
Chapter 10

Therefore, it was very fortunate that Maria showed up a few days after I got back to talk some sense into me. I heard an impatient rap on my door before the brunette entered my room, staring at me sternly.

"I knew I'd find you trapped in here. I understand staying in here the first day or two but this is getting ridiculous, Skylar!"

"Hello to you too, Maria," I replied grumpily.

She huffed before settling down beside me on the bed. "I've come over twice before, but your parents said you didn't want to talk! Are you okay? I'm worried about you....I'm always the first one you talk to!" Her dark eyes looked slightly hurt.

I shifted position to face her, feeling chastised. "I'm sorry I...I just feel awkward going in public and I wasn't sure how you felt about....things."

"Things? You mean how I feel about your Mate being that jackass Alpha of the Black Mountains Pack?"