
Unwanted visitors

Unknown P.O.V

The King must be insane to think he can get away with trying not to marry my daughter and not claiming her. That boy thinks I'm stupid. He's been trying to mess with the elders, but the elders don't play games to make things more difficult for him. We will sacrifice a small portion of the country to test him. My daughter must become a reigning companion before the coming winter; every tool and resource must be used to open his eyes mildly. That boy can be a handful, but everything has to be in place as planned, and the crown has to be in the family. The northern kingdom's king has to be used, and with his help, the crown will soon be mine. This stupid stepdaughter has to help me achieve all my goals. I was lucky enough that she came out to be at least beautiful. If it were not for my political position in this empire, I would have made her my mistress. A man with my status deserves more women and treasure.

King Casper III's P.O.V