
Souls Of Change

In a world where advanced technology coexists with extraordinary abilities, Emmy Krane, once a promising footballer, finds himself thrust into a cosmic struggle beyond imagination. Here’s the tale of his journey: Emmy’s life takes a dramatic turn when he unwittingly becomes entangled with a god, gaining a mysterious system that alters his destiny. From the glittering stadiums of a promising football star to the heart of an evil forest—the Black Eye Forest—Emmy battles monsters and undead creatures alongside his schoolmates. Their escape from the forest sets him on a new path—one that transcends sports and leads to international stardom, finally becoming a professional footballer. But fate has other plans for him, thinking that he has finally fulfil his dream of becoming a football star. A revelation paints Emmy as a threat to the very fabric of existence, the Legends, once revered protectors and the most powerful existences on earth, now see him as the harbinger of doom and then he was hunted down. As the horrors he unknowingly brings forth, the revelation came to past due to the failure of the legends in eliminating him—monstrous beings, demons, and chaos—unleash upon the world, Emmy grapples with his role in this cataclysmic dance. (Note; this novel is a mixture of both competitive sports and action dark fantasy) Enjoy "_" @jwb_kante

JWB_Kante · Sports
Not enough ratings
115 Chs


There are different football skills that past legends have discovered, and till now they are still developing more skills. Many of these skills are versatile and dangerous, especially when utilized with a powerful ability, it will be more dangerous.

But many have disregarded some of these skills because of their one or two conditions, these skills were mostly disregarded by local players, but those who wish to be an international player and get to the level of a legend will strive to learn these skills even though it will be hard.

Tiger Strike and Shadow Attack are also among these set of skills, the two skills were discovered by two different people, two among the great legends of football. After the development of these skills, many young stars found that it's not an easy skill to be perfected in a match and the skills is almost as if they were design for legends and high-level footballers only. So, because of this, some young stars tried to combine the skills together to see how it works and it was a success, but the combination is not well known among footballers because it was kept a secret among the young stars who combined it. How Coach Sao have learnt of it is a mystery but he decided to teach his students so they could use it as an advantage over others in the competition and he would rank up in the football world if his team were to do well.


About three hours later, the school closed and Emmy could be seen walking sluggishly on the main road, he looks neat than ever, no stain on his school uniform, this was because he did all his possible best to avoid bully today and he act well in escaping John and his friends.

While they were training earlier in the field, Karim was the one who trained the first year while Ross trained the second year. Emmy thought something bad might happen as he knew Ross don't care if they bully him and Emmy was scared of his body moving on its own and started fighting John, but to his lucky self; Ross had given them a heinous training.

He arranged the cone in a zigzag manner and asked them to be moving the ball through each space between the cones, the person who do it wrong or who mistakenly hit the cone will go on three hundred push up before joining them back, and they were not to bump into one another. this makes everyone to be serious and focus on their training, because 300 push up isn't a joke. It's not that 300 push is impossible for them, but they'll be exhausted that they won't be able to continue their training, and because of that, they all focus on the training.

Emmy was currently walking on the main road; he had been going back and forth for a while now, he was wondering if he should look for Jone or go to the uncompleted building or if he should just walk around the street and main till sunset, but he knew people will put an eye on him if he keeps walking around the street.

The sun was still shining brightly and it will take about four hours before the nightfall, that's why he didn't want to go to the building now. Although the uncompleted building looks abandoned, he was still cautious because some people might be visiting there. And if he was to look for Jone, he doesn't know where to search, so he's just walking sluggishly as he thinks of the best thing to do.

'Wait, shouldn't I change my uniform.' As he thought of those words, he could hear a commotion coming from behind.

"What happened?"

"Why did they take him?"

"Where are they taking him to?"

"Can someone stop them; the guy did nothing."

"Can't you see they're from Joilish Group. No one can stop them."

Emmy turned around and he could see that people have gathered behind and started talking as they looked at what was going on. Four men in black and blue uniform could be seen dragging a hooded man towards a small black and blue car that was a few metres away from touching the ground, the car look like a mini spaceship. The hooded man was badly beaten as they drag him towards the car.

'This is the third time I'm seeing this, has the Joilish group started abducting people?' He thought. He has seen this same sight three times today, but he couldn't understand why they're taking people, but he doesn't need to understand because it's none of his business.

'I should get changed first and look for Jone.' He thought as he turns left and started walking towards a tiny hallway which was full of junks, the hallway led to a small street which was full of hoodlums. Criminals usually run to this street when they're being chased by the cops, the cops are even dreaded of the street so they dare not to get there.

Anyone who entered this street will be initiated into a gang, and nobody entered the street soft without coming out tough. The street called, Mile 12, the street the cops are even afraid to raid.

Emmy wasn't planning to enter the street, he just wants to change his dress, stepping on the junks full of spoilt food, he closed his eyes and walk through, until he got to the middle where there were little to no junks. Quickly bringing out his storage device, he brought out his hood and a long trouser.

He pulled off his school uniform and trouser, then putting on the black trouser he brought out with the hood. He was about to wear the hood before his eyes laid on something on the wall, moving closer to it, he could get a better view of what it was.

"What the_" He shouted out before closing his mouth back, his legs were shaking and sweat was running down his spine as he looked at what was pasted on the wall.

"Wan- want- wante- wanted?" His lips were quivering and his legs was shaking rapidly. Looking at the information on the wall; there's a picture of a white dog and a hooded figure, but the face of the person was not in display as the hood covered their face. A large wanted in red could be seen written at the top of the two pictures and below, there's a small sign with a bear head on it.

"This is the Joilish group signature." He pointed out as he could see the small sign and the bear head. He could now understand why people with hood were being arrested by the Joilish group members. Now, he knew he can't wear the hood again and he don't even know what to do next as he was really scared.

The Joilish group is a well-known company over the world; the Joilish group can be said to be the most powerful and famous company on earth, they're not just known in their state but all of the world.

This company produced different types of pills to the world, although there are many company that deals with pills but this company is the most famous. Nobody has control over this company, other company and tycoons always avoid to be on their bad side, not even the government of their state has control over them. But the identity of the leader of this company is a mystery and it was said that it's a joint company with more than one leader.

Rumors have said that the Joilish group are trying to be a state of their own as their power keeps growing and people joining them. Emmy knows that if the Joilish group are looking for Jone and him, he knew he can't escape it as they have eyes everywhere in the state. He was even thankful that his face was not captured but he was worried about Jone.

"Jone, you know I have to protect myself first if I am to look for you, so I want you to keep holding on and be safe wherever you're." He said.