
Souls of the Damned

Many aeons ago, in a land filled with riches and abundance, where peace reigned unhindered by anything, lived a kind called A'Khina. The realm was painted with lush greenery, its meadows were filled with blooming colours, and its sun was just warm enough so everything could grow and thrive. Seasons changed, and a new ruler rose, determined to bring change into the realm and show her people that there was so much that they hadn't seen or experienced. She broke the sacred law that had kept her kind safe for such a long time and allowed for the very first entry into their realm to one other kind. One man from a realm filled with abundance brought with him sparkling stones and precious metals, which began to ornate the Queen's Palace and the homes of the A'khina. The man was a merchant, one of the lowest of his guild, and his name was N'gatarkan. Time passed, and the man was allowed entry once every season to bring in his precious stones in exchange for grains and food. He slowly began to earn their trust, and with each visit, he found out more about the realm, and the more found he began coveting the power that made that realm so special. Many seasons passed, and he began planning and scheming an uprise and taking the power that he wanted for himself, and with it, the demise of an entire kind began, and he became the first of his kind. Aeons passed once more, and peace reigned in the realm until one day, the power he had coveted for himself, others wanted it just like he did. And a silent war began between what they called the First One and the powerful entities that desired to wield that power. To save his people and himself, he returned to his roots and bargained his precious life and the power he held in exchange for the safety of his kind, the sithrians. Until one day, when a girl was born unlike any other of her kind, with her white hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that held the promise of change but also led to her kind's demise once more. And thus our story begins.....

Blythe_Wood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
475 Chs


Somewhere at the border between the Mitrhrian Kingdom and Hessian Kingdom, the wolf was walking along the border with his ears perked up sniffing the air around him as if looking for something.

" Hello mut!" a voice rang in the silence of the forest.

The wolf crouched down ready to attack barring all of his sharp teeth growling at the voice, sensing the threat coming from it.

" I've been looking for you.....mut!" the man drawlled his words at the end scowling in disgust.

The wolf growled louder, the fur on his back stood up ready to land his ferocious attacks.

The man jumped down from the tree and landed in front of the wolf with a thud.

He stood up in front of him, glaring at the wolf.

" You fooled me once, that won't happen again! I need you to go back to her, so I can finally end her and her kind and free my sisters and brothers!" he spoke in a sinister voice, that would make anyone cower in fear.

The wolf barked and growled even louder, showing more teeth at the man's words.

Approaching footsteps could be heard coming from all directions as if soroundding the wolf from all sides, the men that Rom commanded were catching up to him with their swords drawn ready to attack.

" Commander is this the same wolf ?" one of his men queried while they slowed their pace and stopped.

" Yes Sylus, it's the same one! He was so close to the girl, I couldn't tell if the life force that I was sensing was coming from her or him!" Rom explained, his eyes on the wolf with victorious smile on his face.

" I see! Will you kill him Commander?" Sylus queried again since this was the first time he'd ever seen something like this since he became the second in command.

" I can't kill him if he is separated from the girl, she will not die, if he is still alive and the other way around! They must be together to be killed! " the man explained angry at the situation that he found himself in.

" Now stop asking stupid questions Sylus and lets get this done" Rom deadpanned grabbing the hilt of his sword ready to begin his attack on the wolf.

Rom swung his sword swiftly, initiating the fight, in turn the wolf stayed low on the ground and as soon as Rom was close enough he leaped barring his sharp teeth , gripping his thigh like a vice shaking his head ripping a chunck of flesh , the wolf slowly moved back, now barring his bloody teeth at the men in front of him ready to attack again.

" Ahhhh....." Rom screamed in pain glaring at the wolf.

"You filthy mut!" he grumbled in pain and anger.

He turned to his men with a wicked smile on his face " Are you waiting for me to die first then join in?!' he barked at his men gritting his teeth .

At his words the men began their attack against to wolf who was leaping left and right avoiding their attacks whilst bitting and scratching his attackers whenever he found an opening. All the while Rom sitting on the side cursing under his breath and anger sipping out of his pores. There was more to this damn mut of hers, it wasn't like any other kethar he had ever seen, even his wasn't as viscious as this one, he thought to himself.

Making his way back into the battle limping and hissing in pain, while he rejoined the battle as well trying to wound the beast, at least . His anger was getting the best of him clouding his judgement, all he wanted was to see that mut lying on the ground lifeless.

The fight between the wolf and the five men continued relentless attacking each other without holding back. Panting and shouting their battle cries covered in their own blood, the wolf growling at them barring his teeth, his pristine silver fur was now stained with blood, some of his own and some of the men that he fought.

" Commander I think this is not working!" one of his man commented breathless after countless tries to bring down the wolf.

" You think Nex?!" Rom deadpanned, angry that things were not going according to his plan and somewhat worried how strong the girl would be, if she would finally merge with her kethar, this is not good he thought to himself .

Master will be greatly disappointed and his punishment will be severe if he fails again to get the girl.

" Commander?" Sylus spoke snapping Rom out of his daze

" Sorround him, leave no gap for him to escape attack all at once " he barked at his men in a commanding tone.

The wolf perked up his ears at the sudden command, he turned around on the spot and ran fast as he could through the thick forest in the opposite direction, leaving the men stumped at the sudden action of the wolf.

" Do we chase after him? " Nex spoke again in a sheepish voice.

" No Nex there is no point, he is much faster than us, we would die of exhaustion before we could even catch up to him. We will wait for him to get comfortable and catch him by surprise and better prepared." Rom explained to his men the plan.

" Now, we need to get some rest and tend to our wounds!" Rom gave out his orders to his men, turning around to look at them.

" There is a village over the hill, we should head there to see if we can find shelter and a healer for the night!" he continued giving his orders pointing to his left where the village was.

" Yes, Commander " they all spoke in unison.

Picking their things and making their way towards the village with Rom leading the way.