

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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693 Chs

Chapter 475 [Eye of Greed]

Two hours had passed since Cloud and the others had been planning their next moves, time Sora had returned to the room.

"How did it go, little one?" - Cloud asked with a smile as he stroked Sora's little head.

"Kyu ~!" - Sora nodded gently as she cuddled herself quite calmly in the blond's arms.

"I guess with this we know where to go when the time is right," Cloud said as he nodded, only to move the little horned rabbit over his shoulder.

If there was one thing Cloud had to admit, it was that Sora could sleep anywhere, as long as he was around to give her that feeling of security.

"Though we still don't know which organization she belongs to" - Kyōka replied as he shook his head.

"Nothing that time won't answer us" - Cloud answered calmly as he looked at the three women - "What do we do now?"

"Rest as we had planned, though I feel it would be a good idea to go buy some treasures, and see if there's any new merchandise" - Kyoko said calmly as she stroked Mimi's head.

"Sounds like a good way to waste some time" - nodded Cloud calmly as the group walked out of the room.

"Target is moving" - Baise said as she contacted her companions.

"Ok, I'll inform Neon-sama" - replied Kurapika from the communicator.

"This is ridiculous" - Baise muttered as she sighed with regret, after all, she had been guarding the entrance to Cloud's room, for over two hours - "Ugh, at least this counts as overtime and I'll get paid more in the middle of the month."

* * * * *

Cloud's group was walking through the streets of [Yorkshin] calmly, after all, they were quite popular, so there was no one stupid enough to try to interrupt their leisurely walk.

"This day has been a bit more productive" - Cloud said as he noticed how Mimi was hugging a strange black stone - "At least for one of us."

* * * * * *

[Soothing Stone]

Sleep deprivation? Embrace this stone, it's the solution!

Effect: Regulates breathing, and calms the spirit while you sleep, increasing total regeneration by 1000% while you sleep.

* * * * * *

"Zu ~" - Mimi had a placid smile as she slept on Kyoko's breasts, all to the jealous gaze of the men who wished to replace the little creature.

"Mimi isn't she heavy?" - Menchi asked curiously, only to frown jealously at the huge difference in "potential" between the two.

"Not in the slightest, it's like there is nothing on my breasts" - Kyoko replied as she shook her head.

"I guess our little trip ends here, we better get back to the hotel" - Cloud said, only to notice how a group was approaching their location - ". . ."

"What a coincidence to see you here, Cloud-san" - said Neon with a smile as her bodyguards slapped their foreheads with their hand.

"Same here" - Cloud replied as he played along with the girl - "Do you also come to see the items you sell."

"No, I have no interest in these knick-knacks" - replied Neon while shaking her head.

"There are times when there are treasures hidden under the trash" - Cloud answered while showing her a strange rock he had kept in his pocket.

"This ugly rock?" - Neon asked with a frown.

Cloud said nothing, he just gave it a little flick with his finger, only for the rock to start cracking.

Those present watched in shock as the ugly black rock slowly began to show a rainbow light.

Neon was amazed by such a beautiful rock as she unconsciously reached out her hand to grab it, only to feel someone stop her.

She looked in the direction of the one responsible, and noticed how Dalzollene shook her head - "Why did you stop me?"

"Because we don't know if that thing is dangerous or not" - Dalzollene answered seriously.

"Dangerous? How could something so beautiful be dangerous?" - Neon asked as she snorted in disdain.

"I recommend you not to touch it because this stone is dangerous" - said Cloud as he shook his head - "This little sphere, it's known as the [Eye of Greed]"

"Wait!" - exclaimed a man as he ran over to where the blond was and looked at him in surprise - "Are you saying that we're in front of the strange object from the [7 Sins] set!"

"I gain nothing by lying to them" - answered Cloud while shaking his head.

* * * * *

[Eye of Greed (Cursed Object)[U]]

Part of the [7 Sins]] set.

Effect: Grants whoever touches it, absolute luck for 6 days, but from the seventh day, all the user's luck is transformed into bad luck.

Effect: Makes whoever touches it, change his Affinity to [Chaotic - Evil], reducing your reputation with the [Loyal] faction, as well as increasing the damage received by this faction by 90%.

* * * * * *

Everyone present stared at the sphere Cloud held in his hand while swallowing saliva, after all, the temptation of infinite luck, was too much.

"The [Eye of Greed]?" - Neon asked with interest, though she quickly grew bored when she saw it wasn't a real eye - "What does it do?"

"Whoever manages to touch it will be chased by good fortune for a week, but after that, misfortune will be behind him for his entire life" - answered the man who was looking greedily at the sphere the blond was holding - "There are writings of people who have managed to survive through years of bad luck, but have left wills saying about how much they regret having tried their luck with that cursed object."

Cloud just shrugged as he calmly put the sphere in his pocket, after all, he wasn't afraid of being cursed.

"I wish to buy that object" - the man said as he looked at Cloud seriously - "I offer you 5,000,000,000,000,000,000"

Cloud said nothing, he completely ignored the man who seemed unwilling to take no for an answer.

"Well, that would be all for now, see you at the hotel, Miss Neon" - Cloud said as he said goodbye and walked in the direction towards the hotel.

People made way for them to walk quietly, after all, they didn't want to suffer for getting on the bad side of the [Headhunter].

The man who had tried to buy the [Eye of Greed], gritted his teeth angrily as his eyes turned green.

"Stop, hand over that item or you won't get out of [Yorkshin] alive!" - The man said fiercely.

Cloud stopped his steps and scowled at the man, only to continue his journey back to the hotel.

"You're going to regret this!" - Roared the man as he pulled out a gun and pointed it in the blond's direction.

The effects of the [Eye of Greed], were not only potent, but also influenced any of the people nearby who presented the sin they represented.

Cloud gave it one last glance before clicking his tongue, only for after a few seconds , his shadow to grow and move to where the man with the gun was standing.

People screamed in terror as they watched the shadow peel off the ground and take the form of a huge black dragon, only to open its snout and devour the man in one bite.

Kurapika stood silently as he watched the blond continue to advance, only to see how not even a trace of the victim's blood had been left behind.

"Well, now that everyone is in agreement, we'll take our leave" - said Cloud as he walked back in the direction of his hotel.

"That was dangerous" - Melody said as she wiped the sweat from her face - "Kurapika, are you sure you want to bond with him?"

"He is possibly the best person to help me, not to mention that he is not as bad as you make him out to be" - said Kurapika while shaking his head - "If you get to talk to him, you will find out that he is not bad, but not good either, he is just someone neutral."

"Well, you're right" - said Melody as she looked in the blond's direction with skepticism - "Maybe I'm being too critical of him because of my fear of his power"

"He's so cool ~!" - Neon said as she watched as the blond retreated.

She didn't care that he murdered an unknown man, in fact, she didn't even care that he was surrounded by women, she just wanted to possess him, kind of like the items in his collection.

Neon was sure she could keep those bitches away after he was hers.

"Ok, he's interesting" - muttered Hisoka, who was walking through the streets of [Yorkshin] and had managed to witness everything that had happened - "His power level is also huge, it could even compare to Netero's."

Hisoka was silent as he tried to resist the urge to run after the blond and challenge him to a battle to the death, only to bite his lip to wake up - "I better get back to the base before I lose control."


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