
Flawed Mindset

"Dixie, I think this is a clue." Bonnie handed her book over.

Dixie's examined the yellowed parchment which illustrated the Holy Sword. The description was concise. The Goddess had created her own weapon and imbibed it with her magic. The Holy Sword could cut through anything, even other forms of magic. It was an elegant blade with a red handle. All along the sides of the blade, on both sides were inscriptions. Right on the top of the blade where it met the hilt was a distinctive carving. An infinity symbol!

Dixie's eyes shot to her sister. No way. The magical symbol which had brought them into this world was also on the holy sword? "This is what that old lady was talking about. The infinity symbol is a subset of Goddess Kartara's sword!"

"We have to acquire it tomorrow." Bonnie stated. "It's located inside the main cathedral. The same place where the statue of the Goddess stands."

Dixie nodded. "First we get the sword, and then we sneak into the church's private library and raid through the generations of documentations and scriptures. We need to narrow our search on finding out everything there was ever written about the previous Saintesses. Maybe the infinity symbol popped up in the lives of these women as well."

Bonnie handed her another open book. "There is a lot about the Saintesses written here."

Dixie immediately started reading.

Bonnie walked to the door and ordered the waiting maid to bring them an early dinner. "If anyone asks, we're still in the library."


The maid and Bonnie both turn their heads when they see Helena approaching.

"Oh, great!" Bonnie mutters. "Well, this is going to be unpleasant."

Seeing the displeased look on Master Alexander's face, the maid bowed and ran away.

Closing the door behind her, Bonnie folded her arms and leaned back. "What do you need, Helena?" Her tone was neither cold or unwelcoming, just curious.

Helena flushed and bunched her dress. She seemed to be struggling to voice out her thoughts. The blank look on Alex's face was disconcerting. His sudden love for Felicia and complete disregard for her was disconcerting.

"Brother, what went wrong between us? Why do not care about me anymore?" Helena voice was tinged with sadness.

If Bonnie wasn't aware of this woman's wicked nature and how she had hounded Felicia ruthlessly in the book, even pushing her to the point of execution, she may have felt a bit of sympathy at her sunken tone. As such, she felt nothing but disgust towards this hateful woman who pretended to be good.

So I'll give her what she needs. Alex was too blind to see the truth, but I'm not. I will tell this woman exactly what her flaws are. Who knows? Maybe Helena can break free from her rotten mindset.

"Things went wrong the moment I realized you've been lying to me this entire time, Helena."

Helena's eyes widened in shock. "What?! What are you talking about?! Lying about what?!"

Bonnie narrowed her eyes. "Lying about being a good person. From the moment we met you presented yourself as a kind and forgiving young girl who only wanted to be accepted by Felicia. You made it appear as if she was bullying you, when in fact it was you who constantly bullied her! Slandered her! You would hurt yourself and point the finger at Felicia. You've broken my trust Helena. You filled my head up with so much nonsense to the point where I disregarded my own blood sister."

"Did Felicia tell you I did all this?" Helena retorted.

"No, I figured it out for myself after having a strange dream." Bonnie confessed.

"What kind of dream? How can you change from a dream?" Helena was disgusted by his nonsensical explanation.

Bonnie straightened and placed her hands on her hips. "I had a dream where Felicia was in an enormous amount of danger. She had been accused of a crime she didn't commit and was going to be executed by fire on charges of witchcraft. I was watching her try to defend herself, but everyone shouted her down. She was going to burn, but thankfully I got to her in time and saved her life. Then she saved my life. We helped each other. That is how siblings are supposed to treat each other. Felicia and I are meant to stand side by side through anything and everything. Something I had once known, but chose to forget. My subconscious reminded me."

Helena was confused. "Dreams have no meaning, Alex. They are just made up of random places and faces. Whatever they make you feel, you're supposed to forget it the moment you wake up! Since when have you become this stupid!?"

Bonnie ignored that. "Thinking on my past actions now, I feel so ashamed. If my mother were still alive, she would have been very disappointed to see the way I was treating Felicia."

"She is the one who killed your mother in the first place!" Helena screamed.

"No...she did not. It was an accident and I was so caught up in my own grief that I failed to see the truth. She's been locked up in the annex this entire time. She had to go through grief completely alone. I can't imagine how much that must have hurt. To be accused of killing the person you loved." Bonnie's voice was laced with pain.

Thank-god, I have Dixie in my life. I can't imagine how terrible it would have been to lose mother and be left with an emotionless father who wouldn't even offer up even a single word of comfort.

"I hate you, brother! You should have never been my brother! You won't stop talking about Felicia! You won't stop talking about your dead mother!" Angry tears streamed down Helena's face.

"Have my mother and I become nothing to you after the years we've spent together!? You ungrateful bastard! I loved you like a brother and this is how you repay me?!" 

Helena shoved Bonnie against the door before running away, now positively howling with misery.

Bonnie rubbed her back. "Ow...well, looks like telling her the truth didn't help at all. She just reacted like a spoiled brat. What love has she ever shown Alex? She just wanted him around to dote on her. It had nothing to do with him." 

The library door opened and Dixie poked her head out. "Did I hear Helena's voice?"

"Yep. She came to confront me about the obvious and uhhh....well, let's say it didn't go well. She didn't like the responses I gave." 

"Young Master. Lady Felicia. We have brought you your suppers."

"Brilliant!" The sisters responded in unison.