

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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693 Chs

Chapter 373 ( Return )

"Sir, a huge energy source, approaching [Fenrir: Far East]" - Said a scientist with a panicked expression.

Johannes' expression changed drastically when he heard this as he ordered an image of what was approaching.

The scientists quickly got to work and after a few seconds, the image appeared on the monitor of the former leader of [Fenrir: Far East].

"Oh god" - muttered one scientist as he began to sweat - "It's [Calamity]!"

Johannes' expression changed to one full of terror when he saw this, after all, he, unlike the others present, knew about the origin of that beast.

"Did Cloud Strife find out that I took the body of his little traveling companion?" - Johannes thought as he started to think, only to shake his head - "No, that's impossible, not even [Yan Zhi] knows I did it, so the chances of that being possible, are extremely low."achaa

Johannes started thinking at high speed as he tried to search for the reason for [Calamity]'s appearance, only to widen his eyes in surprise.

"Is it because he found out that I captured Amamiya Tsubaki?" - Johannes was confused, but again shook his head - "That's not very likely either."

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East], didn't know the reason for the silver dragon's early arrival, but he did know one thing, and that was that he had to prepare for the worst.

"I want you to prepare for the J-7 plan" - Johannes said seriously while pressing hard a huge red button - "Remember, I don't want any mistakes"

"Hai!" - exclaimed the scientist as a thunderous alarm echoed through the facility.

The scientists quickly ran to the entrances and began preparations.

Johannes watched this silently as he nodded. He was aware of the powerful senses Cloud had, he also didn't want to imagine what they would be like now that he was a monster, so he had taken the precaution of 'fumigating' all the entrances so as to prevent them from being detected.

"Let's hope that's enough" - Johannes muttered as he felt his back freeze from the cold sweat - "We'd better get into the last phase of the experiment."

Johannes took one last look at Shio's corpse before instructing one of his scientists to take her to the lab.

"What shall we do with her, sir?" - Asked one of the scientists in charge of the project.

Johannes gave the man a neutral look before shaking his head. Unlike Daigo, the remaining scientists were men who were completely loyal to him.

The poor scientist was terrified at the cold stare of his leader, so he quickly ducked his gaze in submission.

"If our analysis is correct, then that girl is the core of an extremely powerful [Aragami]" - Johannes said seriously, causing the scientist's eyes to widen in surprise - "I know, it may sound strange and implausible, but what I say is true."

"The subject known as Shio, has a massive concentration of [Oracle Cells] inside it, very similar to the nuclei of [Aragami]" - Johannes continued as he got to thinking - "The [Bias Factor] is still active, despite the subject's post mortum state, and that means one thing."

"That the subject is still alive, or that the cells inside it can still regenerate it" - muttered the scientist as his eyes widened - "I see"

"Exactly, it's the same behavior that the core of [Tsukuyomi] showed, a last attempt to continue to exist" - said Johannes neutrally as he continued walking - "It's wonderful the level of survival that the [Aragami] have, even after death, they continue to cling to life."

The scientist didn't say anything else, mostly because he didn't want to say something that would put his leader in a bad mood, after all, he didn't want to die so soon.

* * * * *

"This conversation is going nowhere" - muttered a military man as he frowned seeing how Soma seemed reluctant to the idea of taking command of [Fenrir: Far East], but his expression changed when he heard his communicator ring - "Who the fuck is calling me at this important moment?"

The military man quickly answered the call, only to widen his eyes in terror when he heard the contents of the message - "What do you mean [Calamity] is coming this way!"

Those present opened their eyes in terror when they heard this.

Soma, who was just inches away from them, could only be surprised when he heard the military man's shout, only to frown.

"I'm sorry, Soma-sama, but we have to return to [Fenrir: Far East]!" - said the military man with a serious expression on his face - "With the crisis that is the possible arrival of [Calamity], we have to go back so that we can better control our situation."

Soma was silent for a few seconds before sighing - "OK, I'll go with you."

"Really?" - Asked the military man in charge with an expression full of surprise.

"I don't have to lie to you" - replied Soma with a frown - "Now come on, we'd better not take too long."

"As you command, Soma-sama!" - exclaimed those present.

Soma nodded, then contacted Lindow - "Leader!"

"I know, I heard it too" - replied Lindow from his communicator - "Go, we'll give you support when we resolve some issues we have here."

"Ok" - nodded Soma as he looked at the military and high command of [Fenrir: Far East], then followed them to the helicopter.

Lindow watched this as he became serious because he still didn't understand why Cloud was coming back.

"Did he even find out what happened with Tsubaki?" - Lindow muttered as he frowned, only to shake his head - "No, it doesn't make sense."

"Leader!" - Tatenashi exclaimed as he entered the office - "How truthful is the information that [Calamity] is flying in this direction!"

"Completely truthful" - Lindow replied as he shrugged - "Although I would like to know the reason for his arrival."

"Maybe he managed to find the cure for 'it'?" - Tatenashi asked hopefully.

"It's possible, though it's strange that he's back in his '[Aragami]' form." - Lindow replied while frowning - "Though this may also be explainable."

"True, I can think of some reasons for that to be the case" - nodded Tatenashi while squinting her eyes.

Lindow didn't say anything in response, but he too was thinking of a few possibilities for this to happen - "Anyway, we'd better be prepared for anything"

"I know, I'll go tell the others about this" - Tatenashi said as she walked away.

"I'm a little surprised to hear about Cloud, but at the same time I don't know how to react to his return" - Sofia said while frowning.

"I'm a little confused too, but we'll know when it happens" - Lindow replied as he shook his head - "For now I want you to go to the others and tell them about the situation."

"Ok" - nodded Sofia as she withdrew.

"I just hope things don't get too crazy" - muttered Lindow as he watched Sofia leave his office.

* * * * *

[We're close, my lord] - [Sapphire] said as she smelled the unmistakable scent of a human settlement, though she honestly wasn't in much of a mood to go wreak havoc.

"I know, we'll be there shortly" - Cloud replied as he reduced his speed and began to land.

[Yan Zhi] watched this in confusion, but quickly followed, only to see Cloud take his human form again. She quickly noticed how their sizes were now compatible, though she didn't think much of it.

[I guess now you can pass as a human and enter one of those settlements] - [Sapphire] said as she looked at her master.

"Exactly, but I don't plan on doing that, at least not at the moment" - Cloud replied calmly as he looked at [Fenrir: Far East] from a distance, though he had to admit it was a surprise to see the huge crater outside the citadel.

[Strange, I thought he would try to infiltrate] - [Sapphire] said as she cocked her head to one side, though her expression quickly changed - [. . .]

"Did you feel it too?" - Cloud asked as he narrowed his eyes.

[Sister] - [Sapphire] muttered in surprise and confusion. She didn't understand why she could feel her 'big sister's' presence in the surroundings.

"I felt her aura around the area as we came towards this place, and the closer we got, the clearer her presence became" - Cloud replied as he looked looked looked in the direction of the west of the citadel - "It seems that someone is not taking me seriously."

[. . .] - [Sapphire] didn't know what else to say, after all, she still didn't understand many things, but one thing she did understand, and that was that her master was furious. She could feel how the strange energy coursing through her leader's body, was beginning to roar fiercely.

"Let's go" - Cloud said as he spread his silver wings, only this time he didn't take his dragon form - "We have something to investigate."

[As you command, my lord] - said [Sapphire] as she followed her leader.


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