
Source : Konoha’s 50 Years

System: “My s*upid Host, do you desire Ninjutsu?” Host: “NO! I long for girls, the kinds that are soft and cute!” System: “When you become the strongest in the Ninja World, at the pinnacle, you can have whatever you want!” Host: “Then Ninjutsu is what I long for!” ----------------------------------------------------------------- I am not the author I am just translating the series cause I like it. 3/Chapters Per week

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23 Chs

Chapter 16

At this time, Mikoto stood on the platform with a serious expression.

The long ponytail swayed in the wind, and an Uchiha brand windbreaker made Mikoto look very heroic.

Mikoto is usually gentle and virtuous, but Uchiha Tatsumi knows that she is a person who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

As the genius of the Uchiha Clan, Mikoto's strength is unbelievable. She is 6 years old this year and has shown a very high innate talent.

When training, Mikoto is a hard-working girl.

So, Mikoto's real strength is strong.

It's just that, she usually won't use her full strength to fight against other students.

But when facing an opponent, she always shows a very high degree of concentration, as a sign of showing respect for the other side.

The obvious contrast to the opponent.

A lazy look. and looks sleepy.

"Wake up, you are now on the selection field. ''Jiraiya reminded Shikaku.

"So troublesome. I want to go to the rooftop to sleep. ''

Nara Shikaku kept complaining.

Although the other side is usually lazy and looks afraid of trouble, his IQ is as high as 180, so everyone can't ignore him.

Together with the Ino–Shika–Cho alliance behind him, it can be said that it is a very important force for Konoha.

"Then I will admit defeat." Nara Shikaku moved towards Jiraiya.

"lord Jiraiya, I am unwell, can I admit defeat?"


Jiraiya was shocked.

The little demon in front of him has a healthy complexion, he has a strong body, it doesn't look like he is unwell at all, but on the contrary, it looks like he deserves a good thrashing.

But Jiraiya understood from the kid's last name when he thought of it.

Nara Clan, I'm afraid that the troublesome character has been rooted in the gene, and simply cannot be changed.

But doing nothing will make the Teacher lose face, so Jiraiya said, "Yes, this is Uchiha Mikoto's victory. However, if you directly admit defeat, I will also tell your mother ."

"Um...Could it be my father?"

"This won't work, isn't it the women in your family who are really in charge." Jiraiya shook one's head and said.

''hahaha. ''There was a laugh from the audience.


Father, it seems that your fear of your wife has spread throughout Konoha's Jonin circle? This will make trouble for me in the future.

Nara Shikaku, with a worried look, stepped down. How to go home tonight.

He saw Choza was eating snacks, and suddenly thought of a good way.

''Choza. Can I go to your house tonight? Tonight...I don't want to go home. '"

All around students suddenly showed ambiguous smiles.


I was misunderstood.

Mikoto stepped down and ran to Tatsumi.

"Tatsumi, it's over. "

"Well, Mikoto is so amazing, even Shikaku is scared. "patting Mikoto's head, Tatsumi smiled and replied.

"No, Shikaku has always been like this. I am not necessarily his opponent. "

"It's okay, it's okay, you can beat him, when the time comes Mikoto, you can defeat Shikaku as long as you beat me. "

"But I can't deal with you, so that's it. We will fight together in the future. "

"Okay, I'll leave my back to you Mikoto. "


"PU...! "On the other side, Jiraiya, who wanted to learn something about picking up girls, couldn't help but be fed a mouthful of dog food.

"This...is this the legendary public show of affection, it has a formidable power. It's about to catch up with S-Rank Ninjutsu. if I don't learn it, I'm probably going to die. "

"ah-ha ha, Tatsumi and Mikoto have always been like this. "Minato stood beside Jiraiya and answered with a smile.

"Why? I am so good, and I am 16 years old but I can't find a girlfriend. Am I going to lose to a 6-year-old child? Why would the Tsunade not look at me? Am I not handsome enough? "

"With the strength of Lord-Jiraiya, you will surely be able to find a partner you like in the future. Now you are rejected just to meet a better girl in the future, isn't it? "

"I am touched by what you said, little demon, you...what's your name!" "

"My name is Namikaze Minato and I am currently an Academy Second Year student. "

"Namikaze Minato...Minato. You are very good, you are talented, and you speak nicely. I like you a little bit. ''

''If you perform well in the outdoor class this time, I will also give you one-to-one tutoring in the future. "

As we all know, among the three disciples of Third Hokage, only Tsunade is from the Great Clan The Senju Clan of Konoha. Orochimaru and Jiraiya are both commoner ninja.

between him and Orochimaru, There is a competitive factor, so after Orochimaru has said that he would coach excellent students individually, Jiraiya also said to Minato.

"Thank you Lord-Jiraiya, I will work hard! "

"Alright, alright, come on, your next opponent is not simple, it is the little demon that shows affection in public. "

"It's Tatsumi. "Minato said with a bitter smile.

"Why is he very difficult to deal with? "Jiraiya asked casually.

"very difficult to deal with." Minato narrowed his smile, solemnly nodded, "Very powerful, I have never beaten him in a match. Tatsumi didn't move, I don't know, anyway, he mostly uses Genjutsu to defeat the opponent. "

"Uchiha Clan has an innate talent in genjutsu that has been passed down." Jiraiya exclaimed, "Are you confident?" "

"Yes, and I have already thought of a way to crack it." Minato squeezed the Kunai in his hand and started walking on the earth platform, "I'm going, Lord-Jiraiya." "

"Go go, keep it up, show the little demon, let him know the anger of us as single dogs! ''

"If you win, I will take you to get the material next time. "Jiraiya shows a wretched smile.



"What did Lord Jiraiya tell you?, you look so excited? "Tatsumi looked at Minato and Jiraiya, from the stage, they talked for a while, then Minato walked up to the stage so he asked casually.

"Isn't he going to take you to peep in the female bathroom?" Tatsumi said.

"Let me tell you, Minato, that kind of white-haired uncle is not a good person at first sight. Look at him, he doesn't have a girlfriend until now. He will definitely destroy Konoha's youngster because he can't find a girlfriend, and eventually run away to write an H book and become a best-selling author of the adult novels."

"ah-ha ha ..." Minato can only express his helplessness while laughing dryly.

"Hey, smelly little demon. Who do you say is peeping at the female bathhouse. That's searching for materials you know, materials. ''

''And who do you say will write h-books in the future! What I wrote is the story of the ninja that will shake the Ninja World in the future. In the future, I will be like the godfather of the ninja circle. Who will write h-books? "

Jiraiya, on the other hand, is excited about Tatsumi's words.

Tatsumi's words are not finished, so he yelled in the audience.

"...moron. "On the other side, Orochimaru spit in disdain and slaps Jiraiya on the back of the head.

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