

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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719 Chs

Chapter 301 Vs [Vajra] (2)

A cold smile appeared on the blond's face as the silhouette of [Incursio] fully materialised, showing its shape, its silver colour, but the most striking thing to anyone who saw the weapon was not the spear itself, but the red gem at the centre of the tip.

During these 6 years in the world of [God Eater], Cloud came to a conclusion regarding using [Incursio], he would continue to use the weapon without fear because that's all it was, a weapon, if he couldn't resist the power that the [Tyrant] had over him, then he could simply bang his head against a wall and kill himself.

Cloud could still remember the [Tyrant]'s words, the more he used [Incursio], the closer the beast would get to him.

"ROAR!" - [Vajra] roared fiercely as it sensed danger.

"Weren't you belittling me, little one?" - Cloud said as the spear was surrounded by strong flames - "Now let me tell you something... I'm going to enjoy it, like you can't imagine..."

* * * * *

"Oh? He can use his [Oracle Cells] to create an elemental reaction?" - Johannes asked in surprise because that information he had not received.

"That is one of the reasons why the Central Base wants him, he is the first human to have accomplished such a feat" - replied Tsubaki seriously as she continued to watch the battle - "Though now I feel sorry for that [Aragami]"

"Why?" - Johannes asked with a frown.

"Because he woke up the sadistic Cloud" - replied Tsubaki as she shivered remembering some things from the past.

"By the way... What model of [God Arc] is that?" - Johannes asked with a frown because he had never seen a weapon like that, even its core was strange.

"I haven't the slightest idea" - replied Tsubaki while shaking his head - "Cloud never told us where he got it from."

". . ." - Johannes frowned when he heard this because he hadn't seen any model similar to the weapon the blond was holding - "I understand..."

* * * * *

"Oh... the paperwork will be hellish..." - Lindow said with a blank stare as he heard the blond's words over his communicator - "That thing woke up a monster..."

". . ." - Sakuya just kept silent as she prayed for the beast to have a better life in paradise.

* * * * *

"Karyū Akaruidesu no Kiba (Fang of the Luminous Fire Dragon)!" - Cloud roared as his spear extended even further.

The temperature of the area began to rise rapidly as the spear grew.

"Let's see if you taste like chicken after I cook you" - said Cloud as he threw his spear with all his might.

The beast leapt so that it could dodge its enemy's lightning attack, only to roar in pain as it felt something hot penetrate its stomach.

"Predictable" - said Cloud, who had appeared below the [Aragami] and had taken his spear so that he could deliver an accurate blow against his unprotected foe - "You may be a lot smarter than the other [Aragami], but that doesn't change the fact that your intelligence is mostly instinctive."

The [Aragami] growled in irritation as it began to release a massive amount of electricity in order to push its foe away.

Cloud quickly backed away because he knew how lethal an attack from an [Aragami] could be, even the weakest beast could kill him if he didn't take it seriously.

The fire surrounding [Incursio] slowly began to die down, which relaxed the huge beast a little, if only a little.

"Come on, let's keep fighting, little kitty" - Cloud said as he disappeared and reappeared behind [Aragami], more precisely speaking his shadow.

"!" - the [Vajra] barely managed to react before it felt its 'wings' being torn apart - "Aooooooooooooooooooo!"

The beast quickly unleashed a volley of energy that destroyed everything in its path, like a thunderstorm in the middle of a deluge.

"Ugh..." - Cloud groaned in pain as he felt his skin being scorched by the electricity, only to open his eyes in surprise when he saw the silhouette of something sharp heading in his direction - "!"

The beast seemed to have decided to ignore his pain and attack regardless of his injuries. The large [Aragami] had taken advantage of the moment Cloud had been distracted by the pain so it could attack with its sharp tail.

Cloud quickly put [Incursio] in the middle of the path of the beast's attack, only to be blown away by the heavy impact produced.

"Ugh..." - Cloud could only groan in discomfort as he felt himself bounce back after being sent flying - "You little bastard!"

But again he growled in irritation as he could see how the beast was following him, as if it didn't want to let him out of its sight - "Aoooooooooooooooo!"

"Ok, I've had enough of you" - Cloud said as he growled in irritation - "Incursio!"

A huge stream of demonic energy began to surround Cloud's body, only for out of nowhere a silver armour to surround his body along with the huge silhouette of a bloodthirsty beast - "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!"

* * * * *

"!" - Johannes could only widen his eyes in surprise as he saw the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

The blond who was fighting the beast was not only using an unknown [God Arc], but it was becoming more and more mysterious and powerful

"That [God Arc]... was made from the remains of a beast of at least SS Rank..." - Tsubaki muttered as she looked worriedly at Cloud who was behind the screen - "That's dangerous... very dangerous..."

She was aware of the consequences of abusing the [God Arc], after all, these were not only made from the parts of the destroyed [Aragami], but also their cores.

"We have to stop it before its [Oracle Cells] start to mutate!" - Tsubaki exclaimed, only to calm down when she felt her leader's hand on her shoulder - "Johannes?"

"Relax, I'm sure he's aware of his situation better than we are, so we'd better stay out of his way" - Johannes said seriously as he watched everything unfold - "Besides, he doesn't seem to go into genetic instability like the other subjects... so we can be sure he's in control..."

"But for how long?" - Tsubaki asked seriously.

"For a long time, because that armour is not a manifestation of the [Aragami], at least that's what I think" - replied Johannes while shaking his head - "If it was a manifestation of the beast power, then he would show much more savage features."

"His pupils are reptilian, that's proof enough of genetic instability" - replied Tsubaki seriously - "That's why I wanted him to stay in [Far East], at least here we have the necessary implements to be able to monitor that his body is not entering a state of mutation."

"You're not acting like your usual self, Tsubaki" - Johannes said with surprise - "I guess you are a woman..."

"What are you trying to say, leader?" - Tsubaki asked with a frown because she didn't like the way her leader was talking.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that I'm surprised to see another side of you" - replied Johannes as he decided to leave the subject until there - "Oh, look, it's about to end already."

". . ." - Tsubaki decided to put everything related to the conversation aside as she walked out of the command room.

"Where are you going?" - Johannes asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to take a medical squad to check Cloud's vitals when I'm done with the battle" - Tsubaki answered seriously. This was not only because of the interest she had in the blond, but because it was necessary for [Far East] to see how advanced the [Aragamification] Cloud was going through, after all, he was one of the strongest members of [Fenrir], if not the strongest.

* * * * *

"Aooooooooooo!" - [Vajra]'s roars of pain echoed throughout as he felt his body being torn apart piece by piece with nothing he could do to stop it. Not even his constant electric shocks were hurting the silver demon.

". . ." - Cloud only kept silent as he carefully felt his new level of power.

The activation of [Incursio] in his armor mode had not only increased all of his resistances, but also his base speed, physical strength, reaction speed, and analysis, and what was best about the situation was that this increase was constant. With every second that passed fighting, he was much stronger, yet at the same time this was rapidly increasing the level of [Corrosion] he had to resist.

"I'd better get this over with quickly..." - Cloud muttered as he felt his muscles tense before leaping like a torpedo against the [Vajra]. He could only frown as he felt how the armour was sticking to his skin, proving that the more time passed, the closer he was to becoming the most dangerous beast he had ever seen.


NOTE : Hey guys My new Fanfic has been updated.... please read and tell me if you liked the story and it's an onepiece story with the temple system....

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