


Lexi's pov:

"Welcome everyone. You all might have known me before now, but still, I will introduce myself so you all can know who's talking. I'm Alexandria Davies, the CEO & managing director of Lexi textiles A. K. A Slayers. The purpose of this party is to celebrate my company for having win the National Award for 'The Best Textile supplier Of The Year .' The Slayers has been winning this award for four years in a row now. It's worth celebrating, isn't it? Well, you all should enjoy yourselves cus you're gonna party all night "

I was relieved when I stepped down from the podium. I spotted Luci, she gave me thumbs up. Well, that means I gave a great speech. I'm glad I didn't fall her hands cus I'm not in a good mood and I could have screw up. I want to go home so I can cool my mind. Moreso, I still have some stitches to do.

Narrator's POV:

The CEO of Slayers, Miss Alexandria Davies. A lady of 22 years old. The youngest billionaire in Africa and youngest CEO anyone ever heard of. She's an orphan, she lost her parents while she was in the university and as her father's only child, she inherited all his properties, including Slayers.

Alexandria is a very beautiful lady. Her face is oval-shaped with cute dimples. Nicely shaped eye brows and long curly hair which make her even more alluring. Gosh,her lips are to die for. She has a hot and sexy body that drive men nuts. Coupled with her long hair which makes one wonder if she's really an African.

Alexandria, despite her beauty and efficiency at work is a very cold person who rarely smile let alone laugh. Very few people know she has dimples as she always wear this expressionless,cold face that is never short of glares for her employees

Alexandria has a thing for creative arts and when she's not at the company, she's busy sewing, knitting carving, moulding or doing other creative stuff. Her house is mini gallery on its own. Well,we will know about Alexandria as the story goes on

Lexi's POV:

(On her way home)

I really can't wait to get home. It's so frustrating to be a CEO and a managing director at the same time. The workload is just too much.

(The car screeched to a stop)

What the hell is wrong with this car now,uhh.

I came down to check what's wrong with the car but I just couldn't make it out. I tried calling my mechanic but the idiot is not picking up. He's just too incompetent for my liking, I have to change my mechanic soon.

"Hey pretty"

What! I didn't even know when he got to my side, I turned back to see a guy who I don't think should be more than 25. What is he doing here anyways? He even had glasses on."Hey stranger, how may I help you?"

He smiled

"It looks like you're stranded"

"So?" I'm on my guard. How the heck is it his problem if I'm stranded?

"I can give you a ride, been out here under the sun doesn't suit you. I will have my mechanic come and repair your car"

I was hesitant, I didn't beg him to help me. I could find my way. I'm not some damsel in distress. Wait! what if he wants to kidnap me? No, not possible.

"Come on girl, I don't bite"

I decided to go with him. He doesn't look like a kidnapper I entered into the passenger seat while he got into the driver's seat and drove off.

"My name is Drey and it's nice meeting you" he striked a conversation.

"Alexandria" I replied

"So, can I have your number,pls don't say no"

"Ok, but don't disturb me with calls"

" Sure, I won't"

"Your phone"

He gave me his phone and I typed in my number. The rest of the ride was silent. He dropped me off at home and I thanked him.

" My mechanic will drive in your car after repair"

"Hmm, thanks"

" Take care"

I didn't bother replying him. I would soon forget him anyways . I have more important things to do.

it's my first time publishing my story so please encourage me with feedback

Deborah_Owolabicreators' thoughts