
Souls of the Damned

Many aeons ago, in a land filled with riches and abundance, where peace reigned unhindered by anything, lived a kind called A'Khina. The realm was painted with lush greenery, its meadows were filled with blooming colours, and its sun was just warm enough so everything could grow and thrive. Seasons changed, and a new ruler rose, determined to bring change into the realm and show her people that there was so much that they hadn't seen or experienced. She broke the sacred law that had kept her kind safe for such a long time and allowed for the very first entry into their realm to one other kind. One man from a realm filled with abundance brought with him sparkling stones and precious metals, which began to ornate the Queen's Palace and the homes of the A'khina. The man was a merchant, one of the lowest of his guild, and his name was N'gatarkan. Time passed, and the man was allowed entry once every season to bring in his precious stones in exchange for grains and food. He slowly began to earn their trust, and with each visit, he found out more about the realm, and the more found he began coveting the power that made that realm so special. Many seasons passed, and he began planning and scheming an uprise and taking the power that he wanted for himself, and with it, the demise of an entire kind began, and he became the first of his kind. Aeons passed once more, and peace reigned in the realm until one day, the power he had coveted for himself, others wanted it just like he did. And a silent war began between what they called the First One and the powerful entities that desired to wield that power. To save his people and himself, he returned to his roots and bargained his precious life and the power he held in exchange for the safety of his kind, the sithrians. Until one day, when a girl was born unlike any other of her kind, with her white hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that held the promise of change but also led to her kind's demise once more. And thus our story begins.....

Blythe_Wood · Fantasy
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475 Chs


Everyone was gunning to take Hessia, thinking it was fragile, unprepared, unprotected. Corvin's words played in a dark corner of her mind as she tried to finish the message she intended to send with the ashes of King Ruvy's army. The army he had sent to invade whatever was left of Hessia.

Very much like cornering a wounded animal. Hessia's vulnerabilities, a common knowledge that spread across the lands and over the limpid waters of the Seven Seas. Not that the kingdoms that lay across the Seven Seas would ever trouble themselves to cross the vastness of it, just to conquer an almost deserted land.

For now, the immediate threat was her concern. The matter required a delicate hand in order to send a message strong enough to warn those who dared to set foot on Hessian soil. The irony was not lost on her as she found herself slowly turning into a twisted version of the Ruthless Kings.

Sighing, she placed the quill back in the inkpot and let herself sink back into the chair. Eyeing the chair that he once, not long ago, sat, she found herself in need of his reassurances. Even though, sometimes he came across as crude, rude, and utterly unbearable. He did speak some undeniable fundamental truths.

Evin entering the room, dragged her back from her thoughts as he placed the urn filled with the ashes of the Umayad warriors on the table.

His forehead crinkled, unsure of what she had in store for them, possibly thinking that she'd gone mad. It wasn't a farfetched truth.

Placing the missive atop the urn, she raised her eye to meet his gaze, " Have someone take this to the Umayad border. Leave it and leave," Iris instructed while Evin took a deep breath, preparing to debate her decision. Evin didn't move. The Ruthless Kings stayed untouchable for generations and held their lands safe through careful planning and ensuring that all of those who weren't born within their lands weren't welcomed. A rather despicable tactic that has proven to be efficient. Her ties to the North were intact, but she reconsidered several times whether it was wise to do so. It was only a matter of time before Karrise would, decide to march his armies across the border. Dakran wouldn't be able to stop him, or anyone else for that matter. Whitsun celebrations were a good opportunity to gather and discuss how to proceed further. The sisters were right she had to travel north once more. Leaning forward, she pinched the quill once more and began scribbling another missive. Its destination, Whitsun.

Corvin had extended the invitation several times, but she felt the need to let them know she would be present. With very little knowledge about their traditions, it was an opportune moment to grasp the severity of the situation.

Evin returned, and slowly approached the table as she finished up the last few sentences.

" This needs to reach Whitsun, " Iris said as she folded the parchment and sealed it with the royal seal. The wait had just become indefinite. Threats loomed from all sides and soon she would find herself cornered by three enemies far stronger, and far more capable at the act of war than she was.

Evin lingered as he stared at the missive on the table, with questions-filled eyes. She'd been easy on him since that day. It was no longer a luxury she could afford.

" You are still here," Iris noted in an even-tempered tone, " Why?" She drawled, eyeing Evin's confused expression.

" Uhmm," He stammered for a brief moment," What is happening?" He finally mustered enough courage to ask. After all, he was her advisor, an inexperienced one at that; they both were inexperienced in ruling a kingdom. And in that moment, she realised that they were doomed to fail if they couldn't find a way to keep the hungry wolves at bay.

Sighing, Iris closed her eyes, " We are in trouble Evin," She admitted, reluctantly. Evin remained silent and patiently waited.

" We have threats coming at us from all sides and soon enough we will be overwhelmed by them," Another painful admission. It was only that much she could do.

" I know it was you. I saw you walking in the wake of the fire," His voice cracked, perhaps fearful.

" Who are you?" His question echoed in her mind several times. She didn't know how to truthfully answer that question.

" Once I was a guardian. Now," Iris took a sharp breath in, fisting her hands laying on the table," I don't know who I am anymore," Another painful admission, vividly etched on her expression. She had been exposed, for the fraud that she was. A liar and a thief as Ker had harsly pointed out.

" You were..." Evin cleared his throat, slowly placing a hand over her fist, " Are the Mythrian Queen, " He amended inhaling through his nose, " And now, Queen of Hessia. Our guardian, " He proudly added as he slowly peeled his hand away from hers. Despite his reassuring words, she was not their Queen. Not a chosen one, not by birthright. She had to be truthful with herself she was merely there by chance, by choice. Once again his words dragged her back to the day he'd arrived stripped her of her clothing, and pulled her in the tub with him. You owe them nothing.

His words caught a different meaning at that very same moment.

" You should go, " She pulled herself away from the memory as it stirred something deep within her, far too deep for her to even dare to explore.

Evin nodded and opened his mouth to say more but he refrained as he shuffled his feet across the floor. The door shut with a click behind him, and once more she picked up the circlet off the table and stared at it for a good while, as if examining it in the most minute detail.

Silence prevailed as the sisters remained quiet for far longer than she'd expected. Something about that circlet rubbed them the wrong way. The way they said that she shouldn't wear it. A tinge of fear laced their tone, worry. Not for her sake but for theirs.

Absolute silence, a brief respite before the sisters would start chattering in her ears once more. Spewing their nonsensical admiration towards Corvin. Or complaining about other irrelevant matters, that didn't affect them in any way. Just so they wouldn't keep quiet.