
Chapter 44


Morning came faster than expected. Bright sunlight streamed through my window, falling upon my closed eyelids and awakening me from my deep slumber. I turned over, away from the sun's rays, feeling the pinch of nervousness as the events of last night came rushing back to me. Today was the day I would be 'tested', as Gabriel had put it. Hopefully that didn't entail anything too horrible and I could showcase my fighting skills. I could definitely hold my own pretty well back in my own pack.

I slowly sat up, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. What time was it anyways? Blinking, I glanced at the old-fashioned clock that hung on the wall by my bed. 10:08 a.m., it read. I was surprised Gabriel had not woken me up yet; he seemed the type to make everyone rise at the crack of dawn. My Wolf wondered what it would be like to open my eyes and see him first-thing every day.