

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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693 Chs

Chapter 420 ( Reunion )

"I hope they got enough rest," said Soma as he watched Houki and Tatenashi stand in front of him. Sakuya decided to stay behind to try to take care of Tsubaki while the others went to pick up Cloud.

"After this we can continue resting, so no problem" - Tatenashi replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Houki nodded at her friend's words as Soma shook her head.

"Okay, this is simple, let's go, pick it up, and come back" - said Soma while holding the bridge of his nose - "I just hope nothing weird happens during the trip".

"Better not say anything" - snorted Tatenashi as he rolled his eyes at the leader of [Fenrir: Far East] - "You know very well that the world likes to fuck with us for stupid reasons."

". . ." - Soma was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "You have a point."

"We'd better go, I'll drive" - Houki said as she walked towards the cockpit and indicated to the soldier that she would take care of everything.

"I think it's best you let him do his job, I mean, we don't know when things will go to shit" - said Tatenashi as she looked at her friend - "Having you as a backup would make things a lot easier".

Houki gave her friend and teammate a blank look, only to nod weakly.

* * * * *

"Come to think of it, I haven't taken a holiday in years" - Alisa said as she lay down next to Cloud, albeit at a slightly safe distance.

"In our line of work, having a holiday is kind of unlikely, I mean, I've been working as a [God Eater] for years and I haven't had a holiday" - Cloud replied as he watched her watch as Sapphire now seemed to be curious about everything, as if things in this world were completely new to her, which was strange because she shouldn't have lost her memories - "Hey, Shio."

"Yeah?" - Shio quickly walked over to Cloud and gave him a curious look - "What's up?"

"Why is Sapphire acting like this?" - Cloud asked as he sat up and gave Sapphire a glance, only to notice how she seemed to be chasing a butterfly.

"Hmm, this is due to the reformation of your cognitive centre, I believe you call it a brain" - Shio replied as she cocked her head to the side - "The more we evolve, the more our 'brain' develops, and although we retain our memories, things become very different when we adapt a new evolution"

"What do you mean by different?" - Alisa asked curiously because this was information never recorded before.

"Let's see, we see things from very different points of view" - replied Shio as she tried to explain to them as best she could - "Let's say that for Sapphire, a butterfly before was a simple insect, something that couldn't even satisfy her desire for nutrition, but now it's a little different, she feels that this butterfly is an interesting living being."

"I see, so this is due to the development of human emotions" - muttered Alisa as she reached into one of the compartments of her case where she kept her [God Arc] and took out a notebook and a pencil - "Does that mean she has the emotional intelligence of a little girl?"

"That's a good way of looking at things" - Shio nodded as she started to think, after all, she still continued to have the desire to know more about the world, that was why she was constantly travelling.

Sapphire ignored Cloud and the others' conversation as she looked around with increasing curiosity. Now that they were safe, there was no need to resist her desire for knowledge.

"I guess we'll take things slowly," Cloud said as he shook his head, "It's not like she changed her personality, just her mentality became more childish."

"Relax, she'll be back to normal in about a week, though she'll retain some personality changes" - Shio replied calmly, after all, she had already been through that, and had suffered from not being able to resist her curious nature. She even came close to being captured by humans and devoured by others [Aragami] for not paying attention to anything but her curiosity.

"That's good to hear" - Cloud replied as he looked in a westerly direction and saw a helicopter slowly approaching - "I guess here comes our vehicle."

Alisa looked at the helicopter calmly as she put her notebook away in her case, only to pick it up and put it on her back - "It was good while it lasted."

The group slowly gathered as they waited for the helicopter to arrive.

"How long do you think they'll be?" - Alisa asked as she looked at the helicopter with boredom. She was enjoying her moment of rest, but she was bored because there was nothing to do in this place.

"I'd say about 5 minutes, unless something happens" - Cloud replied, only to see a group of [Chi You] appear out of nowhere and start attacking the helicopter - "Oops?"

". . ." - Alisa was silent before she lay back down on the ground. Something told her they would be a while.

* * *

"This is ridiculous," Tatenashi muttered as zhe climbed out of the helicopter with a cold expression on her face, "How could those things attack us just as we were about to get to Cloud!"

7 minutes had passed since the helicopter had been attacked, and had forced the two women of the [First Unit] into action, though to the relief of the two tired girls, Sapphire came to their aid after a few minutes, bringing the battle to an end much quicker than they had budgeted for.

"I know, it's annoying that those things keep coming out of nowhere and won't let us rest for even a second," Houki replied irritably. They had been fighting all this time and were sick of the fact that every time they saw the end, they ended up at a new intersection.

Soma didn't say anything, he just held the bridge of his nose while the pilot could only let out a sigh of relief that they had reached their destination.

"Do you think it's a good idea to tell them that it was your words that attracted those things?" - Alisa asked with a teasing smile.

"You can tell them, but I don't think they'll believe it," Cloud replied as he shrugged.

"Or it's possible that they do believe me and they'll take it out on you for everything that happened to them during their journey" - Alisa replied with a teasing smile.

"Touché," Cloud muttered as Alisa let out a small laugh. She had to admit that this kind of interactions felt very different from the ones she had with Lenka and Kota, as well as the other members of the team.

"Anyway, let's get this over with quickly" - Tatenashi said as he looked at the group, only to watch in surprise as he saw two strange girls standing next to Cloud and Alisa - "Huh?"

"Uh, that was quick" - Soma said as he noticed how all the women were looking at him - "I'm only joking because that's the only way I feel I'm going to keep Lindow alive."

Those present fell silent before nodding weakly at the sad words of the leader of [Fenrir: Far East].

"This is Shio and Sapphire" - Cloud replied calmly as the two lolis looked at the group with a smile.

"Sapphire and Shio?!" - the two women exclaimed in surprise, especially the name of the little white-haired girl, after all, they had seen her die.

"Dad?" - Sapphire asked as she flew over and landed on Cloud's shoulder, then tilted her head in confusion.

"Dad?!" - Both women exclaimed again as they felt things were getting stranger and stranger.

"It was Alisa and Shio's fault that she ended up calling me that" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "I'm slowly getting used to it though , but don't worry, she'll be back to normal in a week or two."

"Daddy's females" - said Shio as she raised a wing and pointed in the direction of Tatenashi and Houki.

"It's a surprise that she can speak so fluently in just a few hours of not seeing her" - muttered Tatenashi as her partner nodded.

"That's because of the connection she has with Cloud, as well as the cores she consumed" - replied Shio calmly as she folded her arms - "By the way, hello".

"Hello" - replied Tatenashi and Houki almost automatically.

"This is interesting, but I think we can continue this conversation another time" - said Soma as he gained everyone's attention, even Sapphire's - "Let's go back home, there's a lot to do."

"OK" - nodded Cloud as Shio hopped over his shoulder and sat down with a smile.

Tatenashi and Houki felt a little strange about Cloud's new 'appearance', but quickly shook their heads to think of other things. There were many answers they wanted to give the blond, but with Soma around, they couldn't do it for fear of making things worse.


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