
Sound Grandmaster

After cultivating the Dao of reading for 20 years, the mortal body could not keep up. Fortunately, Marco's effort payed off. The Dao of reading and fiction got him a chance for reincarnation. He found himself in the world of magic, where mystical grimoires are everpresent. Disclaimer: All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Alerted

After casting the amplified Sound Transmission spell and receiving mana from Lolopechka, Marco is currently sitting in a meditative position, circulating the mana in the environment; while Lolopechka sat beside him.

Lolopechka could feel the mana in the surroundings were moving, although she could faintly sense it vibrating at different rates, some are fast, while the others are slow.

In this moment of silence Marco suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, "Success!".

"Huh?" Lolopechka uttered in surprise, as she also felt curious. "Marco? What's the matter?".

"Oh, I successfully created my new spell." Marco said while suppressing his smug-filled smirk.

Lolopechka eyes widened in shock and awe, as she went along with her curiosity, "What's the spell?".

"Here." Marco complied as he was also excited at his new spell. At the next moment a sound akin to a drum beaten was heard, as it continued in a rythm of intervals.

"What is that?" Lolopechka heard it, but couldn't help but wonder about the sound.

"It's my heartbeat. My new spell can amplify sound. So just to demonstrate, I amplified the sound of my heartbeat." Marco explained as his heartbeat continues to be heard.

"Heh, casting that long-distance sound transmission was just what I needed to understand the principle for my second spell."

When Marco finished casting the SOS to Randall, he suddenly gained an epiphany on sound magic. Coupled with his proficiency, experiences, and talent he succeeded in creating a new spell.

"That's... really Amazing!" Lolopechka was awed while feeling quite inferior, 'Despite us being the same age, Marco is very reliable while I on the other hand...'

While Marco was still hyped about his new spell, his sharp senses caught Lolopechka's body language, "Hey, you alright?".

"I-I'm fine. I'm just envious because you're so reliable. I want to be reliable, I want to know the feeling of being depended on." Lolopechka ranted out as she hugged her knees. As the future ruler of a kingdom her upbringing is not ordinary. She grew up having everything at her will, and she was loved by her guardians. In return she also loved the Heart Kingdom's guardians, she respected them and wanted to be like them. Now someone of her age is as reliable as her guardians, she couldn't help but feel envious.

" ...I want to be strong and dependable like you Marco. When Sir Marshall and the others were waiting for you, they expected you to come. They were relying on you, so I just felt envious to that... How can I be as amazing as you? " Lolopechka raised her head as she met Marco's eyes.

Marco stared at Lolopechka's gloomy figure. Compared to the cheerful and naive girl he saw earlier, she is now more mature and logical. She logically identified her emotions, and controlled them, while expressing them to Marco.

'She is quite mature for her age, she can already control her emotions and not break down crying like a child should. Her noble upbringing should be the cause. Anyways, I have to console her.' Marco narrowed his eyes in an attempt to console her feelings.

"Ah, don't be like me." Marco blurted out catching Lolopechka off guard as she didn't expect that response. But, before she could say anything Marco continued.

"What I mean is, just focus on yourself. Train and hone your skills to get better until you notice everyone to depend on you. Also for the record I didn't need to idolize someone to be like this. I just improved myself, and it got really fun for me."

Hearing those words, Lolopechka went silent as she contemplated. After a while she stood up, and smiled at Marco, "Thank you Marco, that was very helpful! So then can you teach me magic?".

"No problem, no prob- wait, I will teach you magic? but judging from earlier you know more than me." Upon accepting her gratitude, Marco heard something "wrong".

"Uh... I do know a lot, but I haven't really used it since I haven't received my grimoire yet."

Marco heaved a sigh, "I suppose I could guide you. Assuming that your guardian can't help you with magic unless you have a grimoire."

Lolopechka nodded, expressing her agreement.

Just as Marco was about to say anything he heard something that will make his day even worse.

"Tsk. Well, Lolopechka you might have to learn on the fly. I heard someone's voice in different locations alerting the warriors about intruders. Some warriors are calling this guy Harriet... must be the leader." Marco quickly informed Lolopechka in hopes she might be familiar with some of Diamond Kingdom's higher ups.

"Harriet... he might be the famous Emerald Warrior; I heard he is the son of General Obsidian, one of the Eight Shining Generals."

"Damn we actually got a hotshot in here." Marco whistled as he was very "impressed".

Lolopechka just giggled at his sarcasm.

They couldn't do anything for the time being so they rest and chatted while waiting for Marshall and the others.

Soon after they finally reunited with Marco and Lolopechka.

"Took you long enough." Marco said as he stood up. Without wasting any more time he went towards a wall, and punched a hole in it.

Using [Sound Amplification] the vibrations also got enhanced weakening the structure of the wall. With mana skin he had no problem punching the wall.

"Quick let's bust out of here!"

They then quickly entered the hole and escaped outside. They encountered stray mage warriors, but with their grimoires and Marco they handled it with efficiency.

Just as Marco lead them back to the village, a spell was quickly cast.

"Emerald Creation Magic: Emerald Splash!"

Suddenly, emerald crystals came raining down on Marco and the group. Ali and Chris were struck, bursting a hole in their body. Marshall wore his iron armor, Gadjah dodged. While Marco easily dodged as he predicted the emerald crystals' trajectory. While Lolopechka was not in range of the attack.

Marco quickly saw the one who cast the spell. He had ash blonde hair, with emerald green eyes. He had a luxurious outfit beneath the Mage Warrior robe.

Marco quickly identified him as the Emerald Warrior Harriet.

"Lightning Magic: Tenjiolia!"

"Iron Magic: Bastard Sword!"

Just as quickly Harriet attacked, Gadjah and Marshall quickly retaliated. Gadjah's spell evoked a fierce lightning bolt. While Marshall's face was filled with rage as he saw Ali and Chris. He generated a large sword that could split a tree in one swing.

Meanwhile Harriet coldly stared at the incoming attacks. "Emerald Creation Magic: Crystal Cliff."

Upon casting, a tall crystal cover was Infront of Harriet, blocking the attack of Gadjah and Marshall.

"Hmph! You dare kill my men and snatch my prize?" Seeing how easily he can fend them off, Harriet quickly lowered his expectations.

"Just as I return from a break I found Vill's crystal ball broken, because of some rats prowling around. I can't believe my men are this incompetent." Harriet ranted just like a second-rate villain.

"Can you shut up?" Marco said as he appeared behind Harriet, quickly delivering a kick to his back.


Harriet flew quite a distance, before recovering as he pushed himself off the ground.

"Pfft. You... you... dare!" Harriet spat blood, his face was livid as his back was so painful that it could kill him.

"Emerald Creation Magic: Feign Golem!" At the next moment a large humanoid figure composed of emerald crystals appeared.

"Get her!" As soon as the golem appeared quickly scanned the surroundings and pointed at Lolopechka.

The then golem went for Lolopechka as it followed the will of it's master.

"Not on my watch." Marco suddenly appeared beside Lolopechka and carried her away from the Battle, before facing Harriet.

"So this is the Emerald Warrior? It's not much."

Harriet glared at Marco as he chuckled, "Oh really? Emerald Creation Magic: Healing Crystal!"

Harriet soon recovered his injuries from Marco's monstrous kick.

"Impressive." Marco said in calm tone, but he was alerted in his mind. 'Fuck! A guy with offensive, defensive, and recovery abilities. This is gonna be dangerous.'

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