
Chapter 33: War of the Dragons!

I grew in size as I took on my Lord Form.

I could feel my strength increase, but by how much, I won't know unless I get to killing!

Ciri was with me and was clearly afraid since in the Witcher world, Dragons were nor just rare, but insanely powerful.

Even Geralt struggled to defeat the Black Dragon.

Only an Unseen Elder Vampire or the Demon Master Mirror/Gaunter O'Dis mm

I gave Ciri my Makluan Ring so she can use its power to protect herself.

I told Ciri the excuse to tell any of the Silver Knights, and armies of Gwyn should they be hostile towards her, which I doubt it.

I also told her about the weakness of the Dragons and how to combat them.

She was still hesitant since she herself was not as skilled as Geralt, but simce she had the Makluan Ring to help make up for her Elder Blood teleportation, she had gained some confidence back.

I told her to go kill a Ancient Dragon.

She looked at me like I had lost my mind once she saw the gigantic beast.

I watched her battle as she would teleport back and forth all around the Ancient Dragon.

She swung Dragonbane, which I had given her, at the Ancinet Dragon's wings and its membrane webbing.

That was a clever move since now rhe Dragon couldn't fly away.

I watched as Curi would maime the Drqgon little by little, since she was not physically strong, despite the level up she received from me providing her with nearly all the souls I had.

Dragonbane did most of the work since it had a lighting enchantment, and a secondary enchantment that provides additional lighting damage towards Dragons.

It was perfect for this battle.

Eventually Ciri was able to decapitate the Ancient Dragon's neck.

I stored it into my inventory to preserve the whole body. I had an idea for the future and wanted to keep as many Dragon bodies as i could.

I had also gone around the battle field, while with Ciri, storing anything and everything I could get my greedy hands on.

Eventually I had found an opponent that Ciri could not handle. She had slain many Dragons as I watched over her, the level up she received had greatly helped her.

But this foe is one she could not take on by herself.

An True Everlasting Archdragon.

The True Everlasting Archdragons are beings that existed long before Athens First Flame emerged, in a time called the Age of Ancients.

These True Everlasting Archdragons, as I call them, are beings taht do not have a soul, yet they are living.

Souls on the Dark Souls universe had only been created when The First Flame emerged.

That is why Black Dragon Kalmeet doesn't have a soul, but Darkeater Midir does.

While both are Everlasting Archdragons, Midir was still in his egg when the Gids found him after the War of the Dragons had ended.

They raised him and he became the warden and guardian of the Ringed City.

Midir was born after The First Flame, which caused him to acquire a Soul.

Kalameet was born before The First Flame, which is why he doesn't give a Soul to the player upon his death unlike the many bosses did.

In terms of how I rank the Dragons, it is as such:

True Everlasting Archdragon - First beings to ever exist, all born before The First Flame hence they are "True" and the original Dragons.

Everlasting Archdragon - the Direct and closest Descendent and Bloodline purity to a True Everlasting Archdragon, some possesses a Soul and some do not, Darkeater Midir (Has a Soul), Black Dragon Kalmeet (Doesn't have a Soul), Seath, the Scaleless ("Bequeathed Lord Soul" Says "Soul of the albino Seath the Scaleless")

Stone Dragon - Descendent of a Everlasting Archdragon, possesses a Soul (Dragon at Ash Lake)

Ancient Wyvern - Bloodline close to a Stone Dragon

Wyvern - Bloodline close to a Ancinet Wyvern but varies, King of the Strorm (Nameless King's Dragon)

True Dragon - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon, Ancient Dragon (appeared in "Age of Fire" comic), unknown Fire Dragon (in another comic where Aldrich travelled with a Female Knight to slay it atop a volcano)

False Dragon - Bloodline failures like the Gapping Dragon, Ancinet Dragon (DS2 - created by Aldia with Giant Souls)

Drake - Guardian Dragon, Hellkite Drake/Fire Drake

As I made my way towards the TEAD (True Everlasting Archdragon), it too had noticed ne and made its approach, however...

It clearly sensed the power I had was greater than the small fry he had been facing moments ago.

I manifested a pair of wings of ethereal blue and gold energies.

It's appearance is similar to Nero's True Devil Trigger in DMC5.

As I flew towards TEAD, he too flew towards me.

However, it seemed this wouldn't be a fair fight, since I had quickly strayed downwards to avoid the bite of a Wyvern jaws to my side.

I looked at my attacker and noticed it looked like the King of the Storm, but this one was different in some ways. One difference us it had six wings and not four.

I also saw that many more Dragons headed my way.

Not just me but Ciri as well.

I was not worried for her since the Dragons that approached her were ones I know she can handle.

As for me...this is going to be fun!

I said that since I could see many more Wyverns like the King of the Storm approach me, but these ones have two feathered wings instead.

This fight will be great!

I finally get to fight an True Everlasting Archdragon!

No player had ever fought a True Everlasting Archdragon before!

The closest they could get to one was an Everlasting Archdragon like Seath, Kalameet and Midir.

But now I finally get to battle one!

I ready myself as I activated my Devil Trigger to face the approaching Dragons!