
Chapter 2

I was sitting in the back seat of my aunt's car. "Chase I hope you don't mind but my niece is staying over for a bit while her parents are out of town for a business trip," Aunt Linda said. "Okay," I replied back and kept staring out the window. As I stared out the window we arrived to what I'm guessing is her house and there stood three people a male and two females.

We pulled into the driveway and my aunt stopped the car then she had gotten out. I opened the car door grabbed my stuff and had gotten out of the car as well. "Linda, sister who's the boy that's with you?" The male asked. "Matthew I hope you remembered that he is your son that you and your ex wife had together," my aunt Linda spoke and I just kept my head down.

I saw yellow shoes where I kept my glare at the ground. "Um hi, I'm

June." I looked up to see a girl with long black hair up in pigtails with the rest down she had a yellow shirt on with jeans. "I'm Chase its nice to meet you June," I said. "Wait your Chase the son of Liv Reed?" Matthew asked me. I nodded as a certain way to reply.