lust, Caution" was replaced by a popular young actor. The director told He Sang that the young actor had a notorious rise to fame, once knocking on a female director's door stark naked and having a week-long affair with a rich woman. Now, he was being promoted by a prominent businesswoman to gain some prestige in theater before moving on to films.

He Sang had heard that he often had affairs with fellow cast members and even had a scandal in Hengdian. He requested to keep the passionate scenes from the movie version.

On the day of the official performance, the young actor arrived just before the show, with a slick appearance. He turned out to be a lecherous man, groping He Sang under her cheongsam during a hug, squeezing her suggestively.

She quickly broke free and walked to the front of the stage. Her gaze swept over the first row, and she froze.

Sitting in the middle of the audience was a man in a gray-blue sweater and slacks, looking clean-cut yet exuding a wild and oppressive aura.

The cashmere coat draped over his chair was a birthday gift He Sang had painstakingly selected, with whale buttons she had sewn herself.

Despite the bad stitching, he never complained.

Blood vessels deep in He Sang's body suddenly pulsed.

The man was also looking at her. It was her first time wearing a cheongsam, like a flamboyant red rose, dazzling under the lights.

Liang Jishen knew she was very alluring yet cool and aloof, an intriguing contrast. Few of his friends who had seen her couldn't help but remark, "Conquering a woman like this is the ultimate achievement."

He squinted, tapping the table absentmindedly.

The CEO from another province, sitting at the same table, looked at He Sang with interest. "She's young but very charming." He instructed his bodyguard, "Find out if she joins social gatherings."

Liang Jishen remained impassive, rubbing the strap of his watch with his thumb, not saying a word.

The bodyguard went out and ran into Manli, who was rushing to her next appointment. He stopped her. "What's Miss He's rate?"

Manli was taken aback. "You mean for social gatherings?"

He Sang was too proud to engage in such activities, but Manli wouldn't miss a chance to throw dirt on her. She leaned in and quoted a number.

The bodyguard reported back to the CEO, "Ten thousand."

Liang Jishen's face darkened slightly.

"That's not expensive. Mr. Liang, how about we have some fun together after the show?"

The CEO had dug into Liang Jishen's background, knowing he wasn't very lustful. Among the wealthy young men, his standards were high. He needed to have some affection to be interested, unlike others who would engage purely for pleasure.

There were rumors of his close relationship with an actress, and the CEO bet on his preference, successfully inviting him.

"I have a meeting later. Maybe another time."

Liang Jishen felt an inexplicable irritation, put on his coat, and left.

He bypassed the stairwell and entered a room where the director was already waiting, a pot of Maojian tea on the coffee table. "Mr. Liang."

He sat down, took a sip of tea, and asked casually, "Why did she switch roles?"

The director knew He Sang had parted with him on good terms. Based on this, he didn't dare hide the truth. "Cui Manli found someone powerful who dotes on her. I had to make arrangements."

Liang Jishen's expression remained indifferent. "Who is this powerful person?"

"Someone named Huang, one of Mr. Liang's subordinates."

"My second brother?" He raised an eyebrow, thoughtfully twirling the teacup in his hand. "She used to be with me. No matter who it is, openly slapping me in the face won't do."

"And your second brother..."

Liang Jishen put down the cup. "No one will do."

The director was trembling with fear. "I understand."

After seeing off this big shot, the director hurried to the backstage. He Sang was removing her makeup. He smiled apologetically. "Xiao Sang, Manli's performance wasn't as well received as yours. You should continue."

He Sang was surprised. "Will she agree?"

"It's the theater's decision." The director patted her shoulder. "Manli lacks your foresight; she didn't choose the right person."

She gripped the eyebrow pencil tightly, not saying a word.

Choosing the right person or not, it was all just a fleeting dream.

A dream always comes to an end.

He Sang walked out of the theater and opened her car door. A man's hand blocked her way from the side. "Miss He, please wait."

She stopped. The man was Liang Jishen's secretary, Cheng Xun.

"Do you have time?" he explained. "Your passport is in Mr. Liang's study."

He Sang replied, "Please, Cheng Secretary, handle it for me."

Cheng Xun smiled. "Mr. Liang wants you to pick it up yourself." He gestured to a nearby car. In the evening light, the man inside was just a blurry silhouette, his trousers sharp, and his legs long.

He Sang hesitated. "When should I pick it up?"

"Tonight." Cheng Xun also understood her concerns. "Miss Song is not there."

With that said, she couldn't refuse. "I'll be there at seven."

Cheng Xun nodded respectfully and returned to the car. In the back seat, Liang Jishen was in a video conference. Recently, he had been facing many unexpected situations and hadn't slept well, feeling deeply fatigued. "Meeting adjourned."

Closing the computer, Cheng Xun started the engine. The young actor's trailer drove by, and their vehicles brushed past each other. Liang Jishen suddenly lowered his window, giving a meaningful glance.

The manager noticed the unfriendly look and checked the license plate, a series of shocking zeros.

"Do you know him?"

"He looks unfamiliar." The young actor shook his head. "He was in the VIP section."

The manager thought for a while, then his expression turned serious. "It might be related to the leading lady. We've offended him."

The young actor was defiant. "How does he compare to Sister Hu?"

"Don't think Sister Hu can cover up all your scandals because she likes you! She has a husband!" The manager snapped. "You need to be discreet and avoid causing trouble."

That evening, He Sang arrived at Tan Mansion No. 1. The garage door was locked.

Liang Jishen's phone was off.

She called Cheng Xun, who also didn't answer.

Arranging a meeting but losing contact was not Liang Jishen's style.

Unless he was with Song He.

His cherished treasure for five years, everyone had to step aside for her.

He Sang was frustrated and sent a message to Cheng Xun: He wasn't home, please pass it to me.

The next day, He Sang went to the theater for rehearsal. As she opened the dressing room door, she didn't notice the frame had split, and a splinter suddenly cut her forehead, leaving a long gash that bled profusely.

Colleagues were shocked and shouted, "Sang Jie is disfigured!"

He Sang pressed the wound, the burning pain making her dizzy