
Sound Grandmaster

After cultivating the Dao of reading for 20 years, the mortal body could not keep up. Fortunately, Marco's effort payed off. The Dao of reading and fiction got him a chance for reincarnation. He found himself in the world of magic, where mystical grimoires are everpresent. Disclaimer: All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

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18 Chs

Chapter 9: My War

After meeting with Randall and the others in Kelly's Tavern, they discussed how to tackle the impending threats of Diamond Kingdom's movement of military force in the neutral zone.

Soon they gathered near the Hunter's grounds for Randall's instructions.

"First of all... Marshall, Hans, Chris, Ali, and Marco... Thank you, I know just these words are not enough, so I'm gonna make it up in training you guys. Be prepared though, it's gonna be a tough one."

They all nodded, indicating that they understood what they would face in the near future. Randall then began educating them about Diamond Kingdom's military troops, and his experience in battling against them. He told them about their habits, used tactics, and the common grimoire element types.

"Alright... enough about that. Let's start planning our exercises, then we go sparring." Randall said, which got Marco, and Marshall's expression lightened, while the others had differing reactions of indifference, and apprehensiveness.

They started planning their exercises to improve their skills. Randall told the hunters to always use their grimoires to be more familiar with their respective magic. As for Marco, who doesn't possess a grimoire, he poured his energy in improving his physical aspects, and mana controlling.

"Hmm... Marco, come over." Randall waved at Marco, as he was thinking about the kid's involvement in upcoming skirmishes.

"What is it Sir Randall?"

Randall looked at Marco in thought. Although Marshall, and the others vouched for Marco's skill, it's now different as they will face humans, not animals. He was apprehensive, since the thought of a kid being involved in skirmishes was just displeasing.

"Kid... y-"

"Don't worry Sir Randall, I can handle it." Before Randall said what he wanted to say, he was cut off as Marco reassured him, seemingly aware of what Randall was thinking about.

"You can test me yourself Sir Randall. Let's have spar." Randall stared at the abnormal kid, lost in thought. He then saw Marco smiling at him, looking very confident. Randall could say it was a bizarre experience, since all his life as a Magic Knight, he was respected by children. But to his sight now, would serve to expand his vision.

"...Alright, let's go. I've been meaning to see you in action as well."

Soon they positioned themselves at a certain distance from each other. This event was soon noticed by Hans, which he immediately told the others, taking a break from their training exercises.

'This should be good... I'm gonna fight a Magic Knight! This guy should be leagues above Marshall, since he didn't even qualify to be a Magic Knight.' Marco grinned at Randall as he thought in excitement, looking forward to fight someone that is experienced with grimoire battles. Since Marshall specializes in hunting, he has a good grasp of his grimoire, but against other people, he wouldn't say he could win.

Soon, they already went to their fighting stances, while Randall opens his grimoire, hovering near him. When the Marshall, and the others heard an audible exhalation of air, Marco was already in range of Randall. Upon reaching him Marco side-kicked heading toward Randall's stomach.

"Air Magic: Air Blockade!"

Although Marco was quick, Randall still kept up with the flow, and created a solid wall of air. Which made Marco's kick unable to connect. He immediately decides distance himself as he sensed Randall was about to counter attack.

"Air Magic: Air Wave Palm!"

Marco's decision was spot on, as he was pushed back a little. If he didn't back off he would fly through the air. After the first exchange of attacks, they already had impressions of each other's capabilities.

'Oh? This kid has a good battle sense.' Randall thought as he thought about Marco's immediate retreat after a swift attack.

'...Grimoires are really awesome, casting spells at will huh? Though Marshall, and the others don't really cast spells in quick-successions... Well it isn't really necessary since we finish our hunts quickly... or not...?' Marco thoughts churned in his mind, analyzing the workings of a grimoire. He then looked at Randall, then Marshall, Hans, Chris, and Ali. He then deduced the difference between them. Marshall was an aspiring Magic Knight, and a capable combatant, but he didn't succeed. He then thought of his experiences fighting with the hunters, and the Magic Knight Randall.

'So it was just mana reserves! Since grimoires can already control mana, and cast spells, they only pick those that have copious amount of mana.' With this idea, Marco had a breakthrough in analyzing the workings of a grimoire.

He thought of a grimoire as a machine, that needs mana to fuel, and magic spells as the product. Since the grimoire can automatically cast spells without the need of personally controlling mana into the form of spells. Basically more mana, more spells.

They then stared at each other, communicating with their eyes. The first exchange already allowed them to gauge their skills, but they seem to want more as a smile formed in their lips, understanding to continue on.

"Let's have more fun eh?" Marco's smile widened as he started to control his mana. He then circulated mana in his bloodstream, feeling his senses sharpen, energy boosted, and strength amplified. In that moment, he also decides to coat his skin with mana, challenging his mana control.

Marco vanished yet again, and appeared near Randall. Though this time he already had his palm at Randall stomach. Randall coughed out saliva, and blood in the air, as he couldn't react to Marco's speed this time. He fell down to his knees as he felt air escaping out his throat.

Marco dumbfounded at the sight, as he was looking forward for more action. But he seemed to do more damage than anticipated. After violently coughing for a couple seconds, Randall stood up as he looked Marco in a daze.

"Y-cough! You- you can use mana skin?!" Randall hollered, as soon as he stood up.

"Hmm? Mana skin? What's that?" Hearing an unfamiliar term, Marco's ears perked up, piquing his interest. Though he guessed that, it was when he coated his skin with mana.

"Haha! I can't believe a kid without a grimoire can utilize mana skin. Am I crazy or what?" Randall muttered. "Hehe! Sir Randall, you're not alone here." He then looked at Marshall who answered his self-question, approaching him.

"This kid is really something else huh? We were also shocked by this kid, but thankfully we didn't question it any further, or we might turn crazy." Marshall chuckled, as he consoled Randall.

"Excuse me, what is this mana skin? Can you enlighten me Sir Randall?" While, Randall was recovering his mental state, he was interrupted by Marco's inquiry. He then looked at the kid that made his grown up mind a scare of a lifetime.

He heaved a sigh as he satisfied Marco's curiosity, "Hmm... It's an application of reinforcement magic. Mana Skin is a basic skill in Magic Knights, but it is not that easy to apply in battle. It enhances our physical prowess as well as protects us from magic attacks. This also requires immense mana control to maintain."

"Hmm... I was just surprised a someone without a grimoire, let alone a kid, can actually use mana skin really well..." Randall rubbed his stomach, as it was still aching. "Dang kid! I think you mana skin is also special, but even I can't tell."

Marco nodded, and thanked Randall for the information. 'So it's this world's, or rather this kingdom's enhancement technique. Since I can strengthen myself through MBT (Mana Breathing Technique), there's also mana skin... He also mentioned my mana skin was special...' Marco thought as he rubbed his chin. He was figuring out what Randall meant by special, but he was called out by Hans, and the others.

"HAHA! Damn kid! you could actually throw down with a Magic Knight!"

"Heh! Kid don't get cocky I'm sure Sir Randall was holding back."

"Yeah, besides it's just a spar."

They then chatted about their training exercises. They continued to commit to a scheduled training, while of course hunting to maintain their livelihood. This continued on for a year, before being experiencing an attack.

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