
Souls of the Damned

Many aeons ago, in a land filled with riches and abundance, where peace reigned unhindered by anything, lived a kind called A'Khina. The realm was painted with lush greenery, its meadows were filled with blooming colours, and its sun was just warm enough so everything could grow and thrive. Seasons changed, and a new ruler rose, determined to bring change into the realm and show her people that there was so much that they hadn't seen or experienced. She broke the sacred law that had kept her kind safe for such a long time and allowed for the very first entry into their realm to one other kind. One man from a realm filled with abundance brought with him sparkling stones and precious metals, which began to ornate the Queen's Palace and the homes of the A'khina. The man was a merchant, one of the lowest of his guild, and his name was N'gatarkan. Time passed, and the man was allowed entry once every season to bring in his precious stones in exchange for grains and food. He slowly began to earn their trust, and with each visit, he found out more about the realm, and the more found he began coveting the power that made that realm so special. Many seasons passed, and he began planning and scheming an uprise and taking the power that he wanted for himself, and with it, the demise of an entire kind began, and he became the first of his kind. Aeons passed once more, and peace reigned in the realm until one day, the power he had coveted for himself, others wanted it just like he did. And a silent war began between what they called the First One and the powerful entities that desired to wield that power. To save his people and himself, he returned to his roots and bargained his precious life and the power he held in exchange for the safety of his kind, the sithrians. Until one day, when a girl was born unlike any other of her kind, with her white hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that held the promise of change but also led to her kind's demise once more. And thus our story begins.....

Blythe_Wood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
475 Chs


Sylus looked at Rom intently, admiration gleaming in his eyes, holding his breath waiting for Rom to respond, hoping that he would agree to let him join him.

Rom went silent at Sylus request, raising one eyebrow in question " Didn't the w-....the Queen Mother offered you the Commander position?" he asked in a suspicious tone, his eyes never leaving Sylus's face.

Sylus rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle escaped his lips " Umm, she did and I refused to take your place, let's just say the now we share the same fate!" he explained shrugging his shoulders while flapping his hands in the air, like helpless bird

With his eyebrows knitted, Rom clicked his tongue, he wrapped his arm around Sylus's shoulder " We need to get Maya, I'm not leaving her behind!" Rom explained while pulling Sylus along with him making their way through the corridors.

" Maya is coming with us!" Sylus beamed all of the sudden blushing a little at the thought that he will finally get to spend to some time with the girl he was in love with, since he can remember.

Rom chuckled, looking at Sylus who had a grin on his face, his green eyes gleaming with happiness.

" Commander don't you think she will be safer here within the citadel walls?" Sylus asked with eyebrows furrowed looking at floor of the corridor

"I'm not your Commander anymore, just call me by my name for heavens sake!" Rom scolded Sylus, chuckling at his sulky attitude.

" No, I can't leave her here! She is the only family I have left, so I would like to keep a close eye on her, just in case!" Rom explained sighing heavily looking around to see if anyone was listening.

Sylus nodded in agreement, thinking that Rom was right and this would be in his advantage making some progress in charming his beloved Maya.

The two men kept silent while they made their way out of the castelul, the servants bowed while walking past them and carried on with their assigned duties.

Walking down the steps Rom turned around looking over his shoulder to have one last look at the place he once called home, he finally let go of Sylus's shoulder and halted his steps.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, grabbing the hilt of his sword that was tied to his waist and squeezed it, gritting his teeth, he cursed under his breath and started walking in long strides.

Sylus sighed seeing the pained look on Rom's face and quickly followed Rom to catch up to him.

Walking through the streets of the citadel, Rom looked at the people in the citadel, that were moving as if they were on they were on deaths door, drained of energy with their head down looking at the ground.They looked alive but they looked as if life is being sucked out of them.

Gritting his teeth, feeling guilty about their situation, he somehow felt better knowing that his sister was spared of such a fate.

He knew that if he would have gotten the girl, this would have ended, at least he hoped that the witch would keep her promise.

" We are here!" Sylus's voice snapped Rom out of his daze, who found himself staring at the door in from of him, he didn't even realise that he had already reached his sisters house.

Taking a deep breath to gather his courage, he raised his hand, when the door suddenly opened.

" Rom you're finally home!" the young girl beamed wrapping her arms around his waist pulling him into a tight hug.

" I always come back to you, I would never leave you alone!" Rom spoke in a soothing voice while carresing the girls fiery red hair.

" Are you well, are you hurt anywhere?" she quickly asked pulling away from the hug, her eyes searching for any signs of wounds, poking him with her fingers.

" I'm fine Maya, you don't need to worry about me!" he chided with an amused tone looking at his sister that was poking at him.

Sylus who was standing behind Rom, craned his neck to have a look at the beautiful young girls with fiery hair and green eyes.

" Lady Maya, happy to see that you're doing well!" he joined the conversation feeling left out of the reunion.

Maya looked up at the tall and handsome man, her eyes sparkled widening, a blush quickly appeared on her freckled peppered cheeks.

" Sylus, you're here too!" Maya beamed pushing Rom aside, she jumped to give Sylus a hug while taking a deep breath in as if taking in his scent

Sylus froze at Maya's sudden hug, his cheeks tainted red, feeling her warm embrace, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, closing his eyes, he rested his cheek on the crown of her head, with a happy grin on his face

Looking at the scene in front of him Rom cleared his throat, raising one eyebrow in question.

" Pack your things we are leaving as soon you're ready!" he mumured while turning around to look around the small house.

Maya and Sylus snapped out of their daze, breaking the hug, she quickly covered her cheeks feeling flustered and embarrassed at her actions.

Feeling Sylus's gaze on her, she quickly turned around with her head down avoiding Sylus's gaze that was on her, making her way to the stove to put some logs on the fire.

" Why ? What happened?" she mumured while tuning around to look at Rom.

" We need to leave now Maya, I'll explain everything once we are out of the citadel!" Rom deadpanned while turning around making his way to where the bed was, dragging a bag from under it and placing on the bed.

He opened the chest of drawers and starting packing her things. Maya quickly grabbed the clothes that he was holding in his hand and stared at Rom, whos was staring back.

Seeing the silent war going on between the two siblings, Sylus finally stepped inside the house closing the door behind him with a thud.

" We need to leave Lady Maya, it's not safe for any of us to stay in the citadel anymore!" he added to Rom earlier explanation still remaining vague about the details.

Maya turned to Sylus who looked worried, she sighed dropping her shoulders, placing the clothes that she had in her hand in the bag, she carried on packing her things while Rom and Sylus just looked at her with their own bags strapped on their backs.

Rom and Sylus looked at each other both frowning at Maya sudden change of atitude, they knew she wasn't happy leaving her home behind.

Maya quickly packed all the things that she needed for the journey ahead, taking only the things that she needed. Knowing her brother well, she knew he wouldn't resort to this unless it was the last option on the table.

She quickly turned around making her way to the small table she grabbed the jug of water and used to put the fire out.

Turning around she saw the two men staring at her with their eyebrows raised, a little surprised at her actions.

" I still want to have a home if I ever come back!" she murmured with a small smile and her eyebrows knitted together.

Rom and Sylus nodded in agreement, making his way to where she was,he grabbed her hand and squeezed it, his lips set in thin line.

" I hope that we will be able to return soon sister!" he said in a hushed voice while having one last look at the house.

Taking a sharp breath in " We should leave through the north gate, it is less likely for anyone to see us, there are no guards at this time of day!" he suggested while letting out the breath that he was holding.


A/N : Hello everyone! I will be adding AI generated portraits of the brother and sister, Sylus and Amon in comments section of this chapter.

Thank you lovely people!