
SOULSHIFT (Undertale and Deltarune AU)


Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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10 Chs

Timeline •---- : [Chapter 2]

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It begins with a peaceful scene a week later, where Asriel, now the peace ambassador between monsters and humans, joins his parents for breakfast. He wears a unique multicolored jacket over his usual striped shirt and black pants, his distinctive style complementing his new role.

As Asriel sits down with Toriel and Asgore, there's a sense of harmony and normalcy returning to their lives, thanks to his efforts as the peace ambassador. The breakfast table is filled with a delicious spread, and the Dremurr family shares a moment of contentment as they prepare to enjoy a meal together.

The Dremurrs share a warm breakfast together, their voices filled with chatter and laughter. Toriel, with her motherly warmth, inquires, "How was your rest last night, my child? Are you feeling well?"

Asriel smiles and replies, "I'm doing much better, Mom. Having Frisk and Chara's presence with me makes it easier. I can feel their determination, and it keeps me going."

Asgore nods in agreement and adds, "We're glad you're not alone in this, Asriel. You've taken on quite the responsibility as the peace ambassador."

As the conversation continues, the family bonds over breakfast, discussing their plans for the day and the progress being made in the ongoing efforts to establish peace between monsters and humans.

Asriel, still keeping the presence of the active six soul traits to himself, listens as each of them communicates with him. He's developed a unique understanding of their personalities, each representing their core soul traits.

As the conversation with his parents continues, he can't help but acknowledge the guidance and support he receives from the souls within him, even if he doesn't disclose their identities. Their input and advice play a subtle yet crucial role in his role as the peace ambassador, helping him navigate the complexities of diplomacy between monsters and humans.

He also learned quietly to himself while eating the shared breakfast with his family was the names of each other 6 human souls - Patience name is Chloe , Bravery name is Marshal , Perseverance name is Newt , Kindness name is Veronica , Justice was Sherluke , lastly Integrity is Imla

Rushing back to his bedroom, Asriel feels the essence of the other six human souls within him. In a moment of solitude, he thanks his parents for the meal and expresses the need for some time alone.

As he enters his room, he takes a deep breath and addresses the ghostly aura of the seven souls, Chara being the last in the sequence. In a quiet and sincere tone, he mutters, "Hey, everyone... I want to apologize for the other timelines where I used you all, especially the six of you when I was just a flower. I'm grateful for your presence and guidance."

His curiosity sparks, and he continues, "You know, I've always wondered—how does each trait have a different ability? I've only known the power of the DETERMINATION trait, like Frisk's or Chara's, which seems to be the most powerful. But what about the others? What unique abilities do you bring to the table?" Asriel awaits, eager to understand the distinct qualities each soul trait possesses.


In the quiet glow of Frisk and Chara's determination souls, the essence of the other six souls responds to Asriel's inquiry. Each soul takes a turn to speak, and as they do, their unique traits manifest in the room. 

Chloe (Patience): A gentle, soothing voice resonates, "Patience brings understanding, Asriel. It allows us to see beyond the surface, unveiling the truth hidden in the midst of time."

Marshal (Bravery): A bold and confident voice follows, "Bravery empowers, Asriel. It's the courage to face challenges head-on, inspiring strength in the face of adversity."

Newt (Perseverance): Resilient and unwavering, another voice chimes in, "Perseverance is the steadfast flame, Asriel. It fuels the journey, igniting the will to endure and overcome."

Veronica (Kindness): A warm and compassionate presence adds, "Kindness is a balm, Asriel. It heals wounds, fostering connections and bringing comfort to the heart."


Sherluke (Justice): Stern and principled, the voice of justice speaks, "Justice guides, Asriel. It's the compass that points toward fairness, ensuring balance and accountability."

Imla (Integrity): A voice resonates with honesty, "Integrity is the unwavering pillar, Asriel. It upholds truth and moral strength, grounding actions in noble purpose."

As each soul speaks, the room is filled with the essence of their respective traits, creating a harmonious symphony of voices and glows. Asriel listens, absorbing the wisdom and unique qualities that each soul contributes to his being.


As each soul presents its ability, Asriel is captivated by the manifestation of their traits. Veronica, with her green soul aura, acknowledges, "You've used my healing before. I've observed that monsters perceive such a color as KINDNESS."

Chloe, with her blue soul aura representing patience, kneels and explains, "As for me, it's quite obvious. BLUE attacks, whether from a human or monster, strongly influenced by me, serve as a kind of STOP sign. Staying still until the right moment."

Suddenly, Frisk and Chara approach him with their determined red soul glows. In hushed tones, they ask, "So, how are you adjusting, Azzy? (Nickname for Asriel) We understand the unique role you've taken on, especially since in most timelines, Frisk is the ambassador. Have you prepared a plan for how your parents will deal with the idea of your return?"

Asriel takes a moment to absorb the information from the other souls and then replies, "It's a lot to take in, but I'm doing my best. As for my parents, they seem supportive, but I haven't fully discussed the plan. I want to make sure they're comfortable with the idea of my return and the responsibilities that come with it."

Exhaling, Asriel continues, "Sans... yes. When I was a flower before Frisk fell, my own weaker determination allowed me to observe that there's more than meets the eye with him. It's just... I hope he somehow forgives the actions I had as Flowey in our encounters before the present. I sense there's more to his character than I initially understood."

He then adds, "I think Dr. Alphys is busy with Sans personally since that week ago between them. Something came up, and there seems to be a connection or responsibility she's handling. I assume it's important." Asriel reflects on the dynamics unfolding around him, both with Sans and Dr. Alphys, as the complexities of the relationships in your AU continue to evolve.

Chara huffs with a shrug, and Frisk adds, "Hey, at least he partially witnessed the moment of your slowly boggling resurrected return." As Asriel sighs and stands up with a smile, the seven human souls form a frame around his body, emitting a rainbow aura of colors. He says, "Catch you all another time," and their voices fade, though their presence lingers as he leaves the bedroom.

Now the focus shifts to Sans and Alphys working in her place, not far off in the monster settlement on the SURFACE. Alphys expresses surprise, "Really? An odd entity that speaks in hands... Wingdings. It's oddly new to me, yet at the same time, scarily, you seem calm to share this. So you're sure Frisk themselves gave their SOUL to Asriel, and he was... Flowey? I mean, one of my lost golden flower experiments all this time in the old Underground lab?" She stutters, adjusting her glasses.

Sans leans back in his chair, a nonchalant grin on his face as he responds in his characteristically laid-back manner. "Heh, you know me, Alphys. Always the chill guy. And yeah, it's a wild story. Frisk did the soul-sharing thing to bring Asriel back. Kid's got a heart as big as the Underground, or, I guess, as big as the Surface now."

He pauses for a moment, eye sockets narrowing slightly, "As for the hands-talking weirdo, Gaster's been dropping hints. Seems there's more to this story than meets the eye, even for me. But hey, we'll figure it out, right?" Sans chuckles, maintaining his casual demeanor despite the peculiarities of the situation.

Sans, aware that the word "Gaster" is censored, brushes it off with a wink when Alphys pouts. She questions, "Still... you overheard anything else before you got knocked out and his resurrection?" Sans chuckles, sneering cheekbones evident as he replies, "Anywho, Alph... All I'm gonna say, the kid's very DETERMINED to trust you can resurrect humans. Since, you know, you technically always fail or almost halfway succeed with the so-called amalgamates that originate from monsters, yeah?" His grin widens, maintaining his usual mix of humor and slyness.

Alphys, slightly flustered, adjusts her glasses and mumbles, "Well, I... um, have been working on some new theories. Resurrecting humans is a whole different level of complexity, but with the right calculations and maybe some tweaking..." She trails off, lost in her thoughts.

Sans smirks, a glint of mischief in his eye sockets. "You're always reaching for the stars, Alph. Just be careful not to end up in another... bad timeline, if you catch my drift. The kid's counting on you."

As they continue their work, the banter between Sans and Alphys sets a tone of camaraderie, mixed with the underlying mysteries surrounding Asriel's return and the peculiar entity communicating in Wingdings.

Alphys sighs, patting Sans's shoulder. "Still, it's odd. Despite being one of the weakest monsters or, well, human souls, I still can't grasp how you have this mapped-out theory of the concept of timelines... deja vu... routes... FUN values. Either way, it kinda explains why the human child—or rather, Frisk—seems so abnormally merciful and clever despite their young age." She glances at the notes scattered on her desk, deep in thought about the intricacies of the timelines and the peculiarities of the characters.

Sans gives her a half-smile. "Guess I've had a lot of time to think, Alph. But hey, that's why you've got a big brain. Leave the heavy thinking to you. I'll stick to the shortcuts and bad jokes." They share a moment of understanding, the weight of the mysteries around them lingering in the air.

Alphys sighs, and Sans's eye sockets go blank, his usual grin replaced by a frown as Alphys types on her laptop near her desk. "Still... a machine based on the template of a DT extractor... Sans, why did you and Papyrus hide the idea that you're also a much more capable scientist than me? And just prefer, despite the rare knowledge of these so-called RESETs you've been sharing in theory and your notes... it's just odd."

Sans leans back in his chair, his expression returning to a more neutral state. "Look, Alph, it's not about capability. It's about knowing when to use what you got. Besides, Papyrus and I prefer to keep things light. Less stress, you know? But hey, if you ever need a hand, you know where to find me... or maybe you don't." He winks, injecting a bit of humor into the serious conversation.

Alphys awkwardly smiles in shyness, a departure from her usual self. Sans pats her back with a calm tone, saying, "Besides, being a Sentry guy back then when we were underground is nice. Plus, Papyrus, although his mind isn't as high IQ as mine, he has high EQ. Despite the concept that I made a summary explanation with him at some time when the kid used to be around before being part of that revived prince... eh, you could say it's a SPINE-ful experience. Trust me. Oh, and how are the vitals of my SOUL? You said you did notice a slight change in it since I got the crossfire of mild injury yet still healed by the Prince of the Underground—"

Alphys interrupts, "Well, the vitals are stable. It's interesting, though. It's as if the Prince's kindness trait had a lingering effect on your SOUL's health. Or maybe it's just a coincidence. Either way, you seem as 'un-dead' as usual."

Sans chuckles, "Good to know. Guess I'll stick around for a bit longer, then. Wouldn't want to miss the show, right?" The banter between them lightens the atmosphere, even with the weight of their ongoing discoveries and mysteries.

Sans giggles, "Did you just make a pun with me, Alph?" He follows it up with a whoopee cushion sound effect, using his arm bone to twist the item he has underneath, creating the noise beneath his blue jacket. The classic prank adds a touch of humor to their conversation, highlighting Sans's playful nature even in the midst of serious discussions.

Alphys chuckles nervously at the unexpected sound, "S-Sans! You're incorrigible, really. But, um, thanks for, uh, lightening the mood." She shakes her head, a smile playing on her lips as she tries to regain composure.

Sans grins, "Hey, gotta keep things interesting, right? Life's too short... or long, depending on how you look at it."

As they share a moment of lightheartedness, it becomes clear that despite the complexities and mysteries surrounding them, humor remains a constant in their interactions, offering a welcome break from the intensity of their scientific endeavors.


Alphys contemplates Sans's theories and ponders, "Plus... Sans, out of all the theories you've branched out to me, which I take into account, you mentioned not just from us. Even yourself says there's no deja vu of the Prince's revival, so that means it's a unique event that never happened before? In those theoretical timelines... I mean, it's just bizarre. And it's also a unique take on how you can play a part in assuring to help the so-called risky plan involving Asriel, and especially Frisk and their soul within him."

Sans leans back, fingers steepled together. "You've got a keen eye, Alph. Yeah, this seems like a one-time deal, a glitch in the timeline, if you will. As for helping with the plan, well, you know me. I've got a knack for being in the right place at the right time, even if it's a little... unpredictable." His eye sockets narrow slightly as he reflects on the intricacies of the situation, keeping a calm demeanor despite the unusual circumstances.

Sans laughs as he nudges Alphys's shoulder, "Hey, one thing is still a deja vu... a child becoming a bridged ambassador for humans and monsters. Hmmm, so other than that healing maintaining my usual Soul Vitals, I feel like the other human SOUL traits that princely goat kid had... kinda, well, ya could say it's GOAT-TO-BE impressive that I feel more energized than before, and my HP went from 1 to 2."

Alphys smirks, "A literal power-up, huh? Well, it's certainly not something you see every day, even in the world of underground anomalies and peculiar timelines."

Sans winks, "Life's full of surprises. Just gotta roll with the punches, or, in my case, dodge 'em." Their banter continues, creating a moment of camaraderie.

Asriel, in his perspective, gets dragged by the first friend he had, someone made based on Frisk's essence of their soul – this is one of their friends made. Monster Kid happily tugs at his sleeve, dragging him away from the house as they chatter, "Still, yo... surprising you didn't age much, right? Even Captain Undyne and that cool Papyrus dude mentioned that you're the only child of our King and Queen, correct?"

As Asriel and Monster Kid leave the house that he and his parents lived from, Asriel smiles warmly at his friend's chatter. "Yeah, you got it right. I'm the only child of Toriel and Asgore. And about not aging much, well, it's a long story. Let's just say some unexpected magic happened."

Monster Kid nods eagerly, their fin-like appendages wiggling with excitement. "Whoa, magic stuff! That's so cool! Do you think you can show me some magic tricks sometime?"

Asriel chuckles, "Sure thing, Monster Kid. I'm still getting used to all these changes myself, but I'll do my best. Just remember, it might be a bit different from the magic you're used to from Undyne." They continue their conversation, the air filled with the promise of new adventures and the bonds of friendship forming in this AU.

Then , as he felt his sleeve let go by the mouth of Monster Kid he ask "Any reason today you take me out from my home?"


As Monster Kid lets go of Asriel's sleeve, they scratch the back of their with their tail (being armless) head, grinning. "Oh, uh, well, I kinda heard some other kids talkin' about this cool spot in the new human and monster settlement. Thought we could check it out together! You know, explore the Surface and all that."

Asriel nods, his interest piqued. "Sounds like a plan! Lead the way, Monster Kid. I'm up for a little adventure." They set off together, the prospect of discovering new places adding a sense of excitement to their day.