
Souls Dawning

A world filled with Political advances and Destructive needs and wants of a Society. Fractured between factions, this is a brand new world made to exist only in the suffering of the weak and the prosperity of the strong. In the midst of this fractured world, misfits rise to fulfill their own Ambitions. Whether it be power, love, destruction. Their Souls burn with a passion as these group of misfits rise to not become the best but to rise above the fractured world. And claim their ambitions in hand.

DaoistKUnJPZ · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Introductions

The girl who was speeding towards the group before had eventually made it, her ferocity visible as her sharp teeth made themselves visible to the group, growling she stopped closer to them, before bellowing out.

"Hiragi, where is he! I knew he was here; I knew his presence!" The girl bow standing in front of the group said. Aamon looked at her and glared menacingly, as he usually did. In any other case, this alone would have been enough to send a non-superhuman on their way, but soon his smirk turned into a gentle frown. "Yellow eyes, orange-tipped hair, and a well-built body; you were intriguing. What did you say your name was?" Aamon asked.

"Shina, Shina Forger. It was YOUR pleasure to meet me, as always, right? Or how does Keisuke say it?" Shina replied. "Bro, that's a more feminine name, ain't it?" Renora asked. Agni and Aamon both held back laughter after such a comment, implying that Shina wasn't a girl. "Huh, so what? I am a girl. What's your deal?" Shina questioned, now starting to get annoyed. "DAAAYUUUM...4/10," Renora said. After which, Shina visibly got mad, and the others saw her arm turn into a giant one as energy surrounded it and got absorbed into her arm. It shifted into a semi-magma form, and she punched Renora into the wall about 30 meters away, leaving a painful scorch mark on his gut as he groveled in pain.

"Hey, you can't do that; we're not allowed to have our auras active unsupervised. That's against the rules!" Agni said after gulping, looking at what Shina had done to a superhuman. Shina walked up to his face and asked him, "What are you gonna do about it?" with a smirk on her face as her arm transformed back. While Aamon laughed himself half to death, continuously poking Renora with a twig he found as if he'd died, Agni was thinking intensely about his next course of action in that scenario.

Right as he clutched his fist and was about to swing, he saw something. Falling from the sky, Keisuke, and he was right on top, about to land on Shina. "Out of the way!" Keisuke yelled with his signature smile then landed on Shina. When the dust cleared after impact, Agni saw him sleeper holding Shina. In the power struggle, she was moving and putting up a decent fight before failing to Keisuke's superhuman strength. Keisuke stood up and started dragging her body by the leg and said to the group with his back turned, "See ya tomorrow!"

, "Fun first day, and what an interesting inferior. I think I'll like it here for the time I stay." Aamon still poking Renora's body commented. "Quit that," Renora said in a disinterested low-tone voice.

**Tuesday, 2 January 2018, 7:15 AM**

Finally, as morning came, it seemed the criminals had taken a liking to each other. In the morning, Agni, Aamon, and Keisuke were walking together like a normal pair of school kids, and along the way, they encountered another student, a kid with an oddly looking left side, a white eye with semi-heavy scarring all the way up to his arm. "I'd rather not. Hey, guys, I'll be walking ahead if you don't mind; being late can be considered rude by some people," Aamon loudly stated as he walked ahead of the group after encountering the guy; Keisuke followed after. Agni noticed the kid walking with him and Renora, and he slammed his fist against his palm in realization.

"You're the kid from the bus, Adam, right? You were being dragged away screaming for no rooms like a little girl," Agni said to him. Renora replied while laughing, "Rough, dude, join the club, although not being superhuman might make that difficult." Adam looked at them, continuously scratching his forearms and pulling at his clothes while sweating violently with massive eye bags, "Rooms, what rooms, oh, you meant my room, which I didn't want. Rooms are good and all, but they're not for me. But they can totally be for you, not that I'm saying that you also can't like them, but it's totally up to you, not me. If I could, I'd get rid of rooms, know what I mean? Oh, you don't. You guys probably love rooms, unless you don't. Hey, me too, WANNA GET RID OF ALL THE ROOMS!"

"He's nuts," Renora said while being amused by his fellow student's rants. "Dude, not cool," Agni said after shoving Renora with his shoulder. "Don't worry; we won't force you to go into any rooms you don't want to. I'm Agni, by the way," reaching for a handshake. Adam shook the hand and then pulled Agni in really quickly up to his ear and said very quickly and whispering, "Sometimes, do you feel like you're being watched while being contained, and the closer the walls get like they inevitably do, those eyes on them watching will turn into horror spikes of absolute demise in this containment facility as it drains your sweet, sweet, succulent brain juices?"


, wow, you've been through it," Agni loudly said while pulling away from Adam. Adam eventually, in his self-ranting, lost the group, and they did not bother searching for him. Instead, they took the time to head to class. While walking, arguing about why there isn't a word for 2 days from before and after the present day, Keisuke cut the convo and ran off into one of the openings in the hall to the gardens. While Aamon and Agni stopped, Renora walked ahead, not paying much mind to the situation. Aamon, to his surprise, looked at where Keisuke ran off to. Before him, he saw Keisuke dashing off to help someone.

"Heyyyy, don't dirty your uniform; most of that group isn't worth it!" Aamon yelled to Keisuke in a calm manner, only raising his voice to inform. "Are you just gonna watch; let's go help!" Agni said to Aamon before rushing off trying to catch up to Keisuke. "I'd rather not; so much time wasted on their kind isn't my style," Aamon told Agni before calmly walking and taking his time towards the area, hoping to arrive only when Agni and Keisuke were done with the job. When Keisuke got there, he got into a low stance with one arm on the ground; most of the boys there, after seeing Keisuke moving towards them, had run off.

The group consisted of 8 boys, 3 of which wore the school's uniform, and the rest an unrecognizable one. The ones that ran off left the group with 4 people. Amongst them a tall, obvious man, just straight up adult, fat as hell, and all of them were kicking around and beating on a girl, a frail-looking girl. Keisuke had already known what would happen if he didn't make it fast enough, using his arm as a boost from his lowered stance forward with

the rest of his body to go toward the girl on the ground as she's right in the way of the man's foot about to come down.

The man raising his leg about to force it down, aura gathers around it and then is absorbed before it turns into that of a rhino's leg but with blue pads around it. As it swings down for the girl's head, Keisuke successfully shifts her out of the way, throwing her in the direction of the group he came from but not moving out in time to dodge the foot before it could swing down on his head. When the foot collides with his head, it releases a massive booming noise, at the same time releasing lightning, popping Keisuke's head.

"Heh, that brat got in the way instead; what a shame, boys." The man says but is turning around and walking away. Keisuke's body starts dropping before holding its position; its arms reach far out and spread before clutching both fists and smoke erupts from its neck before in a violent manner of wind and sparks, bone, muscle, nerves, and flesh all form as Keisuke's head is back with his signature grin.

Meanwhile, after Keisuke threw the girl, Agni jumped to catch her. "I got it, I got it!" repeatedly he yelled with the girl seemingly in his arms with how things looked. He felt a strong force emerge on his head before falling to the ground face first. "Thanks for the step, Agni," Aamon says in a light manner with his smile as he used Agni's head to jump higher than him to catch the girl. Upon doing so, he lands ever so elegantly on Agni, looking into the girl's face. "Do you require assistance?" Aamon asks the girl with his smile. She does nothing but look at him while being carried by Aamon, and her face turns red with embarrassment. "Ooooow," Agni groaned with his face planted in the ground. Agni gets himself up to stare at something, and Aamon also looks at what he could be fascinated with only to see Keisuke on the fat man's shoulders, with his arms forearm deep in his mouth forcefully pulling as the man flails at where Keisuke sits.

"How would you like your head ripped off, you fat skid mark!" Keisuke remarks while trying his best to make sure he leaves that garden with blood on his hands. "So, are we gonna help or go to class? School started 25 minutes ago," Agni asked Aamon. It seemed everyone was fixated on what was transpiring; they forgot about school. Aamon looked over at the girl after looking away from Keisuke and asked, "Can you walk, or shall I assist you the rest of the way?" with his calming tone and delightful presence. She looked back at him as her vision was also fixed on Keisuke; she processed what he had said and where she was.

"Eeeeeeeek, augh huh huuuuh!" The girl could do nothing but shriek and cry as she jumped out of Aamon's arms and crawled away on all fours into the class. Aamon and Agni both looked at her crawl away in confusion while looking at her in disbelief. "Shall we get to class?" Aamon asked Agni. "Shouldn't we deal with this first?" Agni pointed at the situation at hand where the brawl was still ongoing, Blood splattering everywhere. "Nah, it'll sort itself out; I don't suppose you want to waste more time." Aamon replied with his nonchalantly stoic voice and still the same calm smile on his face as he put his arms within his pockets.

"Good point, well off we go." Aamon and Agni walked forward to the class, but in an instant, day turned to night as a void spawned around them, Keisuke and the fat guy as a man walked into it wearing a long dark purple shade coat, 2 tied black chains on both sides of his waist, fingerless gloves, white skin, 2 purple-tipped horns, and 6.6 feet tall.

Another chapter. Though this one also feelsike it has unseen errors in it, if you see them, please point them out if you could.

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