
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 8

-3rd person point of view

Today's class was going by way slower then anybody would have liked, especially for the blonde-headed explosion boy who was lost in thought, which is extremely surprising. Bakugou was currently reminiscing trying to figure out when had Kirishima started liking him, but it was no use because bakugou is an idiot when it comes to love.

On the other hand across the classroom, the red-headed shark-toothed boy known as Kirishima was also lost in thought. His day was going to be terrible the moment he stepped out of bed, and he knew that. So why was it turning around now? Was it because he had bumped into a little green-headed boy in the bathroom? Maybe. Of course, Kirishima wasn't over his crush for a certain blonde headed boy, but Midoriya gave him hope, that maybe he wouldn't be so heartbroken after all.

Coincidentally that same thought was running through the freckled boy's mind as well. He just couldn't get passed the way Kirishima shines, of course, this isn't the first time he's noticed the red-headed boy but for some reason, there was now a pulling force involved. Midoriya shakes his head quickly, maybe he was overthinking things. Of course, he would feel pulled towards Kirishima, they just cried together. On the floor. in a bathroom. but was it just that? Midoriya turns his head to look at Kirishima. who is already looking at him and smiles? Midoriya shyly waves and smiles back slightly immediately looking away right after. Yeah, it definitely wasn't just the fact they cried together.

Todoroki wasn't really paying attention to class, he was looking at Bakugou, as usual. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head, why didn't he come back? why was he already in the classroom? did something happen between them? Todoroki was growing worried. He had noticed Kirishima's and Bakugou's close relationship since the beginning, but just like Bakugou, Todoroki was an idiot when it came to emotions as well. So, of course, it hadn't crossed his mind that Kirishima had romantic feelings for Bakugou, and of course, Todoroki didn't mean any harm towards Kirishima, in fact, he admired him a lot, he just always seemed so happy all of Bakugou's friends did.

That's why he had wanted to get to know them, Todoroki wanted to be their friend as well. This feeling was unusual for him because Todoroki never really cared much about friends. He had Midoriya and Dabi, of course, there were others but those two were the only ones Todoroki really considered friends. Todoroki tapped his foot impatiently looking at Bakugou's worried face. Did they get into a fight? Was it because he had sat at their table without asking for permission?

He really meant no harm, and he really hoped he hadn't come in between their friendship. He always took notice of how Bakugou always talked about Kirishima, he seemed like a very important person to him and this didn't bother Todoroki in the slightest. He trusted Bakugou, and Bakugou was allowed to be friends with whomever he pleased. Todoroki huffed heavily which seemed to have caught the attention of the blonde sitting next to him. Bakugou tilted his head in Todoroki's direction as if to say "whaaat" This of course made todoroki chuckle, he just couldn't help it. His Bakugou was too cute for his own good.

Todoroki got a piece of paper out of his binder and started scribbling the words " Are you okay? you seem sad?" he then folded the paper and quickly handed it to bakugou, while Mr.Aizawa had his back turned. Bakugou opened the note rather quickly not wanting to gather attention from anyone else in the class. Todoroki watched as Bakugou's eyes scanned over the paper a slight smile playing on his lips. Todoroki was inwardly panicking because he had just made Bakugou smile. He was having a whole cheer session in his head and his heart was about to two seconds from bursting.

Bakugou couldn't help but smile, Todoroki had picked up on his mood and he found it absolutely adorable that he cared so much, he wanted to tell Todoroki about the things he heard at lunch, but out of respect for Kirishima, he figured he shouldn't mention anything until he talked to him first. Bakugou quickly scribbled the words "I'm okay now:)" he couldn't help but feel stupidly giddy. This was to cliche for his taste. They were passing notes like a couple of lovebirds in class, which they were but he didn't have to admit it nor like it.

He swiftly passed the note onto Todoroki's desk and Todoroki eagerly grabbed it not being able to resist the smile forming on his face as well. Todoroki read the note and turned to look at Bakugou, He felt a little pang in his heart, he knew something was wrong but bakugou didn't want to talk about it with him. He figured that he wouldn't push it and respect bakugou's decision and his faith in him.

The teacher suddenly called everyone to get ready for gym class, everyone began to stand up and exit the classroom, Todoroki immediately followed behind bakugou. Bakugou had noticed the stares todoroki had been giving him burn through his back, at first it was embarrassing but now he was growing annoyed, I mean what the hell could he be staring at FOR SO FREAKING LONG! Bakugou turn around and yelled "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ICYHOT?!" Todoroki continues to stare completely unfazed by bakugou's outburst and flatly says "you have a cute butt."

Bakugou doesn't remember much of the rest of that conversation it mostly ended with him seeing the color red and wanting to slaughter todoroki. WHO THE HECK SAYS THAT KIND OF STUFF?! Bakugou thought stomping towards the locker room, Todoroki not too far behind.

Meanwhile, with the rest of the Baku squad who were ahead deciding to let todobaku have their moment together were all making jokes and talking about how Todoroki was so cute when it came to bakugou, and bakugou was also the same way. Everyone made jokes all except Kirishima and his new companion who he had decided to introduce to his friends, midoriya. Midoriya and Kirishima walked side by side trying their best to laugh at the jokes everyone was making.

It would've have been a lot harder but both of them felt comfort in each other and felt as if the heartbreak didn't hurt as much since they both understood how the other felt. Maybe that's why they were clinging to each other? or maybe not. Kirishima piqued Midoriya's interest and it was the same way for Kirishima. The green-headed freckled boy seemed like the most innocent bean on earth, he felt the sudden urge to be there for him. It could have been that it was probably because Kirishima understood Midoriya's pain or maybe because he just hated the hurtful aching he felt in his chest when he saw midoriya cry, that part Kirishima was still trying to figure out.

Before long everyone had reached the locker room and began to quickly change all except bakugou, who was quietly waiting for everyone to leave. Even though he knew Todoroki was his soulmate he was still conscious of the mark located on his shoulder going down his back. This confused Todoroki, so he waited. He noticed bakugou glaring at him as if to say " you too fool" but Todoroki just smiles back as if to say "yeah haha no."

Bakugou really didn't think it through when he started changing into his gym clothes, he only waited for everyone to leave so they wouldn't find out who his soulmate was and Todoroki already knew it was him so it didn't matter if he changed in front of him right? WRONG!

Bakugou continued to strip off every single piece of this clothing except his boxers, it was then he felt a burning gaze right through him, he quickly became annoyed and turned to yell at Todoroki "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT, QUIT STARING AT ME AS IF IM NAKED!" Bakugou yelled angrily. Todoroki then looked at Bakugou giving him the look of "are you an idiot?" Bakugou got the hint and immediately turned embarrassed, he quickly started throwing things at Todoroki desperately trying to get him to look away or even leave.

Todoroki couldn't help but laugh, Bakugou was just so cute... and sexy. Todoroki admired Bakugou's slim waist passionately his eyes not being able to look away from the sight in front of him. Bakugou may not have known it but he had the body of a god. It always confused Todoroki why bakugou always seemed to lack self-confidence and in himself. He always refused todoroki's compliments like if he were to say "Bakugou you're beautiful" Bakugou would look extremely shocked and answer back "I'm not even that pretty" It angered Todoroki because he wanted his Katsuki to know how perfect he was.

Bakugou quickly changed while Todoroki was trying to avoid getting hit by whatever Bakugou through in his direction. After he was completely dressed again he immediately ran away heading towards the gym. His heartbeat beating widely in his chest and his face bright red, he innerly scolded himself "I'm such an idiot!"

Todoroki couldn't help but chuckle at Bakugou's antics, How could one man be so freaking cute! Todoroki calmly exited the locker room and headed towards the gym.

Bakugou had opened the door to the gym rather harshly gaining all kinds of stares from the people around him. He didn't care he just wanted to hide from Todoroki. He was so embarrassed! He looked like a strawberry as he made his way to his usual spot with his friends, who were already laughing at him because it didn't take a genius to figure out why bakugou was so red in fact they almost doubled over when Todoroki walked into the gym smirking like a mad man, and immediately making his way towards Bakugou.

Bakugou who was desperately trying to look for an escape plan almost made it, but Todoroki had gotten there in time to pull Bakugou towards him and keep him at his side. "L-let go of me baka!" Bakugou stuttered out angrily.

Todoroki then grabbed Bakugou's face and looked him deep in the eye and said" you can run all you want, I'm always going to catch you kitten" Bakugou then immediately went quite. like dead quite.

>Bakugou'exe server has stopped working🤖<

Bakugou couldn't respond to that comment, he just sat there like a dazed idiot which caused his group of friends to start falling to the ground and laugh like the bunch of idiots they were. Even Kirishima couldn't help but double over and laugh with Denki, in the whole time they knew Bakugou. He had never made such an absent-minded expression, they loved it and they were beginning to accept the man who had done it to him.

Kirishima was doubling over laughing when he looked over to Midoriya who was trying his best to not crack a smile. "Midoriya why aren't you laughing?" Kirishima said confused because he couldn't help but notice the smile trying to escape his lips. Midoriya then looked at Kirishima trying his best to not double over laughing and said " Because I don't know Bakugou-kun well enough to be making fun of him like you do" He said happily. This caused Kaminari to abruptly bump in and fling his arm around Midoriya and say " You dont need to know bakuhoe to make fun of Bakuhoe Midoriya, just do it, my dude, what's he going to do? Blush madly as Todoroki tries to hold him back?" This caused the whole group to burst out laughing even causing Todoroki to chuckle. Midoriya couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Earning a bright smile from Kirishima as well as Kaminari. That is until bakugou broke out of his trance.

"WTF DID YOU SAY PIKACHU!" Kaminari immediately ran behind Todoroki and said, " Protect me oh great shoto!" Causing everyone to laugh, Bakugou just glared at Kaminari and said "What the hell do you think your doing?" He says circling around Todoroki trying to chase Kaminari who's also circling todoroki, running in a cycle of endless circles. (now that's a tongue twister💀)

Bakugou quickly grew tired of it and turned around right as Kaminari was behind him "NOOO, IM TO PRETTY TO DIE!" Kaminari said dramatically as he was desperately trying to get away, Bakugou was now chuckling with an evil look in his eye "Now I've got you Pikachu!" but before Bakugou could play out Kaminari's downfall he felt strong arms wrap around him, he quickly grew furiously flustered and stammered "PUT ME DOWN ICYHOT!" Todoroki measly smiled deviously at Bakugou and said " I'm sorry but I, the great shoto must protect Denki" This caused everyone to start laughing all but Midoriya who stood there shocked, In the 2 years he had known Todoroki he never once heard him try to crack a joke. It was surprisingly heartwarming...

Midoriya examines the couple banter and fight playfully, A small smile growing on his face. Todoroki was happy, the happiest he's seen him since well... his mother was still alive instead of feeling hurt that it was because of Bakugou instead of himself, Midoriya felt relief wash over his body. Todoroki now had a chance to be happy, and that alone brighten up Midoriya's day.

Midoriya was too distracted smiling at the couple to notice Kirishima smiling at him or to notice Kaminari smirking at Kirishima smiling at him, but Bakugou wasn't...he noticed and he immediately grew curious of Midoriya, he's only ever seen him hang around Todoroki, was this the boy Kirishima was ranting too? Bakugou then had a brilliant idea "oi" he said flatly looking directly at Midoriya. Everyone then grew serious, Kirishima grew stiff was bakugou about to pick a fight with midoriya?!

Midoriya intimidated by Bakugou'a glare barely squeaked out a response "y-yes". Bakugou then made his way slowly walking towards Midoriya, or that's how everyone views it, they thought Bakugou was about to unleash war, even Todoroki was on his toes.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou and who are you?" Bakugou said crossing his arms not trying too but absolutely scaring the shit out of Midoriya. Midoriya then squeaked " I'm izuku Midoriya sir" Bakugou then eyed Midoriya immediately doubling over not being able to surpress his laughter "sir?! what the hell dude I'm not even old!" Everyone began to laugh once again, Midoriya glowing red from embarrassment until Bakugou spoke again " well Midoriya, are you gonna join our crew?" Bakugou said a smirk growing on his face.

Everyone then smiled and looked towards Midoriya, Kirishima wide-eyed staring at Bakugou, What the hell was he doing? Bakugou never acted this way?! Midoriya just stared wide-eyed, Bakugou was asking to be his friend?! This made midoriya almost tear up, people never really liked Midoriya nor wanted to be friends with him.. they thought he was weird, Midoriya was too sweet and caring for his own good, he was often bullied and taken advantage of, that was until Todoroki had made the comment while Midoriya was running his errands for his so-called friends and said: "Don't let them run your life Midoriya, it's yours."

Those words changed Midoriya, he didn't want to be a measly errand boy for friends he didn't even like! After that day Midoriya was alone, all until Todoroki walked up to him and invited him to lunch and thus started the friendship between the two.

He never thought he could have any other friends much less a group of friends... who all seemed so nice... Midoriya then looked at Kirishima who was smiling brightly at him


Bakugou then noticed Midoriya's cheeks go red while looking at Kirishima, he smiled and said " I don't care what you say, you're with us now dude" and turned around and was about to walk off before he said " oh and we're also partnering up for today's workout" Bakugou then walked off, Todoroki then turned to Midoriya and stared at him, while Midoriya quirked his eyebrow as to say "what was that?" Todoroki then smiled and shrugged before turning around to annoy his short adorable boyfriend. Today's was just turning into all sorts of crazy!

After Mr.Aizawa explained the instructions for the workout, Bakugou immediately walked up to Midoriya, who was talking with Kirishima and Mina. When Bakugou called out "oi are you ready?" Midoriya then turned and said goodbye to them both and started walking towards Bakugou but quickly stopped when he heard Kirishima's voice say "Bakugou you better not kill him! He's not me he might not be able to handle your stupidly hard workout!" Kirishima said smiling at them both, Bakugou then smiled back and said: " Oh have some faith in the little guy, after all, shouldn't  you be cheering him on Eijiro!?" Bakugou said smirking causing Kirishima to turn red and immediately walk away, while midoriya just gulped, what have I gotten myself into?

Kirishima was always Bakugou's workout buddy so he was left alone and not surprisingly so was Todoroki who was also always Midoriya's working out buddy, so it was only logical they would team up and let's just say, Kirishima wasn't hating it in the slightest! Todoroki could workout! like extremely hardcore, and on top of that they were still able to have a conversation. At first, Kirishima thought it would be weird and awkward but he learned Todoroki was not at all like the rumors flying around him, Todoroki was an actual decent guy! Kirishima could see that he and Bakugou might actually be a good match and that made Kirishima happy it also couldn't help that every now and then Todoroki would drop a comment about

midoriya ( curtesy of bakugou who told him too;))

Meanwhile, on the other hand, death was near. Bakugou was barely ahead of Midoriya. WTF IS THIS KID ON! ?Bakugou thought to himself, he told himself he was going to go easy on the freckled boy but it seemed to be the other way around! He was honestly really surprised Midoriya was so slender, he wasn't extremely buff like Todoroki or Kirishima but he wasn't all bone either, which confused the fuck out of Bakugou. This man was on x games mode!!

Bakugou and Midoriya were the first to finish, due to Bakugou's stubbornness to lose and Midoriya's willpower to want to be in Bakugou's good side. Mr.Aizawa had told the two boys it was okay to head to the locker room to change, which was perfect for bakugou and his plan which was underway.

Bakugou and Midoriya talked with ease, they surprisingly were getting along just fine this made Midoriya's heart soar, he was so happy! Now once they entered the locker room was when the air shifted. Midoriya then felt awkward as Bakugou studied Midoriya, this continued to a couple of seconds before Bakugou said " Soooo how did you meet Kirishima?" This completely caught Midoriya off guard "w-what" Midoriya stammered now growing flustered.

"I mean I'm practically with him every day and we've never met so umm how did you meet?" Bakugou said a smile forming on his face, Midoriya just stood there trying to come up with an answer so he didn't have to say " oh yeah funny story I was crying in the bathroom because I was heartbroken that you started dating Todoroki because I've liked him since forever, you know!" Midoriya mentally sighed and said " I was having a bad day and he caught me in the bathroom and comforted me,"  He says looking down, I mean it wasn't a lie but it wasn't exactly the truth either.

Bakugou then clicked his tongue and says " Figures that happened, Kirishima's to kindhearted for his own good, always caring about others more then himself"  Midoriya examine the look on Bakugou's face, the look of remorse and guilt. This troubled Midoriya, why did he feel guilty? Before Midoriya could ask Bakugou took off his shirt, turning his back towards midoriya. Midoriya gasped and stared in awe at Bakugou's soul mark, it's the biggest he's ever seen and it was a beautiful combination of fire and red and orange flowers streaming down his back. Bakugou then turned around and sighed " yeah it's huge huh, it hurts like a bitch too, every time todoroki goes all cutesy on me it hurts like hell," Bakugou said making a face which made midoriya laugh.

Midoriya then took off his top and sighed " It must be nice, Mine still white since I don't know who mine is" Bakugou then turn around to look at the Christmas colored looking flowers going down midoriya's back he then said " Uhhh are you sure about that, looks pretty colorful to me" Bakugou said tilting his head, Midoriya quickly turn around to face bakugou "WHATTTT" he then turned around and checked his back, it's true there was a vine of flowers trailing down his mid-back. "whattttt the heckkkk" Midoriya said completely shocked "there's no way, I didn't even notice it!" Bakugou then chuckled when it hit him, HE HAD SEEN THOSE EXACT FLOWERS BEFORE! he quickly turned around wide-eyed and gasped completely not thinking the situation through " THOSE ARE THE SAME AS KIRISHIMA'S!" He said out loud, right as Kirishima and Todoroki walked in. oh shit.

Midoriya eyed widened "w-what did you say bakugou?" Bakugou then dramatically said "huh? sorry? I don't remember? My bad!" and dashed supersonic speed out of the locker room, grabbing todoroki on his way out. " what the hell are you doing!?" Todoroki asked being yanked down the hall due to his short boyfriend. " BITCH what does it look like we're doing idiot? we're escaping!" Bakugou said dashing down the hallway as if his life depended on it.

Kirishima just stared at Midoriya and tilted his head " what was that about?" He then entered the locker room, immediately taking off his shirt to change. Midoriya was about to speak beginning to break out of his trance when he looks at Kirishima's back, no way. WUTTTTT. was the only thing going through his head. Kirishima then turned around to face Midoriya midway of changing and said "are you okay?" Midoriya just stood there, his brain not properly processing what was happening around him, quickly made sure his back was covered by slamming it into the locker and said " uhh yeah sorry I guess I'm just shocked at how me and bakugou didn't become friends sooner!" he says trying his best to replace the worried look in his face with a smile.

Kirishima immediately knew something was up but decided to drop it since midoriya didn't seem to want to talk about it, and he wasn't going to pressure him into talking to him. Kirishima quickly got dressed and turned to Midoriya who hadn't moved from his spot and said "uhhh well I'm done! I'll meet you out there" Midoriya just smiled in response before Kirishima opened the door and left.

As soon as Kirishima was out of sight Midoriya then checked his back again, They were the same marks that's for sure. What was he going to do?! Kirishima liked Bakugou?! Midoriya suddenly felt his heartache, not again...It's not as if he was over todoroki but Kirishima made his heart flutter, he would've liked to become closer friends with him! Things were just going good it's not that he hated the idea of Kirishima being his soulmate in fact he was overjoyed! Kirishima was kindhearted and compassionate but he was also in love with someone else... Midoriya slowly put his shirt on and quickly changed. His feet slowly dragging, damn did he just want to go home already.

Meanwhile with Todoroki and Bakugou still running, now arriving outside the classroom. "Okay, you have got to tell me what that was about?!" Todoroki says out of breath, Bakugou then looks at todoroki trying to form sentences that just sound like pants of air " Midoriya"

*pant* "soulmate" *pant* "Kirishima!" was all bakugou could make out but somehow it clicked for Todoroki as he gasps and says "MIDORIYA AND KIRISHIMA ARE SOULMATES?!" Bakugou nods his head trying to catch his breath.

"Does Kirishima know?" Todoroki says irking his eyebrow, Bakugou then shakes his head. "are you going to tell him?" Bakugou then glares at Todoroki and shakes his head no "but why not?! I would want to know!" Bakugou then yells and smacks Todoroki in the head playfully "BECAUSE ITS NOT OUR PLACE MR.NOSEY LIKE DAMN! " Bakugou then doubles over panting completely out of breath and coughing alarming Todoroki " Breath babe Breath!" Bakugou then turns and yells at him and says "BITCH IM TRYING!" After a few moments pass Bakugou is now able to absorb oxygen once again and Todoroki is still trying to piece how Kirishima and Midoriya are soulmates.

People start arriving at the classroom and Todoroki and Bakugou immediately look at each other practically using telepathy saying "OH SHIT" They both enter the classroom bakugou doing everything in his power to not look up because if he did he would definitely stare at Kirishima which would make things worse because unlike everyone's beliefs bakugou is a shitty liar. As if reading his mind Kirishima walks in accompanied by the short green-headed boy. Bakugou immediately makes eye contact with Midoriya before looking away not so discreetly. Midoriya continues to stare because he so desperately needed to talk to Bakugou like now!

All through class Bakugou could feel those emerald green eyes piercing right through him and apparently he wasn't the only one who caught, Todoroki was doing his best to not laugh all through class while Kirishima was dying from worry, what the heck could've happened for Midoriya to look at bakugou like that?

Class had gone by surprisingly quick which was just perfect for the rest of the students, but not for Bakugou. The moment the bell rang he was getting ready to supersonic his way out of the classroom but Midoriya had called him, which was the last thing Bakugou had wanted to happen. Bakugou was now making his way towards midoriya, Todoroki eyeing him from his seat knowing full well that Bakugou was definitely about to book it.

" Yo Midoriya what's up" Bakugou tries his best to run right then and there. "Bakugou-kun do you think we could talk for a moment?" Midoriya said a smile on his face, but bakugou could see through that in a minute, he was absolutely screwed. Bakugou was about to answer when Todoroki bumped in and said " Sorry Midoriya me and Katsuki have plans" Midoriya looks at bakugou desperately trying to get him to understand what he's telepathically saying but sadly Bakugou isn't smart enough for that, the only person he is capable of doing that with happens to be even more stupid when it comes to these kinds of things.

"oh what are you guys doing?" Midoriya says looking directly at Bakugou, causing bakugou to jab todoroki in the side " Yeah Todoroki what are we doing?" Todoroki's eyes widen then blurting out the first thing coming to mind " We are ummm err going on a date!" Todoroki says enthusiastically, while bakugou on the other hand almost chokes on his own spit. Midoriya narrows his eyes and stares at them suspiciously "hmmm" he hums.

Bakugou immediately looks away because again, he can't lie for shit. "well if you excuse us we have our date to get to" Todoroki says smoothly then grabbing ahold of Bakugou's hand. Bakugou was about to flip his shit when he realized that if he did that they would be screwed. Absolutely screwed. Bakugou and Todoroki continued to hold hands all through walking down the hallway until off of school grounds ignoring the stares the both were receiving.

Once they got to a respectable distance Bakugou then stops trying to calm down his racing heart which would not calm down. Bakugou tries to slip his hand away from Todoroki's but Todoroki doesn't budge. "You can let go of my hand now Todoroki" Bakugou mutters. "I would rather not Katsuki, your hands are quite warm and your adorably red right now," Todoroki says turning towards Bakugou while smiling brightly.

"OI SHUT UP ICYHOT" Bakugou yells but doesn't make any movement to take his hand way, they continue to walk in comfortable silence until Bakugou says "Thanks for helping me out back there... I don't know how I would've gotten out of that one on my own" Bakugou says amusingly, Todoroki then chuckled and says " why were you so uneasy about talking to him?" Todoroki asks genuinely curious. Bakugou then sighs and says "Because if he would've asked me to lie to Kirishima I probably would have done it, and I don't want to have to lie to Kirishima... .. although you could've come up with a better lie Moron! A DATE REALLY?!" Bakugou huffs angrily

"Who said anything about a lie?" Todoroki says smoothly a smirk taking over his face. "W-what!" Bakugou stammers quickly becoming flushed.

" I wasn't lying when I said we were going on a date Kitten~ "