
Fuck off

Y/Ns pov~

As soon as I got down there my mother came in with your father with toons of bags.

" HEY- oh hey brat! Who are these people?"

Your mother said cheerily to your blushing brother with all of his friends next to him, smirking about something. He was re-doing the white wrap on his wrist. He looked up and growled at your mother


" Of his best friends."

You said finishing his sentence knowing that he was gonna call his friends "Extras". You where really doing him a big ass favor, if he had called them what he was gonna call them, your mother would of bet his ass to the bone. He looked over to you, his face was still red, but now a tick mark had been added. He stormed over to you.


" Your best friends."

He took your left arm. You could feel your bangeds get moved around slightly. You already got away with them saying you where getting hurt from training. They fucking believe it to. He pushed your back against the wall with a loud 'thump'. He took your other arm in his hand and pushed it against the wall as well. He was showing off his teeth ever so slightly.


You and you brother both turned your head to see his friends 'ohhhhing' at the seen that was unfounding for some reason. You just looked at them blankly. You looked at your brother to see him blushing.


You felt a spark. Of what you think was happiness. It felt like a new born flower, but as soon as it came it left you. Your eyes flickered with a spark. You turned your head to face your left hand held in place to the wall by your brother. You closed your eyes effortlessly.

Who the fuck is it.

"OI! Are you fucking lisioning to me dumb ass?!"

Your head snapped to the deraction of the sound, you opened your e/c full eyes to see your brothers flusterd face.

" BRA-"

Your mother started, but you finished for her.

" Oh sorry I was about fall asleep because of your damn ass boring speach."

You could feel your mother nod her head in approval and go over to the kitchen to start cooking, see the fact that you could handle yourself.

He growled and leaned in closer to your face.

" Damn ass nerd I am your-"

"Older brother yea yea I fucking get it damn it. Your starting to be more boring then shitty ass Aziawa's speachs."

'ohhhhs' where heard from around the room.

"Kids stop fighting we have guests over and you are making a fool out of yourselfs and us."

Your father said. You and your brother both growled.

" I don't give a fucking damn."

You both growled out whist having a stare down. Even though all you could see was your brother bright red eyes with his sparkle still there you knew for a fact that your dad was rubbing his temples behind the two of you. You knew he would only let go of you one way, you don't know why it works, but it does. Well, you understand the second part.

You leaned in closer to his face and winked. His face turned a light shade of pink, as you did this you got your leg closer to his member. And soon,


He let his hands go to his crouch, giving the the escape you wanted. You sprinted to the kitchen as you heard expolsons. You forced a smile as you got a dish to get some of your favorite spicy curry. You scoped some in and sat down at the table where your brother came behind you and grabed your waist, lifting you off of the chair.


You yelled out. Kicking your legs around trying to hit him.


That's when you stopped kicking, your fake expression, everything. You were used to his nickname buy this one was new, and it hit you hard.

" I'm."


"Quirk less"




Your brothers face was full on confusion.

"What do you fu-"

You telaported out of his arms to the chair. Gasps where heard. everyones face was confusion and amazment.

"S-So what is your qurik?"

Asked your mother. You looked at her with your dull eyes and simply said,

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

You picked up your spoon and started to eat. Bakugo eventually sat down. The dinner was completely silent. Soon you finished and got up with the not even close to empty bowl and thanked your parents for the meal. You telaported to your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror.


You slammed your hands on the counter. Red blood flew down your cheeks. You looked to the door and went over and locked it cumslsy. You stumbled over to your cabnit and barely got it open. Blood stained your cloths and counter top. You pulled out your hunting knife and cleanly cut off your white bangeds. You started to cut and cut. Your blood spillied out like a river.

"More, more, more, MORE!!!~"

You started to laugh and cry blood all at the same time. Soon, pitch blackness took over.

You wook up in a hospital bed. Your parents were crying, your brother was there shearing a few tears as well, your whole class was there as well, crying and crying, even your teacher was crying.

"What the hell?...."

You asked. Everyone's attention went to you. imettidly your brother clinged on to you. Arms wrapped around your waist. His face went right close to yours and-

You woke up panting.

"What the hell of a dream was that."

You mumbled. You looked down at your left wrist to see your soulmates name all bloody and scratched up. You sighed and looked out your window to see it was the morning. you sighed and started to clean up.

"Anouther day of fucking shitty ass hell."