
Sound of the Rain

Love, loyalty, and destiny: the legend of the White Snake reimagined. In a world ruled by honour and power, where demons and spirits live among humans and immortals, the snake spirit Bai Suzhen has to decide how far she will go to protect her love for the mortal physician, Xuxian--when the relentless monk Fahai is determined to separate them. *dear readers: this is my first ever webnovel and I hope to be able to finish it! do leave a comment or rating to encourage me or give me feedback!

Lanhua · Fantasy
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232 Chs

A Fall through the Air

Xiaoqing's eyes widened and she slithered out to get a better view. Now that was unexpected! she thought. Who would have thought that mortal would be so clumsy?

In a wild flurry of white robes, like the wings of a startled bird, Bai leaped into the air and caught Xuxian in her arms. Xiaoqing saw her thrust out one hand moments before they hit the ground and expel a burst of spirit energy, just in time to keep them from crashing into the rocky sand below.

Clasped in each other's arms, the two rolled across the ground in a rough but safe landing, and finally came to a bumpy stop, gasping. Bai lifted her head from Xuxian's chest and looked at him with wide, concerned eyes. "Are you hurt? Did you break anything?"

She got up and checked him all over, anxiously. Mortals are such fragile beings, she remembered with a pang. Without any cultivation, they are so vulnerable to serious damage from falls and other small accidents which could not hurt us. If I had not responded in time, Xuxian might very well be lying here with broken ribs or a broken head.

Dumbfounded, Xuxian watched her as she hovered protectively over him. A lock of loose hair fell against his face as she bent over him, grazing his cheek like a butterfly.

He drew a deep breath and felt a wordless warmth spreading through him. She cared for him, then. It had not been a one-sided attraction that he had been suffering the past few days. She was as kind as she was beautiful, as noble as she was graceful. She had jumped off the ledge without hesitation to save him, and all the world was singing in his ears. Part of him wondered disbelievingly how they could possibly have survived that fall without any harm, but it was overpowered by the fascination of being so close to her, seeing her so concerned for him.

"Miss Bai," he stammered, sitting up slowly.

Bai gave a sigh of relief seeing him move on his own. "You can move, then! I was afraid that you might be paralyzed or something."

Xuxian swallowed. "Miss Bai, you saved my life."

She nodded seriously. "I did. I almost thought I was not in time." she replied, simply.

"I--I saw you up there and thought--you were hurt, or something. I climbed up but--" his cheeks flushed as he recalled how her hand had caressed them, "I--was startled, and I slipped. I am grateful to Miss Bai for saving me. But you are not hurt?"

She shook her head, surprised. "Me, hurt?" Bai broke into a soft laugh. "Of course not. I was just taking a nap. The sun is so pleasant up there, and everything is so still and peaceful. It is one of my favourite spots. You should try it one day."

"How is your wound?" he asked, suddenly remembering. In answer, she pushed back her sleeve and showed him her arm. "Oh, that? Yes, yes, long ago."

He stared at the smooth skin, wondering how the scar could have disappeared so completely. "But there is no mark at all. Did you see a master physician, Miss Bai?"

"Well, I saw you," she said teasingly.

Xuxian shook his head confusedly. "Don't mock me, Miss Bai. My best salve could never have made the scar vanish so completely."

She drew her sleeve back abruptly. "Well, it is healed; that is all that matters." she said quickly.

Sitting back on her heels, she clasped her knees and sat looking at him with a pleased expression. "I was thinking of you," she began unexpectedly, at the same time Xuxian said, "I wondered when I would see you again."

They paused, embarrassed, and laughed awkwardly.

Xuxian smiled. "I found it hard to forget Miss Bai. It is heaven's arrangement that we should meet again like this."

Craning her neck to watch them from up on the ledge, Xiaoqing could not restrain a snort. Heaven's arrangement indeed! I like how you dismiss all my hard work and give the credit to the gods, you silly physician, she thought crossly.

Bai cupped her chin in her hands, her eyes bright and happy. "What are you doing here, up on the mountain? Do you come here often?"

"I was looking for ginseng," Xuxian explained. "I have never come here before, but somehow today I found myself here. I never expected I would see you here." He paused delicately. "Does Miss Bai often come here by yourself? Is it not dangerous for you to be roaming the mountain on your own?"

Bai hid a smile. "There is no need to be anxious about me, Physician. I always come here. I live on the mountain, you see. I know it very well."

She turned to him, changing the topic rapidly. "Ginseng? Did you manage to find it, then?"

Xuxian laughed regretfully. "I thought I found one just now, but I got distracted. Ginseng is so hard to find this time of the year, and so expensive to buy. I need it for some of my medicines, so I must find some, regardless of how rare it is."

Bai jumped to her feet. "I will help you." she said decisively.

More slowly, Xuxian got to his feet, trying not to show how charmed he was. "Miss Bai is too kind. But it is slow and laborious work, it is not suitable for a delicate lady like you."

He had a feeling the dark eyes were laughing at him again, but Bai busied herself folding back her sleeves. "I may not be a physician, Xuxian, but I know what ginseng looks like. Furthermore, I know of a place where ginseng has been growing for the last fifty years, untouched by anyone."

She beckoned eagerly. "Follow me. You will be so pleased!"

Intrigued, Xuxian picked up his basket and hurried after her as she disappeared into the trees, moving so quickly he had to break into a run to catch up with her.

Xiaoqing waited until they were gone, and finally returned to her human form. She flung herself down on the ledge with a luxurious groan. "Well, that was exhausting, but did I not plan it out perfectly? Sister, you'll be thanking me later. Our little physician didn't die and he even got the honour of holding Bai Suzhen, the great white snake, in his arms! What a lucky man. He ought to be kowtowing to me for life."

She strutted about, gloating, and impulsively flung her arms wide with a laugh of pure pleasure. "Oh, how clever I am! How clever I am!"

Her voice echoed back gaily at her.